I stumbled across this drama (actually part II) accidentally on Viikii while trying to find another drama. I decided to watch it and realized that it was the Chinese version of Meteor Garden/Hana Yori Dango/Boys Before Flowers. I started the first part on Saturday and now I'm on the second season episode 24. I have to wait for the english subs to come out but OMG I like this drama. I like the cast and I like how it doesn't have the exact storyline and the others. There are some parts that make me so angry, but overall I like it ^.^
In all the other versions, I would root for second guy (Duan Mu) because I like how he was calm and sweet and always there for the main girl. But this is the FIRST version where I fell in love and was rooting for the main guy (Yun Hai). In the first season I liked everyone except Duan Mu because of how he acted in selfish and his hair was a major turnoff. BUT, in season two he was the ONLY one I liked all the way through (only on ep. 24 right now) because he was understanding and smart! Plus he cut is hair
HOWEVER, Jiang Yuan (aka Yesha, the girl the main guy falls in love with after he loses his memory) makes me so MAD!! She is super crazy and her actions are so unjustified, but I can live with it~ Plus, I LOVE Yu Xun & Yun Hai!!!!!! Their chemistry is awesome. I like that most of the main cast are newbies, they are all pretty good.
Having seen all the versions so far (minus season 3 of Hana Yori Dango and I haven't read the manga yet...and the Filipino version<---did theirs come out yet? i found out that it's called Brats Boys Beyond, coming out 2011), I like the Chinese and Taiwanese versions the most. The Korean was good but I did not like the fact that all F4 characters didn't have equal story lines, it seemed like it was F3 instead, and the drama didn't really capture me in the end (although I did really like it when I watching it). I know that I like the Japanese version, but maybe not because their whole series was forgettable for me. I can't really remember how the Japanese one went :S But I will have to find time to watch every version---staying loyal to this '_'
Today I just found out that Chinese dramas dub over their own dramas!!!!!! That means that Let's Watch the Meteor Shower I & II cast members' voices are NOT even theirs

I really like their voices in the drama, but I did watch clips with them and their real voices---I like it too. However, the voices in the drama probably matches their characters in the the series more. But this was SHOCKING NEWS to me.
That's the end of my rant about this drama...for now. Now here are some pictures of Let's Watch the Meteor Shower Again (the second season): [credits to viikii.net]
Main Couple: Yu Xun & Yun Hai [aka Shancai & Daoming Si]
Yu Xi & Duan Mu [aka Lei]
Xiao Yu & Shangguan [aka Ximen]<---Xiao Yu is Yu Xun's best friend
Yun Duo & Ye Shuo [aka Meizou]<---his storyline is the most different!
Chinese H4
Let's Watch the Meteor Shower [season one], along with Duan Mu's long hair: [credits to original uploaders]