Sassani and Cheewin arrive couple of minutes before Sila and Soliya. Cheewin gently taps Sassani on the shoulder to tell her that they arrive. She wakes up with a shock and secretly wipes her drools as he turns.
Cheewin: we’re here.
Cheewin exits his Infiniti and starts stretching. Sila parks beside them and quietly close his car door. He walks towards Cheewin.
Sila: You have the rooms reserved right?
Cheewin: yes, but the most that I can reserve is only 2 rooms. So we have to share.
Sila: Seriously?
Cheewin: Yeah.
Sassani: Where’s Soliya?
Sila: Shhhh! She’s sleeping right now, don’t bother her!
Sassani: Oh.Sorry.
Sila: okay, we both can share a room and double S will share a room.
Cheewin: Okay.
Sila:the rooms are close together right?
Cheewin: They’re across each other on the hall.
Sila: Okay.
Soliya rubs her eyes and looks around for Sila, she realizes that they already arrive at the resort. She opens the car door and accidently hit Sila. Sila looks back and sees Soliya awake.
Sila: Oh, Sleeping Beauty is awake.
Soliya: Stop teasing me.
Sila: Okay, just joking around. Why are you so grumpy?
Soliya: I’m just-tired.
Sassani: Soliya, let’s go play with the water!
Sila: So stuck-up, not even inviting Cheewin and I.
Sassani: Sorry, I forgot. Cheewin, Sila, wanna come along with us?
Sila: OF Course we do.
Sassani puts her arm around Soliya’s.
Sassani: Let’s Go.
Sila(looks towards their arms) : What’s with that?
Sassani: What’s with you? Always being Bossy.
Sila: Soliya, I’ll race you to the beach shore. Whoever loses gets to do whatever the person wins wants.
Soliya: You’re cheating! I can’t run fast.
Sila: I can’t either.
Soliya: well, I’m much more slow.
Sila: You’re just being a scaredy cat and making up excuses. Nevermind then, someone’s too chicken to just run to the beach shore.
Soliya: Fine! I’ll do it! I’ll race you to the beach shore!
Cheewin: I’ll just watch.
Sassani: So am i.
Sila: No one offered you two anyway, but one of you can count.
Sassani: Okay, I will count then. Start there on that stairway.
Soliya: What? we have to go down the stairway too?
Sassani: Yeah.
Sila: No excuses. Hurry, I wanna start.
They get on their positions and stood aside from each other bare foot.
Sassani: On your mark… Get.. Set….GO!
They start running as fast as they can to reach the beach shore. It was difficult for them to run on the sand since their foot sink down everytime they step on it but they were soft. Soliya was in the lead but slips because of the sand. Sila happily runs ahead of her and stops when he gets to the shore.
Sila: I won! I won!
Sila runs to where Soliya is and helps her up.
Soliya: I didn’t know that the sand can be that slippery.
Sila: Of course it can.
Soliya: what’s that?
Soliya looks down on her feet and sees a sand dollar. She picks it up.
Soliya: Oh! I found a sand dollar! I’ve never been to the beach, this is my first time-I’m so…happy!
Sila: Since you lost, I’ll challenge you to a board game when we get to the hotel.
Soliya: Fine, Fine. It’s just a board game anyway. I’ll surely win YOU!
Sila: I challenge you to two board games.
Soliya: Hey! That’s cheating!
Sassani and Cheewin reaches the beach shore.
Soliya: Fine, Fine. I’ll just do that, it’s so easy but this time same thing. Whoever wins each game has to do what the winner says.
Sila: Okay, Deal.
Soliya: Deal.
Sassani: You both are already planning to do something without us?
Soliya: It’s just our game…
Cheewin: Sassani, why don’t we just go surf the internet together when we go into the hotel.
Soliya: Sassani! Look! I found a Sand dollar!
Sassani: Wah! You’re so lucky!
Soliya: actually, I got a pair of it. You want one of them Sassani?
Sassani: No, I want to find one myself.
Soliya: Oh, okay. If that’s what you want. Let’s enjoy the beautiful view.
Sassani: okay.
Soliya closes her eyes and puts her arms out.
Soliya: this is so refreshing, it’s like flying!
