seems kind of scary, but i'm still gonna watch it... excited to see kwan back and this time with a new hott pra'ek! lolit's a drama/horror (sort of).
i translated the summary of it, for those who haven't read it yet ^^"
It's about a mother who love her daughter so much. The mother's love and warmth that was passed through her hand to protect her daughter from a car overturned accident, resulting in decapitation of her hand due to the broken window and she eventually died. But, the hand was never recovered, leaving her a handles corpse. Where is that hand now? we don't exactly know....
original summary credit: Dida and Tengneung's forum
i know.. i'm with you on that.. if they change it, then i would be very pissed and i might not watch it...I hope the leads aren't changing...I like the pairing very much
FINALLY! I've been waiting like forever... thank you for the news. It makes me a bit happy now that they started filming it... so i'm guessing we won't see this lakorn until early 2009... but anyways I'm glad.filming began already, because Tengneung's November schedule was posted up in the forum.
Tengneung will be fliming Meu Nang on these following days this month: Nov. 13, 20, 24, and 27. (credit; Tengneung and Mouse forums)