Mafia Tee Rak-(Methamahaniyom)


sarNie Oldmaid
are u serious..argh! now i'm gonna wish foe this to air..but tat'll mean I'm wishin' for Ruk Nee Hua Jai to end..argh! but i can't wait to see this one...foe the mean while i'll enjoy Janie/Ken while i can...**tears**


Lakorn Obsesser
.lol. Happy & sad at the same time too. Ruk Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong is getting better too... It'll be a long time before it ends though. So there's lots to love.hehe.


Lakorn Obsesser
I'm not sure now. Noiki from Spicy said from Friday-Sunday, which is Leh Kularb's slot... Hmmmmm...


Lakorn Obsesser
Mafia Tee Ruk will be airing in the Wed-Thurs slot after Ruk Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong, not Leh Kularb. I got it off from Thaitv3 & Napapafancub.


sarNie Oldmaid
yeahhh!! Wed-Thursday is reallie good foe me..cuz i dun usuallie get the lakorns until a day after..which means i get to watch it on Friday..which means it won't interfer w/ my school work...tat's one of the reasons why i luv Ruk Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong soo much...arrrgggh! but i still can't stand the thought of Ruk Nee Hua Jai ending..**tears**


Lakorn Obsesser
Ruk Nee won't end till about another month because from what I heard, Mafia is airing in about Sep. 30.


sarNie Oldmaid
i hope so..the onlieupcoming lakorn of his i know of is Sawan Being..but i'm reallie scared his ratings will go down once he gets marries..which i'm am predicting will be around Dec. since he says he'll announce the wedding 3 months in advance...argh! so banner is foe me..eheeeehhee

but can't wait to see Chakrit though..dyin' to see a fresh new him..


sarNie Adult
It look so freaking good...chakrit being mad is sexy as hell...hihihih...I can't wait for it to air...I am loving chakrit and Pat pairing already...they actually look good together even if Chakrit is a lot older but they actually pulled it off quite well...


sarNie Coma
if i remember correctly the summary did say pats suppose to marry someone but she runs away with chackrit?


sarNie Egg
OMFG!!!! Thanks so much, tinah!!!! I love it already!!!!! They look good together!!!!!!!!! I want to see the teaser!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

Pat was suppose to marry Por, but Chakrit goes and snatches Pat away.... The summary was posted way back 3 months before the lakorn even started... I'm gonna take it out soon Keep it a surprise..hehe..

I forgot my account's pw :( . I changed it yerserday and now I can't remember my pw... Now I have to use my sister's :( :( .