i've never seen the old one. so i don't know. i love pat though & think she's doing a good job.

i love that scene where she's just laughing in the hospital over that dream. it was hilarious!
If you think this one is funny...your laugh ur head off at the first one. My aunt loved so much she watch it everyday.
The old version have much better storyline and explaination of thing.....Nang aek try to find dirt on pra aek to prove to her grandma that he already have a g/f and is no good. So she got hired as a cook..but back then if ur a servent and is pretty, ur get taken advantage of or rape...So the gay guy (her bestfriends) suggest she be as ugly as she can.
So she got hired as a cook in pra aek house. On pra aek end..back in the old day...gang member would try to get hire as a servent and then bring member to rob them. At the same time pra aek is trying to find dirt on nang aek to prove to his mom that she's not a good person. This is when the misunderstanding begin....When nang aek is not home, pra would sneak into her room and search throught her stuff..the mother would follow her son, she through her son went crazy and is inlove with the cook. One time when pra aek saw nang aek and b/f from American talking, She told him she was a hooker or something...I THINK THEY HAVE MORE EXPLAINATION AND STORYLINE IN THE OLD VERSION.
In this current one...Everyone already know nang aek is the cook except pra mom and nang aek. This make nang aek look real stupid...