omg khmer is getting so difficult for me now since i learn english of course at skool like almost eryday LOL

...sometimes wen i speak to my yeay i get stuck cuz i cant find the right words LOL :wacko: ....and nowadays i could read khmer more than write it cuz its so hard to write in khmer with all of the curves and stuff LOL :huh: ...i learned how to write/read in khmer since kindergarten which was like 9 or 10 yrs ago [like im gonna remember that much LOL]

...but i sorta remember the khmer goes something like:
gaw, kaw, go, ko, ngo, jaw, chaw, jo, cho, nho, daw, taw, dua, tua, naw, and something something ionoe i forgot.....then it goes....thaw, something...tho, to, something...then...yo, ro, lo, vo, saw, haw, law, aw
yeah thats how much i know now LOL...
untinnu or somebody that knows please help me out on this alphabet thingy!!! LOL