Considering someone like myself who knew about the Lakorn industry 4 years ago, but didn't properly get into the industry until some 2 years ago. I feel Ch3 is going to lose some really talented actress if Matt quits in 2 years. Apart from how awesomely well she nails her roles, I just love her sassiness. She is the only actress who comfortably exudes that, without it looking forced or fake. Well Chompoo has some sassiness going on also, but not has impressive as Matt^^
*clears throat* if she gets together *coughs* with Great off-screen I might consider her proposal lol!! Just kidding, it's pretty good that she has a plan set for herself^^ Whatever her plan is, provided she's happy and doing well, then awesome!!!
BTW, I saw a photo of herself and her BF in the Netherlands and they look so good together XDD
One more thing, before she leaves I need her to star along side Ken Theeradej, that is ALL I ask for