OH! My! FREAKING goodness!! ice-creamgirl look where ur obession has taken you and US...LOL
love the music videos...esp. the third one.but shayne ward dude...i love tat man!! ahh! you should totallie make another MV w/ his song "Breathless" tat's my new song i'm currently listenning 2 24/7..ahh! thank you..forget the Jungle Fever it's Mafia Fever...LOL
LOL I'm glad you guys like my MV's! Makes me so happyIce CreamGirl..sorrie but is there another name Kashie can call u by instead of tat whole icecream tingie...sorrie...
but thanx for the song...i thought i had it but guess not...LOL..and love the new MV...someone made me hate Jagged Edge but still love the MV..esp. the beginning we/ P"Krit is just there thinking away...and LOL i still remember how u described his tear "big fat" ...LOL
i'm living for ur "Breathless" MV..**drools**
I'm looking forward to your MV's KristyS! I was going to make one with that Alicia Keys song..But I want sure what scenes to put in..I've still got to make one for that scene where he tells her he loves her and starts hitting his chest..lol :yahoo:Yay! The megaupload files still work! I'm going to dl it tomorrow and make my own personal mv of them lol
LOL ok..I'll try too..I'm not sure what clips to put..Any suggestions?...I'm thinking about doing one with pitta (i love her and her curves) and por..using usher-seperated.... :huh:Forget it.lol. It's too much to dl everything over. Icecreamgirl, could you make the mv using Alicia Keys's song? I'd totally love to see it.