omygosh i absolutely love the pairing for this drama! Andrew and Rita!!! beautiful couple!
i saw their picture on wishbone's blog and was hyperventilating, lol, when i realized that the guy was Andrew because i was thinking "dang that handsome guy looks real good with Rita!"
actually i didn't really like Rita after watching that one lakorn with Rome, maybe just because of her charater, but after watching this one i really like her, especially paired with Andrew! Sisira was weak at times ( gosh you have no idea how much i was yelling at the screen when watching this lakorn lol! i just kept blabbing about how everyone was being so foolish and wasting time when it wasn't focused on the sweet pra'nang scenes) but i think she was still more feisty than in the other lakorns.
yeah i agree this lakorn could have been better. i don't really care about the clothes, i thought they were different and kinda unique that way, but i also didn't really get why the time period was so... mixed? kind of wished they had just stuck to one time period instead of mixing modern with the castle ways, it clashed sometimes. :huh:
and one thing i really REALLY disliked was the way Teetayu was so... aggravating! lol i mean, don't get me wrong, i was in love with him at the beginning to end but still! he just went back and forth, trying to get Sisira to listen to him and being nice to her, and then changing his attitude altogether. i get that he's supposed to be double-crossing someone, but at times it didn't make sense.
plus, when he tries to work things out with Sisira he always ends up harrassing her, which i kept thinking was so stupid of him!!! :angry: and i love watching p'ek get jealous and possessive but most of the time i didn't want Teetayu to be so mean - even though he's her husband it just seemed out of character to act so possessive. his character is manly and brave but at the same time .... not heroic? if that makes sense? lol maybe i'm too used to watching dramas where the p'ek can fight like a ninja so whenever Teetayu got beat up i was like wth...!
also, yes, the politics of it bored me but, oh well..
but gosh, the onscreen time for Sisira and Teetayu at the beginning was awesome! they totally won over me, they were just so sweet and always being smart with each other.
dude, when i was watching the beginning episodes, i thought they might have changed the story from the summary on wishbone's blod, but then suddenly it wa BAM! Teetayu comes out as the bad guy in ep 5-6. lol i was surprised, specially after that sweet scene when he and Sisira just kissed and her asking him to "don't let me belong to anyone else" :wub:
lol and i was mostly angry at Teetayu for letting his 'sister' get away with everything, from fooling Teetayu that she's a good person to stealing jao ying's bedroom, which was a rediculous situation btw.
gawd how i hated Kanya, lol, i don't think i even hated Sansanee this much! maybe because Harit knew how evil Sansanee was but Teetayu doesn't realize how evil and smart Kanya is.
lol i love Daran and Som Siao! they're adorable those two! so playful and cute always arguing!
yep i think the other 3 musketeers were my favorite characters. they never disappointed me when i was watching, and they always teased their Teetayu about his love life, but they're also faithful fighters! :wub:
i also have to say i like that other guard, Tanu- something? glad he ended up with
but yeah, even though the middle of the lakorn went around in circles and the bad guy was always winning and Sisira and Teetayu were always misunderstanding each other (which is initially his fault for not putting in the effort to show her his true feelings but also her fault for being gullible with Kanya) i was very drawn to this lakorn and the wonderful chemistry between Andrew and Rita! i couldn't stop watching and even my mom started watching! a thousand thanks to wishbone for the subs!
Andy and Rita are on my top couples list!