In seconds, Soliya hears a flash and her eyes opens quickly. Sila waves the camera in the air.
Soliya: Hey! Delete that picture of me right now!
Sila: Catch me if you can.
Sila starts running, Soliya runs after him. He purposely stops and continues to wave his camera in the air. Soliya catches up to him and tries to snatch the camera away from him. He laughs as Soliya jumps to grab the camera. Sila backs up but ends up falling on the sand. Soliya starts to laugh really hard but Sila pulls her onto the Sand with him and rolls over. he is now on top of her.
Soliya: Nee Khun! what are you doing?
She pushes him but he doesn’t even budge.
Soliya: this is embarrassing! Move!
Sila rolls over.
Sila: this is what you call relaxing.
Soliya: yeah right, I’m all dirty now.
Sila: oh, right.
[Sassani and Cheewin]
Cheewin: let’s go on our own since they both keep ditching us.
Sassani: Alright, but where should we both go?
Cheewin: The Piers? It’s quite fun.
Sassani: okay.
[Sila and Soliya]
Soliya: Here, I’ll give the other pair to you.
She hands him the sand dollar.
Sila: You sure? I’m going to keep it forever then, you can’t take it back no matter what.
Soliya: yeah, you can keep it forever.
Sila: Let’s go play the board game right now.
Soliya: Now?
Sila: Yeahh.
Sila gets up and helps Soliya, tugging her up. They arrive in the hotel in minutes. Sila asks the person in the front for their room number. They walked to room 200 and sila slides the card to open the door. He grabs the board games inside the cabinet and places them on the bed.
Sila: we’re going to play Connect 4 and Scrabble for fun.
Soliya: I’m fine with it.
Sila: okay.
Soliya walks over and sits on the large bed.
Sila: I call Reds.
Soliya: Okay, I’ll be black.
They set it up and start to play. Sila starts first and puts a red in the middle, they kept putting in black and red but no one lost so they restarted. They did the same thing, sila didn’t see the black one that she placed on the bottom left corner and Soliya had a connect 4.
Soliya: Yes! I won! I won!
Sila: That was just a lucky move.
Soliya: I can’t think of anything for you to do at all…
Sila: well, let’s play scrabble then. Let’s see who can spell more words.
Soliya: Okay.
They clean up Connect 4 up and sets up Scrabble.
[Cheewin and Sassani on the piers]
Cheewin: it’s pretty right? You can see the beach up here.
Sass: Yeahh; it’s so pretty. It’s such a nice view.
Cheewin: if I ask you a question, will you tell me honestly?
Sass: Of course I will. Why would I not?
Sassani focuses on the beach and smiles, ready to hear what he’s going to ask her.
Cheewin: by chance-like me?
Sass: How? How did you find out that I…-you..this is so embarrassing!
Sassani quickly runs away from Cheewin and calls Soliiya.
Soliya: Hello?
Sass: He…he found out…
Soliya: who found out what?
Sass: Cheewin…
Soliya: Cheewin what?
Sass: he knows that I like him now…
Soliya: How did he find out?
Sass: I don’t know…
Soliya: Where are you right now?
Sass: I’m coming down the piers right now.
Soliya: Okay, I’m coming there then.
Sass: No, you don’t have to. I want to be alone for now.
Soliya: Okay…
They hang up and Soliya sits still, worried about Sassani.
Sila: what’s wrong?
Soliya: it’s-Cheewin knows that Sassani likes him..
sila: Oh..that’s good.
Soliya: She’s scared that Cheewin might-might avoid her and start hating her if he finds out.
Sila: Cheewin won’t do that, I know him.. he doesn’t like to hurt girls.
Soliya: I don’t know…
Cheewin(enters): what? Avoid? Hate?
Soliya turns back.
Soliya: that-that….
Sila: don’t mess up the game, but stay here. I’ll go talk to him.
Sila pulls Cheewin to the front of the hotel.
Sila: You like that Sassani?
Cheewin: Why?
Sila: just hurry and tell me now.
Cheewin: you can say that…
Sila: then go find her and tell her that you won’t avoid her or hate her.
Cheewin: but she doesn’t want to see me at the moment.
