Here is the preview of the last ep, the ending is near

......YWY finally cries

, crying with him too

....* dare of YX shooting that arrow to YWY's chest?!

<- probably this is the first time I use this emoji & in this case I have to lol. If YX is man enough he wouldn't be shooting his opponent like that, fight your opponent one on one

maybe YX knows he will lose to YWY if they were to fight one on one

. I think I haven't compared YWY to YX or vice versa but I read one comment from a YX fan (I believe this fan is more of a Shawn's fan than YX's fan & he/she isn't a fan of YWY &/or LGX hehehe) & I got a little

urgh annoyed by it lol. Don't get me started on comparing them

The scene of YX shooting an arrow at YWY got me mad. They are enemies, not on the same side but YX's intention in shooting YWY is more about him loosing XE to YWY lol. Okay so you lost your crush to a good guy, shouldn't you be happy for her instead of wanting her man dead (I get that they are enemies but still in a case they aren't enemies then that is really cruel). YX had his chance but he himself of all people blew it. He should be mad disappointed at himself.
I will return later to talk more about YWY & YX & XE.
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