Mark-Kim World


sarNie Tombstone
he has no problem going with her to buy flowers for her to enjoy arranging it as her hobby although it sound so girlish

when a man dedicate his time to make you happy with your hobby whether it was a manly hobby or not that's real love
when a man support you in every step you do that's real love
when two people see their happiness in each other that's real love



sarNie Adult
he has no problem going with her to buy flowers for her to enjoy arranging it as her hobby although it sound so girlish

when a man dedicate his time to make you happy with your hobby whether it was a manly hobby or not that's real love
when a man support you in every step you do that's real love
when two people see their happiness in each other that's real love

They went buy flowers??? Awwww mark is so sweet.... that true love


sarNie Tombstone
yes kim love flowers and we know she take arranging flower as a hobby and mark so many times went with her whenever they are free to buy flowers and she put it in her house , he is really so sweet and always spoiling her with love


sarNie Juvenile
I saw them eating live the other day. They were so cute. Mark is very matured, taking care of Kim so well. No wonder Kim falls for Mark. He is quite a difference from what the media portrays. I have never seen him as a playboy but a true gentleman! :D


Mrs James Ma
Mark changed alot for Kim. When I have a bf, I will tell him to buy flowers and arrange them for me. Kimmy is soooo happy keeping those flowers in home thinking of her bf :D


sarNie Tombstone
soo sooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet awwwwwwww , this all updates make me sooooo hhapppyyy , to see a couple i ship happy like this make me smile wild :D love love :icon12: :icon12: my tired day is gone
they truly love each other



Miss KimBarry ❤
haha- I think I have to fix my profile. I'm a female. lolz. I don't know how my profile marks me a male but I will fix this. :D :D :D But even a guy would fall for Mark. hehe...
Hihi, thanks ! But yeah... And since there are a lot of gay men in Thailand, it did not seem odd if you were in one! lol