Chapter 13
It was a Saturday, so Kwan, Peung, and Weir were at the mall shopping.
Peung: Hey Kwan, how’s the marriage life going?
Kwan: It’s not what you would expect it to be.
Peung: Why’s that?
Kwan: A marriage not of love, what could you expect of it?
Peung: Kwan, I’m sorry. I truly am.
Kwan: You don’t have to be sorry; it’s not your fault. It’s just my fate. Kwan stated with a sad tone in her voice.
Peung: What are you going to do? You’re not going to live a marriage life like that for the rest of your whole life?
Kwan: As of now, I don’t know what to do. We’ll see what the future holds for me.
Peung: Hey Kwan, I didn’t mean upset you at all. I’m just worried about you. I want my best friend to have a happy life.
Kwan: It’s okay. I know that you’re concern about me. I know you didn’t mean to upset me.
Weir: Kwan, whatever happens, you know that I will be here for you. Weir couldn’t help it, his felt so useless and it hurts him to see Kwan hurt.
Kwan: Thanks P’Weir. You’re always such a caring person. I don’t know how to repay you back at all.
Weir: I do things out of the goodness of my heart. I don’t expect anything in return. All I want to see is that you’re happy.
Peung: Kwan, P’Weir is right, whatever happens, we both are here for you.
Kwan: Thank you. I am glad to have such wonderful friends like you both.
Peung: Hey, there’s no need to thank us, remember this is what friends do for each other. Anyways who’s ready to shop and have fun?
Kwan: I am.
Weir: Count me in.
Peung: Let’s go then.
The three of them were shopping all over the mall. They went into one store after another. Weir was just there sweetly admiring Kwan as she tries on some clothes and enjoying herself with Peung. He loves it when he sees her smile. They way she smile just capture his heart. For someone who had gone through so much pain, Kwan didn’t let herself down at all. She is willing to move on and always look on the bright side to life. This was one of the many reason that she has capture Weir’s heart, but it seems that fate is not on Weir’s side at all. The one person that he truly loves is taken away from him.
Peung: Hey P’Weir, what do you think of this dress on Kwan? Hearing Peung’s voice brought Weir back into reality. He was so lost in his own thoughts.
Weir: Ahh.. what?
Peung: P’Weir ka, did you not hear me? Don’t tell me that you’re bored of hanging out with us that you’re spacing out.
Weir: No, I’m not bored. I’m sorry I was so lost in my thought. Anyway what did you want me to do?
Peung: I wanted your opinion of this dress that I want Kwan to try on.
Weir looked in Peung’s hand at the dress that she was holding. It was a shimmering golden strapless sweetheart neckline dress. It was simple, yet elegant.
Weir: This dress is beautiful; I think it would be perfect for Kwan.
Peung: I know the first time I lay eye on this dress, what pops out of my mind is that Kwan has got to try this thing on. It would be perfect for her.
Weir: Where’s Kwan by the way?
Peung: She’s over there looking at the other dresses.
Weir: Let’s go over and have her try on this dress.
Peung: Kop, let’s go.
Peung: Hey Kwan, I got something that I want you to try on.
Kwan: What is it?
Peung hold up her hand and let Kwan look at the shimmering gold dress in front of her.
Peung: You have to try this one on.
Kwan: Why’s that?
Peung: This is such a beautiful dress Kwan. Come on, don’t tell me that you don’t like it.
Kwan: No, I didn’t mean it like that. But if you like this dress why don’t you try it on.
Peung: I would, but gold is not my color and besides I have another one that I want to try on already. So you have to try this one on.
Kwan: But---
Peung: No but. No excuses. Just do as I say. With that Peung handed Kwan the dress and pushed her into the fitting room.
Weir: Peung, why did you make Kwan tried that dress on when she doesn’t want to?
Peung: I have my reason; beside didn’t you agree with me that the dress would look great on Kwan.
Weir: Yes I did.
Peung: I’m going to take Kwan out, so this dress would be perfect.
Weir: Where are you going to take her out?
Peung: That’s only for us to know.
Weir: Nee Peung, have you forgotten that Kwan’s marry now. Don’t tell me you’re going to take her to the club with you?
Peung: Chill down, I was only joking. I don’t have any place to take Kwan to as of now. I just wanted her to try on the dress. But thanks to you, maybe we might hit the club one of these days.
