Chapter 10
Cheewin: I just felt like talking with you. I don't know. It feels more fun.
Soliya: oh...then maybe you should talk with Sassani because she makes me feel that way.
Cheewin: maybe I should.
Soliya: are you and Aerin?
Cheewin: I think it's over between us.
Soliya: what?! Really?
Cheewin: yeah, she seems like she doesn't even like me anymore.
Soliya: awh, I hope you recover soon. Just talk to me whenever you feel like it okay?
Cheewin: okay, but I don't know where you stay now and when I come to Etude you're already working.
Soliya: to Sassani.
Sassani: yeah...,.
Soliya: she's pretty good.
Cheewin:: i'll talk with her then.
Soliya: i'm sorry Namcheo, but I have to go to work ,so i'm gonna go.
Cheewin: it's okay, I wasted your time.
Soliya: no you didn't.
Soliya walks back to Etude leaving Cheewin and Sassani alone. Sassani was about to say something but received a text message from Soliya
saying: Remember that he has a girlfriend!
Sassani ignores it and talks with Cheewin..
Cheewin: do you know what it feels like to love someone a lot, but that person doesn't love you back?
Sassani: yeah, sometimes they don't even realize how much you love them, but it isn't easy for someone to love.
Cheewin: you think so?
Sassani: well, in my opinion.
Cheewin: who is it that makes you feel that way?
Sassani: just....someone special that i've been liking for a long time.
Cheewin: hopefully he turns to like a wonderful person like you.
Sassani: thanks..
Cheewin: you wanna go home?
Sassani: i'll wait for Soliya because we're going together.
Cheewin: : okay, but wouldn't that be awhile?
Sassani: yes, but you can leave first.
Cheewin: : that isn't right, i'll stay with you, wanna go somewhere to kill time?
Sassani: sure.....
Cheewin: let's walk back to Etude then.
They both walk back to Etude.
Cheewin: what do you wanna do? It's boring to just sit and talk.
Sassani: I dunno, what about you?
Cheewin: how about......the movies?
Sassani: okay.
Cheewin: what do you wanna watch?
Sassani: i'd rather watch the premiere of your new lakorn.
Cheewin: you want to go in free?
Sassani: it doesn't matter, but I just want a reserved seat.
Cheewin: sure, i'll let you come in free and save you a seat.
Sassani: really? Thanks.
Cheewin: no problem at all, i'll tell you when the premiere is.
Sassani: okay.
Cheewin: lets' go.
Sassani: ok
They both got in Cheewin's car and Cheewin drove to the theater. Sassani and Cheewin came out of the car. A couple was walking holding hands. The girl looked back and saw Cheewin.
Girl: OMG! Isn't it Cheewin the singer?
She lets go of her boy friend's hand and runs to Cheewin.
Girl: It's you Cheewin! I want an autograph! Please give me one
Many girls start to run to Cheewin and Sassani.
Cheewin held out his hand to Sassani.
Cheewin: Come, take my hand
Sassani didn't know what to do but took his hand. Cheewin and Sassani ran together through the fans.
Sassani: you forgot to put on your disguise
Cheewin starts to laugh,
Cheewin: Yeah that's why
Sassani: What are you going to do now?
Cheewin: I don't know but trying to get away from these people
Cheewin and Sassani bumped into a girl. She fell to the ground.
Cheewin: Sorry, are you ok?
Girl: Hey! Why did you guys bump into me? WATCH IT!
The girl took off her sun glasses and looked at Cheewin.
Girl: P'Win?
Cheewin: Aerin?
Aerin looks at Cheewin and sees him holding Sassani's hand. Cheewin lets go of Sassani's hand.
Aerin: What are you doing P'Win?
The girls were getting closer screaming. '
Cheewin grabs Sassani's hand again.
Cheewin: Can't explain to you now, sorry Aerin
He runs off with Sassani.
Aerin was confused.
Aerin: P'Win! Come back!
The girls get5 to Aerin. They look at her.
1 girl: Hey isn't that Aerin? She is the one that refused Cheewin's proposal. Let's get HER!
All of the girls start hitting Aerin with their purses.
Aerin: Stop it! HELp!! Help me P'WIN!!!
Cheewin stops running and looks back. He lets go of Sassani's hand.
Sassani: Don't go or you're going to be on the news!
Cheewin: I don't care, I have to go help Aerin!
Cheewin runs back to Aerin and the crowd of girls. Sassani looks at Cheewin go. Cheewin gets to Aerin.
Cheewin: Stop IT!! Why are you all doing this to Aerin?
All the girls stop and looked at Cheewin. They started screaming.
Cheewin: Not NOW! I have to take Aerin home! Excuse me!
Cheewin gets through and goes carry Aerin. Aerin looks at him.
Cheewin: Don't be scared, I'm here.
Aerin looks away.
Aerin: Who told you to come help me?!