Sila: don’t worry, if she avoids you then just tell her the truth.
Cheewin: okay. Thanks.
Sila: no problem.
Cheewin leaves in a rush and sila enters the room again.
Sila: it’s solved, so don’t worry.
Soliya: you suree?
sila: don’t worry.
Soliya: okay..
Sila: I’m in the lead. Jealous?
Soliya: it’s just the start, so don’t worry.
[cheewin, searching for Sass]
He searches every where for her but she wasn’t any where. About to give up, he sees her walking towards the ocean. He panicks and starts running towards her. he pulls her aside and hugs her tightly.
Sass: what are you doing?
Cheewin: what do you think you’re doing to kill yourself like that?
Sass: I’m just enjoying the water, what do you mean killing.
Cheewin(stops hugging her): Sorry.. I didn’t mean to-
The wave comes splashing really hard, pushing both of them down. Cheewin holds onto her hand tightly and as the wave disappears he gets up and pulls Sassani up.
Sass: thanks..
Cheewin: no problem..
Sass: Sorry, I’ll leave now.
Cheewin grabs her hands.
Cheewin: you don’t have to. Why do you think that I’ll hate you and avoid you?
Sass: I-Becaue..I’ll never ever be able date a good person like you.
Cheewin pulls her closer for a kiss.
[sila and soliya playing scrabble]
Soliya: HA! Who’s the lead now? I’m winning you!
Sila ignores her and spells his word.
Soliya: Just give up already.
Sila: after I spell this word.
Sila puts the letters onto the board.
sila: L-O-V-E
End of Chapter! thanks for reading! sorry, no previews
Thanks for reading gals!i appreciate it alot.I’mma be kind of slow on updating since I have 3 fanfics and I’m being a psing freak these days. And I need to lose weight since I’m getting fatter too, so sorry if I start posting my FF up slow!anyways, thanks for reading:wub:
awwwww this chapter was sooooo cute and sweet. i love sila and soliya, they are so fun. i can't believe he spelled out L-O-V-E...i wonder what soliya is going to do. cheewin and sassani are cute too, and he kissed her!!
don't worry about the slow updates, everyone has phases where they are motivated to update or start psing a lot or watching a ton of lakorns at once...but i will wait for them just remember to update them...just as long as you don't stop then i'm happy. i need too lose weight, i gained like the freshman 15+
awww, AwesomeDua, take your time.
I always love your updates & artwork
BTW, ILoveThisChapter
Sila spelled out LOVE, that part was amazing !
wow, Cheewin & Sassani, they kissed.
this is too cute DDD
The Race was cute, too
they're so childish but cute ^^
Soliya gets up to leave the room but sila grabs a hold of her hand, she turns back and tries to pull away from him but she ended up falling onto him.
Sila: you’re pretty heavy sleeping beauty.
Soliya: I’m not sleeping beauty, so stop calling me that!
Soliya tries to get up using her hands, sila helps her and smiles. She quickly stands up and was about to exit the door when her phone starts ringing.
Soliya: hello?
Cheewin: We’re too tired of the day and tired of switching rooms so why don’t we just leave it like now?
Soliya: No way! That’s a shame! I won’t ever do that!
Cheewin: just calling to let you know!
Soliya: Cheewin! When did you become like this?
Cheewin: what do you mean?
Soliya: like…nevermind..
Cheeewin: so, you like the plan?
Soliya: What does Sass say?
Cheewin: she thinks that it’s a good idea.
Soliya: what? but I can’t-
Soliya looks at sila.
Soliya: I can’t share a room with him.
Cheewin: it’s okay, he won’t do anything to you.
Soliya: okay…
Soliya slowly hangs up.
Sila: what is it? We’re sharing a room together?
Soliya: yes..i think Cheewin and Sassani are together now..
Sila: that doesn’t mean that they have to share a room together! That’s no fair! I don’t want to share a room with you.
Soliya: so do i. I’ll sleep on this sofa over here.
Sila: that sure is uncomfortable. You can sleep on the bed with me.
Soliya looks at him with a weird look.
Sila: its just that I feel bad for you…and plus I won’t do anything to you. You can use anything to block the middle if you don’t trust me.
Soliya: No thank you.