Weir: Nee Peung didn’t I just to-----
Weir was cut off as the fitting room door opened.
Kwan: Hey guys. How do I look? (Both Peung and Weir turned around and starred at Kwan, without blinking their eyes.) Don’t tell me it looks that bad Kwan asked in a worried tone. (Peung finally broke out from his stare.)
Peung: Are you kidding me? This dress is meant for you. You look absolutely drop dead gorgeous! Right P’Weir? (Weir didn’t answer, but just nodded his head.)
Kwan: Then why were you both just starring at me, without saying anything?
Weir: We were shocked at how beautiful you look. With that Kwan blushed at Weir’s comment.
Peung: P’Weir’s right. I think you should get this dress.
Kwan: What for? If I get it, I don’t think I’ll wear it anyway.
Peung: You never know Kwan, there might be a special occasions waiting for you. Who knows?
Kwan: Nee Peung, you talked as if you’re a psychic, knowing what will happen.
Weir: The dress looks amazing on you Kwan. If you don’t buy it, I still buy it for you.
Kwan: P’Weir, you can’t do that!
Weir: Why can’t I?
Kwan: Because I am going to buy it. (With that Kwan went backed into the fitting room and closed the door. Peung and Weir looked at each other and smile. Who knew that Kwan would be able to trick them like that? She likes the dress as much as they do.)
Peung: Hey! I’m so hungry right now. Let’s go to the food court and get something to eat.
Weir: Alrite. Are you hungry Kwan?
Kwan: I am indeed starving right now.
Peung: Hey you guys, hurry up, why are you both so slo----------- Ah!!! (Loud bam!) Kwan and Weir came running to Peung who was now on the ground and all of her bags from shopping were shattered all over the ground as well.
Kwan: Peung, are you okay?
Peung: I’m fine.
Voice: I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you. (Peung and Kwan both looked at the figure that was talking.)
Kwan: Khun Pai!! Kwan said in astonishment!
Pai: Kwan.
Peung: Hey Kwan you know this guy here?
Kwan: Yes I do. Allow me to introduce you guys. Khun Pai ka, these two are my friends, Peung and P’Weir. Weir held out his hand for a handshake and Pai greatly accepted. P’Weir and Peung this is Khun Pai, he is Khun Win’s friend.
Pai: Ahh.. now I remember I met you guys twice before, once at the wedding and once at the funeral, but haven’t got the chance to introduce myself. Miss Peung I am truly sorry for bumping into you.
Peung: Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault. I wasn’t looking because I was busy nagging these two to hurry up.
Weir: Nee Peung, so it was your own fault. We didn’t ask you to turn around and keep nagging us to hurry up.
Peung; P’Weir you----
Kwan: Hey both of you cut it out. You guys are acting so childish right now. Instead of arguing, let’s pick up your bags, so that we can go get some food.
Pai helped Peung gather up her bags and hand them to her.
Pai: Again, sorry about before, Miss Peung.
Peung: Nee, I told you don’t worry about it and can you please not call me Miss Peung. It makes me feel so old. (Pai laughed at Peung’s statement.)
Pai: Alrite Mi--- I mean Peung.
Peung: That sounds way better.
Kwan: Khun Pai, what are you doing here?
Pai: Oh nothing much, I just wanted to shop around.
Kwan: You’re shopping alone.
Pai: Yeah.
Voice: My, my what a small world.
Every turn to look and it was Poo and Win. Poo was clinging on to Win’s arm as if they were a married couple.
Kwan: It is indeed a small world, but I guess it’s just your bad luck that you guys bumped into us.
Peung was so disgusted by the way Poo was holding on to Win. She hates the way this girl dress as well. She was in a short shirt that you can almost see her butt cheeks. And her tops was way to revealing… Arg.. it totally disgusted Peung. If she ever dress like that she would die of shame and her mother and father would totally killed her.
Weir sensing the disturbance of the presence of Win and Poo decided to make a sound: Um.. Kwan, are you both ready to go eat. (Kwan and Peung both nodded their head.)
Kwan: Khun Pai, would you like to join us for lunch since you’re here alone?
Pai: I er…
Peung: Nee, we are not bad people who don’t welcome new people.
Weir: Peung’s right. Besides if you tag alone, I wouldn’t feel so lonely.
