but does pra'ek and nang'ek eventually end up together in the 2nd version, since it goes pass the head getting chopped off thing?Rickella said:I saw 2 version of this. One where it ended after she got her head chopped off. Which my father told wasn't the true ending cuz according to folklore the yak took her body and she came back to life. A few years later they had a remake and it went pass the whole head chopping stuff. N'ek did get her head chopped off but she didn't die. The green guy up in heaven transform into a Yak and came to take her body away and revived her. After that she remain in the forest and wore all white, like a nun. Some time pass, the p'ek came across her hut and saw her but she predented not 2 kno him. And all them other stuff.
yea it is kinda of oldBaBeeLaiLai said:Damnnnn sarn that picture looks hella old...but oil looks really kute and pretty in it though...! I think imma purchase this lakorn too..i kinda miss it...!
You got that right..lol..Well if they changed the pra aek and don't put in fake stuff then it will be good...But I want to watch the original...But anyways..It kinda reminds me of Yor Pra Glin...When the nang aek turns into a guy..Man..Come to think of it I want them to re-make this lakorn and put Au in it..And Boy of courserukmos said:I remember watching this and it was okay, but I don't like the pra'ek in the recent one. Some how, most of his boran lakorn always annoy me.