Cheewin: I Had to come back for you
Aerin: It's all your fault that these girls beat me like this!
Cheewin carries Aerin through the crowd of girls and to his car. He drives away. Sassani sees him leave. She was sad and took the taxi back to Etude. When she got there she sees Sila talking to Soliya.
Sila: Stay away from Cheewin!
Soliya: He is my friend!
Sila: he is your friend, but he is my brother!
Soliya: You can't force me!
Sila: Really?
Soliya: Yeah
Sila: Come now!
He grabs her hands.
Soliya: Let go of me!
Sassani goes to them.
Sassani: Where are you taking Soliya? Let go of her!
Sila: It's none of your business!
Sassani: If you want to tell her to stay away from Cheewin, then you don't have to because Cheewin only has Aerin in his heart. No one can replace her!
Sassani runs off crying.
Soliya: Sassani! Let go of me Sila! Did you hear what Sassani just said? Cheewin only has Aerin! And I will not like Cheewin because he is just my friend!
Sila: I'm not talking about Cheewin! We both have a problem to solve! Follow me or you want to make a scene and be out in the news?
Soliya: What are you going to do?
Sila: You think I can't kiss you in front of these people this time?
Soliya: Let go of my hand........ Ok I'll go with you
Sila: That's good
Soliya: I'm going to have to tell my manager
The manager comes.
Manager: Soliya are you leaving?
Sila: Can she leave with me?
Manager: Yes Sila, Soliya go sign out
Soliya: But I thought I have to work all day today?
Manager: I say you go sign out now
Soliya: Kap
Soliya signs out and gets out of Etude. She walks past Sila's car. Sila honks at her and she looks back. Sila waves and smiles at her. Soliya doesn't care and keeps walking. Sila drove his car and follows Soliya. Soliya looks back and Sila's car was next to her. She got scared.
Soliya: How scary!
Sila gets out of his car and grabs Soliya's hand. He pulls her into the car.
Soliya: Hey let go!
Sila drives off.
Soliya: Where are you taking me?
Sila: nowhere.
He stops the car and Soliya looks around.
Soliya: don't you know that you can't park here?
Sila: Not for me, I can park anywhere.
Soliya: just because....
Sila: yep just because of that.
Soliya: what do you want to talk about? HURRY up.
Sila: we still have a lot of time.
Soliya: …....i need to ask you something.
Sila: what? I thought you didn't want to talk with me,
Soliya: friend wants to be a singer in the SM Entertainment. Can you help me?
Sila: which friend?
Soliya: Chanok.
Sila: No I can't help you with that.
Soliya: I was expecting you to help me. I didn't know you would be that mean.
Sila: I'm not being mean, I just don't want to help certain people.
Soliya: so you don't want to help me?
Sila: I don't even know Chanok.
Soliya: well, Chanok is my friend, so it's like you're helping me.
Sila: Who told you to help him?
Soliya: I promised him that i'll help him.
Sila: too bad.
Soliya: please? Just help me.
Sila: is it my turn to say something?
Soliya: YES....
Sila: Aerin wants me to tell you to stay away from Cheewin.
Soliya: that's ALL?
Sila: yeah, and I don't think you should be around Chanok because he seems like a bad person.
Soliya: how can you say that to him? He's my childhood friend! You have no manners at all.
Sila: how does it matter? I'm just being honest.
Soliya: so conceited.
Sila: of course..who wouldn't like me?
Soliya: just help me to get Chanok in SM Entertainment.
Sila: No no matter what I won't help him
Soliya: Why?
Sila: …............
Soliya: Never mind, if you won't help me then I will ask some one else to help me
Soliya gets out of the car and she starts walking away from Sila's car. Sila drove his car following Soliya and honked at her. She ignored him.
Sila: Get in the car Soliya
Soliya: Just leave me here and go because I don't want to talk to you
Sila: Get in the car now
Soliya: No, I'll call Chanok to come pick me up
Sila: Talking about him again huh?
Sila stops his car and gets out. He goes to Soliya and grabs her hands and dragged her to his car.
Soliya: Stop it! I don't want to go with you!
Sila: Want me to help Chanok or not?
Soliya stops and looks at Sila.
Soliya: Really? You're going to help Chanok?
Sila: Want me to or no?
Soliya: Of course I want you to, please help Chanok
Sila: Ok then but you have to promise me one thing
Soliya: What is it?
Sila: Just say yes or no
Soliya: But I have to know what it is
Sila: Promise me that you're going to do me a favor
Soliya: What favor?
Sila: Whatever that favor is, you don't need to know. Just say yes or no, but if you say no I can't help Chanok
Soliya: Ok Yes, whatever it is I think I'll be ale to do it at least you help Chanok
Sila: Ok then get in the car.
Soliya: W...Why?
Sila: do you want to go home?