Peung: You’re lonely? Asked Peung in a sarcastic tone.
Weir: Hey, I’m the only guy with you both, so it would be nice to have another man to the group.
Kwan: P’Weir Ka, you should be happy because you get to hangout with us.
Weir: Who would, look at the way you guys treat me. You guys are making my hold all of your bags and following you both all day hurts my feet.
Kwan: Alrite you can go on your own and Peung and I’ll head on our own way as well.
With that Kwan grabbed her bags and started walking. Weir quickly follows Kwan and grabbed her hand.
Weir: Kwan, I’m sorry. I was only joking. Please forgive me na… Please??? Weir pleaded with his eyes. Kwan couldn’t help, but giggle at Weir’s cute puppy face.
Kwan: (Slightly giving Weir a slight nudge in the elbow) Did you really think I would get mad at you?
Weir: You looked so serious.
Kwan: P’Weir Ka, I could never be mad at you. Remember that.
Peung: Aww… you two are making my jealous, you guys are forgetting me.
Pai couldn’t help it, but smile at these three. Win on the other hand did not like this at all. Why is it that this damn guy is always with Kwan? They both seem so close as well. Win could not help, but wonder what the relationship between Kwan and Weir were.
Poo: Khun Win ka, can you see what kind of a woman your so-called wife is? Look at her flirting with her lover in front of you. Poo said loudly purposing for the rest to hear.
Peung: At least the so-called wife doesn’t cling onto someone that belongs to someone else.
Poo: Nee you! Close your mouth, because this is not your problem!
Peung: You should be the one who shut your trap! ! This isn’t your problem as well…
Kwan: Peung, let’s go. We don’t want to waste time on these self-center people.
Poo: Khun Win! Didn’t you just hear what she just called us?
Win: Poo, can you for once be quiet. I am tired of all these rambling nonsense.
Poo: You’re blaming me!
Win: I don’t want to shop anymore. I’m leaving. If you want to shop go ahead. Win said with an annoyance in his tone and left Poo there.
Poo: Nee Khun Win, come back. You can’t just leave me like this! Poo shouted at Win, whom didn’t seen to care a bit. He just kept walking. Poo was mad and furious that Win didn’t wait for her, or nevertheless abandon her. She ran after Win, but she couldn’t catch up to him. She wasn’t looking and ran into a guy with a drink that split all over her beautiful white top.
Win on the other hand, didn’t leave, but instead decided to followed Kwan and the rest. Everyone was all seated on the table and all was happily enjoying themselves when Win came by and just took a seat with them.
Win pulled up a chair and sat right in between Kwan and Weir. Kwan gave Win the deathly glare.
Pai: Win, what are you doing?
Win: Can’t you see that I’m sitting?
Kwan: Can’t you see that there are other places that are empty where you can sit?
Win: I can see, but I want to sit here with my wife. Kwan tired of arguing with Win decided just to ignore him instead.
Ring, Ring, Ring….
Weir: Hello. I’m at the mall Khun Ma… Okay I’ll be right there.
Kwan: P’Weir is there something wrong?
Weir: Oh nothing’s wrong, my mother just wanted me to go picked up something for her now. So I must leave you guys.
Weir stood up to leave and Kwan stood up after him.
Kwan: P’Weir Ka, drive safely back and please tell you mother that I’ll find a time very soon to visit her.
Weir: Thanks. My mother will be glad to hear that. (He turns to leave, but stop) Oh before I forget, I got you something. Here. (He handed her a small bag.)
Kwan: Thank you ka.
Weir: You’re welcome. Enjoy your rest of the day.
Kwan: I will. (Again watching them from behind was Win. He was furious at their sweetness towards one another.)
Win: You really care about him? Win asked after Kwan seated herself again.
Kwan: Of course. P’Weir is a special person to me.
Win: How special is he?
Pai and Peung can sense that this wasn’t going to be good, so they decided to interrupt and change the subject.
Peung: Hey! Who wants some ice cream?
Pai: I do.
Peung: How about you Kwan?
Kwan: Sure why not.
Peung: Alrite I’m going to get us some.
Pai: Wait for me. I’ll go help you.
Win and Kwan were left alone at the table. Both were sitting at the table ignoring each other. Suddenly Kwan felt Win’s hand grab her hand.
Kwan: Nee Khun, what are you doing?
