lol.. when i was a newbie at ps i used to use brushes 24/7 but then.. iono i hardly used them now.. textures too.. i only used some these days.. lol.. i wont say im a pro at ps.. but a beginner still since im just messin around with ps every now n then.. hehe..
your blending is gettin better.. im stiil bad at blendin >_<
i love the weir/pan poster.. n i love the pic of pan you used for the pan/por poster.. ^_^
oh yeah i used to use brushes like crazy but then i realize, the more stuff i put on it, the more ugly it turns i stick to simpleness...but sometimes it comes out too plain lol
hehe thip... i was gonna do a poster of them too since im like hooked on the mv n song rite now hehe.. but i got sidetracked by poppy.. lol.. im thinking of makin a gif on tomo.. n waii..
lol thats no prob thip.. i'll get started on it rite now.. i had like poppy n fang's singing no air live on youtube replayed over n over.. so thats y i havent made it hehe.. gosh.. i love poppy's voice n his english ^_______^
was it from teh concert kamikaze...i couldnt really hear them sing since the crowd was cheering but dude Poppy and Fang make such a cute couple....wish they were dating
yea it was from the kamikaze concert ^_^.. they indeed do make a cute couple.. but im bias.. i want poppy all for myself.. hehe.. lol.. i also like her with bank from black vanilla.. ^_^..
here's poppy n fang's clip.. i heard it quite fine ^_^..