bugsy said:
haha....thank gawd you dont use pickup lines.
and....depending on the girl.....you might not want to approach her and say "Hi, i think you're beautiful".....it might come off as a little too weird. Anywho....im not saying you cant. At the least....just go up to her and introduce yourself. And then go from there...
Yeah, I definitely agree with bugsy. I don't think coming up to a girl and saying "You're very beautiful," within the first 5 minutes of talking to her is a very good idea. To me, that is along the same lines of saying "I think you're really hot,". Don't get me wrong, girls like people telling them that, but the "nice" girls, I mean, the girls that you REALLY want to get to know personally, would probably be
about you saying that, thinking you're only after one thing and one thing only. Try to get to know her, make it known that you're really interested in her and what she has to say, without coming off as "creepy".
Yeah, girls do like guys that make the first move, but some of them are weird, like me for example haha. I tend to be more attracted to the guys who DON'T come up to me. You know the ones that sort of smile and give you googly eyes from across the room, but never really actually come up to you. Whereas, I find the guys who come up to me a little too pushy and straight-forward. I dunno, maybe that's just me.
You can try both techniques and see what works for you. Girls like different things.
Oh yeah, and guys, if a girl does give you her phone number, don't call her 308290832938 times the next day, especially if she doesn't answer the first 308290832896 times. She'll think you're creepy and desperate.
Oh yeah, and last but not least, be gentle and nice. Every girl likes a nice guy.