Win: Go with me.
Kwan: To where?
Win: Just do as I say, stop questioning! (Pulled her hand away)
Kwan: I will not go with you. (Kwan walks away. Win quickly lifted Kwan over his shoulder and grabs the shopping bags with his other hand.) Nee what they heck are you doing!!! Let me down! Kwan Shouted.
Now everyone was starring at them both. Win just simply smiled at all the people who were looking at them and said “My wife hurt her ankle, so I’m have to carry her to the car, although she’s fussing about it.”
Kwan: What the heck are you talking about? Put me down NOW!
Win: Hey, would you just relax or do you want to cause a scene.
When they got to the car, Win opened the door and put Kwan in the passenger’s side and buckled her up, and then he locked the door so that Kwan couldn’t open from the inside.
Kwan: Nee!! What the heck are you doing??? Let me out now you freak! I’m not going with you to anywhere. Do you hear me??!!!
Win: Hey, it’s not like I’m kidnapping you! Would stop with all the shouting. Win shot back at Kwan.
Kwan: You’re not kidnapping?? You just drag me out of the mall. And you called that not kidnapping!
Win: Could you please stop it with all those shouting?
Kwan: I will only stop if you let me out! Answered Kwan in an angry voice.
Win: You’re not going anywhere. You had your fun today, so it’s time for me to have my turn. Win stated in a serious tone that scared Kwan. She doesn’t know where he’s taking her. She’s not going to let him do anything to her; she has to fight her way out.
Kwan: If you won’t let me go. I am going to scream for help.
Win: Go ahead and see if there’s anyone to help you! Win challenge Kwan.
Kwan: HELP ME!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!! HELP ME!! (Win grabbed a hold of Kwan with both of his hand.)
Win: Would you stop shouting!!!
Kwan: I will not until you let me out! HELP ME!! Kwan started screaming again.
Win: Fine then I’ll make you stop! With that Win pulled Kwan in and kissed her. Kwan felt his lip touched hers. He kissed her. Kwan was trying to push Win off, but she couldn’t, he was too strong. At first the kiss was harsh and rough, but once Kwan couldn’t fight him back anymore. Win soften the kiss, to sweet and passionate kiss. Kwan just froze there, her body motionless. Everything around her seems to be spinning in circles… She could feel Win’s soft lips on hers locking hers with his, she could feel his tongue in her mouth. She could taste his minty breath. He was kissing her passionately; like two people in love never wanting for it to end. The kiss lasted what seems like an eternity. Finally Win pulled back and he could hear Kwan’s breathing. Kwan stayed there motionless, unable to speak, lost with words and her heart was beating like crazy. She was shocked at the same time amazed. She really doesn’t know what she is feeling right now. Win, was also shocked at his action, but he did not regret it at all. Instead he was happy about the kissed. Her gorgeous lips were juicy and sweet. He couldn’t help it, but beam with happiness inside of him. With no words to each other, Win started the car and drove off.
Hey Readers, wow this chapter took me longer to write then I expected. Thanks for all the comment. I appreciate them a lot and also reading them as well. Please comment on this chapter and I hope you all enjoy this chaper especially the ending scene!!

Hm.. I promise more Kwan and Win scene in the next chapter, maybe something sweet, hopefully something cute, sweet, not too dramatic. We'll see what happens. Stay tune.
--------------Replies to Comments----------
Azlisakhmer: Thanks Azlisakhmer, I didn't really like chapter 12, but I'm glad you enjoy it. Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter as well. hehe.. tell me what you think about this one.
leemyis: Yes, Leemyis I'm glad that I'm updating this story again. I actually miss writing this fanfic. Yes as you stated Win is jealous of Kwan. We'll get to see more or that as the story goes on. Hopfeully jealousy will bring love. Hope you like this chapter and please do comment.
roselovesice: I'm glad that you enjoy the chapter, hopefully this one isn't a disappointment to you. I guess you didn't have to wait that long for the kiss.. Right? hehe... Tell me what you think of this chapter.
Lollipop_luv: Thank you for the comments. I appreciate it a lot. Okay I'll try not to let my negativeness pull me down, I'll keep my positive side up. With great motivation for you and all the readers, keeps me going on this story. I hope that you enjoy this chapter and stay tune for the next one. I'm hoping for it to be a sweet chapter. We'll see what happens.