Sila: Okay, as you wish.
Soliya fixes her bed on the sofa and goes to sleep while sila turns off the lights. Since the Sofa was a little too short, Soliya couldn’t get comfy and kept moving. She gets up and looks at the bed. She decides to go sleep there, grabbing her own blanket and pillow, she walks over to the bed. She uses her pillow to block sila and goes to sleep.
The Next day…She was happy to find herself in the same position,she turns to her side and sees sila sleeping soundlessly. She found it happy to see him sleeping. He opens his eyes and caught her staring at him, she looks away quickly.
Sila: I saw what you were doing.
He gets up and rubs his eyes, she was still quiet.
Sila: I’m gonna go shower.
When he was gone, she got up. She starts to think if she should tell him that she loves him. She doesn’t know how to explain it, but she wants him to know that she loves him.
Cheewin: I’ll order breakfeast, what would you like?
Sassani: uh…it doesn’t matter…depends on you.
Cheewin: alright, I’ll be back in a bit then.
Minutes later…
sila gets out of the shower and gets dressed. After getting dressed, sila comes out. Soliya turns to look at him and continues to go through her stuff.
Sila: there something wrong? You seem to be acting odd..
Soliya: nothing’s wrong.
Sila: you wanna go down for breakfeast?
Soliya: uhhh..sure?
Sila opens the door for both of them.
Soliya: I need to tell you something.
Sila: okay.
[sila&soliya arrives at the counters]
they both order for their breakfeasts.
Sila: so what Is it that you’re going to tell me?
Soliya: I-I just wanted to tell you that..I…I..L-
She broke off, getting interrupted by a girl’s voice.
Licha: sila! It really is you! I wasn’t expecting you to be here!
She runs to hug him and greets him with a light kiss.
Sila: woah..slow down… Licha?
Licha: oh, and who’s this?
Sila: oh..she’s just a friend of mine.
Licha: oh, well she doesn’t seem to be your type at all.
Sila: yeah, but actually she-
He didn’t get to finish his line.
Soliya: I’ll go walk around. Please enjoy yourselves.
Soliya walks off to the beach.
Sila: wait just a moment.
Licha tugs onto him.
Licha: sila, I’m not finished yet.
Sila: let it be next time alright?
He uses his smile that would make any girl fall for it. She lets go of him and nods for him to go. He waves at her with another smile and runs towards the beach going after Soliya. When he catch up, he uses his smile again.
Soliya: why are you here?
Sila: just wanted to know what you wanted to tell me.
Soliya:I have nothing to say.
Sila: actually, I already know what you want to say but I want to hear you say it.
Soliya: If you know what I want to say then go away, leave me alone.
Sila: I knew that you would’ve lose and say that you love me. Girls are way too easy. I can get anyone to say that word love and they would say it.
Soliya: so you were…lying to me all along?
Sila: not really. It was quite hard to make you. You see, Love is Like a Game…
Soliya: but I never said that I love you so it doesn’t count.
Sila: you were about to.
Soliya: isn’t that your intention?
Sila: I like it this way better though…I don’t like it when girls tell me that they love seems like a lie.
Soliya: tell girls that you love them, so are you lying? I’m asking you for a second time.
Sila: I don’t lie…well..i do..but not when I say that I love them..i rarely tell girls that I love them, I use a different techniques to make them fall for me.
Soliya: you confuse me..there are times that I feel like I understand you, but I don’t understand you in reality.
Sila: so..what was that earlier? Jealousy?
Soliya: what?
Sila: just admit it..
[phone rings]
soliya: hello?
Sassani: where are you?
Soliya: the beach..shore..
Sassani: oh.
Soliya: why?
Sassani: just asking…so where are you both going to go?
Soliya: uhm..i’m not planning to go anywhere, just going to stay here.
Sassani: I guess so.
Soliya: what about you??
Sassani: same..
Soliya: I think I’m going to leave in a bit because I have work and lots of work.
Sassani: is sila taking you?
Soliya: no, I’m taking the taxi.
Sassani: are you sure?
Soliya: of course.
Sassani: I’ll see you soon then…
Soliya: okay…
Sila: you’re leaving? Today?
