got bored.

D "Ao Haru Ride"
the manga was so nice&i can't wait for more updates.

i pick
IU as the main girl because in the manga;the main girl looked
&she just remind me of IU. &as for chosing
Jonghyun from
he just came to mind while thinking about someone who would have nice wavy hair.

&i was just like;hey, he's never been in any of my work so why not.
*i'm planning on making a "
trailer" for this. &hopefully it goes well. XD
&"B.O.D.Y" XDD
as for chosing
Onew;for this manga. hm. i wanted someone who would look
but also could be
bad. &also someone who i haven't really done any work with.
so i ask my sister&she suggest Onew. Onew;was the first person who came to mind too.

&as for picking;
Park Jiyeon. she was my all time;
favorite. >.<