sarNie OldFart
typical p'ek role
haha. at first, she was lying and now when shes actually pregnant, shes denying it. i guess she dont want to believe it herself. atleast it wont be a secret cuz that would be so typical. but mart, dumbo self will assume its padal..ok im watching eps 7 now --- YES . She pregrant . Cuz she was eating i think mango or pineapple lol den she throw up and Mart walk in and saw she covering her mouth so he just burst out she pregrant LOL !!! Ann look surprise and say she not pregrantthe scene is kind of funnie . So he told her to get it check out at the doctor clinic and Mart was there at the doctor office
and the next day Mart came to tell Ann the result is - she pregrant funnie brb.
u no thats kind of sad how he wont except the baby....from the teaser, mart will know ann is pregnant but he wont accept the baby cuz he assume its with his dad. oh, theres another scene where she push him on the sofa. i forgot about that one