Soliya: eavesdropper…
Sila: I can take you back..if you don’t mind.
Soliya: I’m fine, I’ll go back myself.
Sila: you sure? You won’t have fun in the cab and plus I’m going to be left out without a date.
Soliya: you have your Licha.
Sila: you are jealous.
Soliya: so not.
A group of reporters runs towards sila and starts questioning him, cameras flash taking pictures of both of them together.
Reporter: sila, can we ask you who this girl is?
Sila: no worries, everyone. She’s just a special friend of mine.
Reporter: there’s been a lot of news and rumors of you with a lot of different girls lately, which one are you actually dating?
Sila: actually I-
Soliya, full of anger because of hearing more news about him and girls walks off and searches for a taxi. Sila, stuttering was about to follow her again, but the reporters formed a circle around him.
Reporter: sila, sila..or do you just find it fun to drink and hang out?
Sila: okay, I’ll tell everyone the truth. I’ve never believe in true love after dump by this girl..she was the first to make me feel special, but made me realize that love is nothing, a big nothing. So, I don’t date girls. I only like to hang out and chill with them at times. The girl earlier…she changed my life..she showed me the world, what it’s like to not hide the true me and for me to not live in the dark. I-I don’t say this word, and not in public..but I will, for her..i love her, I love Soliya. I..i’ll propose to her today.
Everyone claps and cheers for him, sila pushes through the crowd and gets in his car to go after, but first he would need that special ring.
[Cheewin and Sassani watching news]
Sassani: Yeah, BOY! You rock, take action. Love that! So cute! I think soliya went home though. Isn’t that cute though Cheewin?
Cheewin: yeah that is.
Sassani: I can’t wait to go to that wedding. I’ll surely catch that bouqet and marry next.
She smiles at Cheewin.
Aerin: WHAT? he’s…gonna propose to that low life? Ugh, so annoying. I’m back up to the game! That marriage of yours or proposal will never happen sila.
End of chapter
Aerin: oh right. sila told me that he was going to lie to that girl and play her off. Yes, with a proposal. He would never like a lowlife like her anyway.
Soliya: No, I don’t. stop with your act. I hate you and I don’t want to see you ever again!
Sassani: I’ll help you with this.
Cheewin: I knew that it was you Aerin.
&&thanks for reading gals, ily
Next chapter is probably the last?
haven't started on it yet,but it'll probably end there.
then,i'll try to finish the promise and true destination)
next chapter is the last?
omgg, can't wait. the suspense, haha.
yaaa, Sila & Soliya !
love them, ergg, Aerin's gonna ruin everything.
wonder what she's gonna do ?
can't wait...
sila: where would Soliya go? I should call and ask Sassani.
He calls and Sassani answers.
Sassani: Hello? Sila?!
Sila: you have any idea where Soliya might be?
Sassani: My house, Etude….
Sila: alright, thanks.
He hangs up right away and drops by Jewels to buy a ring, he walks towards the lady on the counter.
Lady: welcome sir, what would you like today? OH! Sila!
Sila: I want the Best and Most expensive rings in here.
Lady: Alright, I'll bring them here.
The lady takes a couple of minutes to grab the rings. She lays them in order in front of sila. Sila looks at them.
Sila: I'll take the one with the white diamond, Queen Mary.
Lady: yes sir, Queen Mary's cost is 100,000,000
Sila: I have no time left, call here for the money. I'll deal with it later.
He slams the card on the glass and grabs the ring.
[Aerin, at Etude]
Her best and intelligent idea ever, she thought. She searches around Etude for Soliya and spots her on the window front just staring onto the table. Aerin lets out a smile and walks over to the table behind her. she puts on one of her ringtone and pretends to answer it.
Aerin: hello? Oh, yes. Has sila told you yet? He's going to propose to that one girl and…yes, nice guess. He's just playing with her, I mean he's been playing with her all along you know? Why would sila like a low life like her? I forgot her name.. Soli-..Soli something..i don't know where she is at the moment though.
She closes her phone and lets out a smile. Her phone starts ringing again.
Aerin(whispering): Who is it at this time?
She quickly walks out of Etude before Soliya can see her.
Aerin: Hello?