Soliya: I...I don't have a home
Sila: Oh yeah I forgot, you can stay at my place
Soliya: ..It's ok I'll just stay at Chanok's place, can you please take me there?
Sila: Talking about Chanok again?
Soliya: Why? Is there something wrong??
Sila: Let me tell you this whenever you're with me, don't talk about Chanok!
Soliya: Why not??
Sila: I don't like it!
Soliya: Chanok is my friend! If you are telling me to not talk about him, I don't think I can do it!
Sila: Ok, promise me that when Chanok gets the job you will not go see him or talk to him.
Soliya: No! I can't do that! Chanok is a great childhood friend to me!
Sila: If you can't do that then I won't be able to help him.
Soliya thinks about it.
Soliya: Ok I promise you when Chanok gets this job, I won't talk or go see him.
Sila: okay. You already promised.
Soliya: okay.
Sila drives to his house. When they got there, he opens the door for her.
Soliya: I...just remembered that Sassani wants me to spend the night at her house.
Sila: just do that tomorrow.
Soliya looks at him.
Sila: well, it's not that I want you to spend the night here, but we're already here. I'm tired of driving.
Soliya: okay, but will your family allow me to?
Sila: yes
Sila pulls her out of the car. Sila enters the house with Soliya behind him.
Sila's mother: who's that?
Sila: someone you don't need to know.
Soliya bows to Sila's mother to greet her and Sila drags her upstairs quickly.
Sila: sleep in my room and i'll go sleep in the other open room.
Sila unlocks his room.
Soliya: Sila, I can sleep in the other room.
Sila: no, just do what I say.
Soliya: where are the towels?
Sila: they're in my closet.
Soliya: thanks.
Sila walks away and Soliya enters his room. She goes inside his closet and looks for a towel, but she didn't see any. She was about to exit, but saw another door. She opens it and sees the towels.
Soliya: oh, there it is.
She grabs a towel on the top shelf, but she accidentally tip down a box. After she grab the towel, she picks the stuff in the box. There was a lot of pictures.
Soliya: is this Sila??
she started to go through the pictures and saw that it was only one girl that Sila was with. She searched for other boxes and found more but there was a big one covered with a white sheet of fabric. She remove the fabric and saw the picture of him and that same girl. She looks at the back of the picture and it had a date within their names.
Sila Sukrit Wisedkaew and Mennie Jarnidal
Soliya: 2004? Mennie? I understand now....that was when Sila wasn't famous and that is like 6 years ago.
Sila: what are you doing?!
She turns to look at him.
Soliya: …....getting a towel.
Soliya stands up and Sila goes closer to her.
Soliya: i'm sorry..
Soliya backs up and stops when she bumps onto the wall.
Sila: are you happy after going through my stuff?
Soliya: Sila...i'm really sorry.
Sila raises his fist and Soliya closes her eyes. He hits the wall with one of his fist. Soliya opens her eyes and looks to her right. She saw Sila's fist against the wall and it was bleeding.
Cheewin: what's going on?
Cheewin saw the picture of Sila and Mennie.
Cheewin: oh....
Cheewin: Soliya, I think we should go out.
they both got out together.
Cheewin: can you stay In my room, I need to talk with Sila.
Soliya: okay.
Cheewin goes back inside Sila's room and he was touching the big picture.
Cheewin: Sila, the past is the past. She doesn't love you anymore. I thought that you understood already.
Sila: can you shut up?!
Cheewin: she left you for another rich man.
Sila: I KNOW!
Cheewin: then what are these photos? Why did you yell at Soliya?
Sila: who cares about her.
Cheewin: you should go talk with her.
Sila: I don't want to talk with her.
Cheewin: never mind then. You're too stubborn!
Cheewin exits Sila's room and goes into his room.
Soliya: is he alright?
Cheewin: just leave him alone for now.
Soliya: but it was my fault.....
Cheewin: it's okay. Do you want me to take you to Sassani's house?
Soliya: yes..
they exit the house and got in the car.
Cheewin: tell me the directions.
Soliya: it's close to my house.
Cheewin: okay.
It was quiet the whole time until they got closer to Soliya's house.
Cheewin: Soliya, don't feel bad about what happened. He'll recover soon.
Soliya was still quiet.
Cheewin: turn here?
Soliya nods her head yes.
Soliya: just stop here.
Soliya exits the car.
Soliya: thanks.
Sassani looks through her window and sees Soliya and Cheewin talking.
Cheewin: Soliya......tell Sassani that i'm sorry for what happened earlier.
Soliya: you know how long Sila will be mad?
Cheewin: I don't know too........
Soliya: thanks a lot.
Soliya knocks on Sassani's door and Sassani opens the door. Cheewin drives off.
Soliya: Sassani, Cheewin wants to apologize to you for what happened earlier.
Sassani: come in.....
Soliya: have you been crying?
Sassani hesitates.
Sassani: ...n..o.
end of CHAPTER

im so relieved that i updated my
