+++MY DeSiReS+++


Posters looking good! Love the Weir&Matt! Is that the twin fic you were talking about writing? Hope you do write it. I'm interested in it even more now. Heehee.


You're Average Person :)
here's some really quick, plain banners...

Tawan Yor Saeng

Poh Noo Pben Superstar



Staff member
omg thip.. those are lovely!! you're turning pro already ^_^.. xp..

awwwe.. love cee/amy ^_^..


Staff member
Thip, you're too funny .. i stop by your blog ..
the comment of ditching the other admin is cute ..
i was thinking of doing an ATEAM blog too ..
your comment seem to motivate me a bit Lol

keep up your great work for pancake,
i still envy of her for having Weir *sighed*

back to artwork, great stuff here.
i love them P FRIEND banners. so cute.


Staff member
very cute thip!!

^ lol ceci.. but noooo.. don't close ateamforum **coughcough** lol.. i realize it's been inactive as well .. eek.. my fault.. but i still drop by from time to time.. hehe..

like i told thip at her blog.. i was also thinking of creating a blog or forum for kwan since her english one disappeared >_< eek.. lol.. but too bad i didn't save much pictures from there aiyah.. lol..


You're getting so good with your graphics Thip! Love the P'Friends^Ateam banner!!! Keep up the good work na!


You're Average Person :)
Thanks girls for the comment. Julie, doesnt Kwan have a Thai website...you could get pictures from there.....

lol Ceci.....I hope the other admins aren't mad at me for ditching them or think I'm selfish or something...sighs...now I kinda feel bad.....but I want to do my own things.....

here's one more banner i did today of Weir & Pancake



Staff member
the only kwan website i remember is baankwan.. lol.. then again i cant read thai so im always stuck.. ahaha.. p'aiyaja is my kwan updater but i havent seen her lately around forums.. hmm..

anyways that banner is so adorable!!!