Chanok: Hey. Long time since I've talked to you.
Aerin: who's this?
Chanok: Chanok, have you forgotten already?
Aerin: What Chanok, you crazy guy! I-I don't know you!
Chanok: I need a talk with you, so see you in a bit.
Aerin: what a stalker.
[sila, entering Etude]
sila looks for soliya and sees her sitting beside the window. He walks to her happily and hides the bouqet of red roses behind him. He takes a seat across from her and smiles happily. He takes out the bouqet and hands it to her, she ignores him.
Sila: Hey, sleeping beauty. What's wrong?
She still ignored him. Sila takes out his ring and opens the box without hesitating.
Sila: Will you marry me?
Tears rolls down her cheeks and she still kept ignoring him. He wipes her tears with his thumbs and she pushes him away roughly.
Sila: what's wrong with you? I'm proposing to you here…
Soliya: No, I don't and I never will believe your acting again! You're a liar!
Soliya runs out of Etude and sila goes after her.
Sila: after I bought Queen Mary for 100,000,000? And you think that I'm lying to you? I never lied to you.
Soliya: Stop! Stop it!
She grabs the ring from the opened box and throws it onto the ground, she runs off crying. Sila, confused and sorrowful looks for his ring as it starts to rain. He didn't know where it rolled off, but he couldn't find it. It took him hours to find Mary Queen under the rock. He heads home and walks upstairs slowly.
Cheewin: Hey, sila! How'd it go?! Did she agree to it?
Sila: what does it look like to you?
Cheewin: No?
Sila: that's correct, she thought that I was acting all along and so she rejected me. I don't understand girls at all..
Cheewin: can't be..i thought she like you..there must be a misunderstanding.
[Aerin and Chanok]
Aerin: Hurry, I don't have much time for you.
Chanok: you-don't remember me?
Aerin: no.
Chanok: remember, when we were young?
Aerin: that was a long time ago. How can I remember?
Chanok: Remember Wapol?
Aerin: I've never heard of anything that insane. If that is the truth then how come I don't know anything about it? Where's your proof? Where is it?
Aerin searches his pockets for proof but ends up falling on him.
The Next Day
[sila's house]
Cheewin: Where's sila?
Maid: He's not up yet.
Cheewin: What? really?
Maid: he told me to tell you and your mother to not bother him.
Cheewin: Anything else that he's done secretly?
Maid: I'm not supposed to tell you, but I'll do it for his own good. He's been drinking all night.
Cheewin: Oh, thanks. I thought he was going to go party all night. There's really something that is odd.
He receives a phone call.
Sassani: Cheewin ?
Cheewin: Yes.
Sassani: what happened? Soliya won't tell me anything at all.
Cheewin: I don't know, maybe a misunderstanding but Soliya rejected sila and now he's being a drunk jerk.
Sassani: I don't understand why she rejected him..not at all..
Cheewin: I'm trying to fix it here.
Sassani: I'll help you with this.
Cheewin: Alright.
Sassani: Okay,breakfeast Soliya?
Soliya: no thank you.
Sassani pushes the Cable controller button and sila appears on the news.
Sassani: that was from yesterday.
Soliya: I don't really care and switch channels please?!
On News:
Sila: okay, I'll tell everyone the truth. I've never believe in true love after dump by this girl..she was the first to make me feel special, but made me realize that love is nothing, a big nothing. So, I don't date girls. I only like to hang out and chill with them at times. The girl earlier…she changed my life..she showed me the world, what it's like to not hide the true me and for me to not live in the dark. I-I don't say this word, and not in public..but I will, for her..i love her, I love Soliya. I..i'll propose to her today.
Soliya turns off the screen.
Sassani: what's with you! Why did you reject him? He..HE changed for you and-
Soliya: He didn't and he was acting all along!
Sassani: You call that acting?! He ruined his image for you, he can be infamous at anytime but he doesn't care because it's about you! Have you even stop to think who he is to you?!
Sassani storms out of her house and slams the door behind.
days passed and the nothing changed, nothing did. Everything was still the same. Sila, the drinking jerk, soliya, still thinking cluelessy while Cheewin and Sassani seeks for the truth of their true brother and friend.
Cheewin: Hello?
