Staff member
Lets see if anyone else has any... hehe I have a few
Leh Ratree
-When pepper goes to this party and see's ann in the magazine and he goes back home furious and his mom is waiting for him lol and he asks her "you really want her to be your daughter in law don't you? ok... tonight I'll make it happen." ("Kuen Nee Pom Jad Hai") LOL
Jone Plon Jai
-When Num is "R-ing" Janie As his Friend Knocks At the Door
Chai Nai Fun
-When Pete Tells Pin "I may be your dream guy, but your best friend (chakrit) is your true love"
Fah Pieng Din
-The Willing Scene in the Barn With Captain and Aom
Luerd Kattiya
-Tik in court tells everyone he is plotting a conspiracy against the government and is one-sidely in love with Aom
-When Tik Realizes Aom is The Princess
(There are just so many -____- can't list them all)
-When Ning and Pete gets married and he comes home from work .. Ning is like seducing him lol and he tells her "is this like a go away present because you think somethings going to happen to you"
Wimarn Sai
-When Chakrit says to bee "its easy to get into the house because its easy to get to the owner" before he "R's" her
-The Very First R Scene :blush:
-The 2nd R scene when he climbs to her room!
Ruk Nai Roy Kaen
Samee Nguern Pon
-When Pol is Watching Joy gets home and shes getting in her bath robe and pol goes in there and like hug her and he tells her "you're driving me crazy" and she tells him "i dont care you're the one being driven crazy not me"
(Khoon Jah Klarng Gor Luerng Korng Khoon, Chun Mai Dai Klarng Grub Khoon"
Houng Nuer Mungkorn
-When Tang Comes Back To Find Marsha Dead =*( Sad
Thats All I can think of =x lol