Aerin: P' Win?
Cheewin: Aerin?
Aerin: I..i can't face sila or else he'll surely kill me.
Cheewin: what is it?
Aerin: I'm just-sorry. I'm really sorry, he'll forgive me right?
Cheewin: I don't understand why you're saying sorry out of the blue.
Aerin: I've, it's a shame to say it…but I-I..did something to make her think that sila doesn't really love her and that.
Cheewin: okay, I think I understand the rest.
Aerin: I'm truly sorry for being such a burden and I really regret for my dumb decisions..
Cheewin: it's alright.
Aerin: thanks for understanding me, you've been a great person to me, a great brother. I'm going to go to America with Chanok today. I wish you and Sassani the best.
Cheewin: Uhhh-thanks..Best of luck to you and Chanok.
Aerin: alright.
Cheewin: you'll still call to keep in contact right?
Aerin: that's a promise. Actually, I'm planning to live in America..
Cheewin: Either way, gotta keep in contact, internet can be possible.
Aerin: alright.
Cheewin: have a nice trip.
Aerin: okay, thanks. Good bye.
Cheewin:sorry for not sending you off, good bye…
Cheewin hangs up and smiles at Sassani.
Cheewin: I figured that it's not even a big problem. Soliya misunderstood, she listened to Aerin's words or whatever she did.
Sassani: We'll be able to fix it right?
Cheewin: of course.
Sassani hugs Cheewin happily.
Sassani: I won't see my friend sad anymore!
[Soliya at market]
Soliya(thinking to herself): I don't know if he was acting or not..i just don't know..
Someone bumps into her, he was dressed in a black suit and dark shades.
Guy: Sorry Miss! Can you please call the ambulance? There's a-a dead person on the..
Soliya: Excuse me? What dead person?
Guy: over there.
Soliya runs towards the bloody person, not fearing anything. She holds him and yells for help
Soliya: somebody HELp! Excuse me? Are you all right? You're…not dead right?
HE opens his eyes, that was when she realized that he was sila.
Soliya: sila?
Sila: I'm not worthy enough to live any more…I- I-
Sila closes his eyes and his hands drops to the ground. Soliya didn't know what to do and got Inside the taxi trying to pull him inside.
Soliya: to the hospital.
Taxi: yes, right away.
All the way, she whispered for him to be alright.
soliya: uhmm,excuse me? Are you going to the hospital? I mean the correct way? I'm in a rush here! Someone is dying!
Sila opens his eyes and smiles at how worry she is about him. She sees sila with his eyes opened and smiling, he looked like he wasn't even hurt a bit.
Soliya: don't tell me you were acting!
Sila gets up and she pushes him to the other end of the seat.
Sila: Only now I was! You think I was acting all along from the beginning and you believed other people's words too?!
Soliya: i…
Sila: you what?
Soliya: I was wrong and confused at the time. I'm sorry.
Sila: how can you just-nevermind! I'm getting to the point.
He takes out his ring and pops the box opened.
Soliya: is that how you propose?
Sila: I proposed nicely in the beginning and you reject so are you going to accept or reject?
Soliya: I'll happily accept.
Sila: Really?!
Soliya: Yes..but I'm still mad because of your act just now.
Sila: it's only fake blood. It wasn't my idea, it was Cheewin's and Sassani's idea. You can't blame me.
Soliya: Fine, you win.
Sila slips the ring onto her finger.
Sila: Love is like a Game…
Soliya: No it's not.
Sila: well…that's how it started though.
Soliya: Fine, you win again.
Here's the Trailer for This Fiction, it was my first time making one so sorry if it's too fast!
That's the Ending Guys
thanks for reading alrighties & enduring with my mistakes.
i really love your comments,they make me smile
Please continue to read my fictions?
well maybe a new fiction after the promise finishes.
it's on my signature: Dolorous Vengeance of Love.
thanks so MUCH for reading my fiction!I LOVE YOU ALL!
i loved this fic so muchos Bie & Aff are so cute throughout this whole FF
i love the ending, Love is Like a game, that's how it started. haha xD
btw, i also love that ending poster of Bie & Aff
good job, awesomedua.
can't wait to read your next one :3