N'ek Ma Raeng for the year 2007

Which N'ek is coming out with a lot more projects this year?

  • Pat Napapa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pancake Kemanit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Numfon Patcharin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pinky Sawika

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yardthip Rachapal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kwan Usamanee

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Lakorn Obsesser
Here's another poll for who you think has/is coming up with a lot of projects, etc. This poll is for n'eks. Year 2007 ^^... Of course, my vote goes for Pat Napapa because she's had 3-4 projects out thi year that have all been at least a hit in Thailand or outside of Thailand. ;) .


sarNie Juvenile
i would have to say Pat Napapa.....because shes getting fed all these role that make her a better actress.....mostly the lakorn that she played with Chakrit and Por "MAFIA TEE RUK" .... i love this lakorn.....Chakrit and Pat's romantic scenes are sooo cute.....and so was the scene with Por......
I gotta say Pinky. She has had so many lakorns, and her latest lakorn, "Nong Miew Kearl Petch"...well, it was the most popular lakorn of both CH7 & CH3. They did this poll that everybody voted and like "NMKP" got more than 15,000 votes and the others got like 8,000 or less. That lakorn was such a big hit there were 18 episodes instead of 15. That truly shows that Pinky's role a Miew has made her a n'eak ma raeng of CH7 2007.

GO GO PINKY :) >.<


sarNie Coma
pat!..she has two successful lakorns this year and one is now the most active in the forums. hehe


sarNie Juvenile
I have to say PAT NAPAPA. the girl is gorgeous and funny!!!!! she gets better and better wit each lakorn and i love her.

chi chi

sarNie Juvenile
Pancake has the most projects that I recall, too many exposure of her and most of them I didn't get to even watch.


SarNie Adult
i would say pancake as well...she has the most projects this year and are good too...plus right now tookata with paul...she is so good in this lakorn...


sarNie Hatchling
Hard choice between pat and pinky for me. Love both of these girls, but a bigger fan of channel 3 lakorns, If only pinky joined channel 3, so my vote goes to pat!
is it even possible to change channels? if so, pinky should definitely change, but so should other actresses/actors. ch7 stars are prettier, ch3 stars are more talented, such a great mix :) oh yah ch3 has better storylines!


Lakorn Obsesser
5??? I thought only 2-3... What ever...


sarNie Oldmaid
Pat, this girl is so funny,talent,and beautiful n'ek. She having a lot of projects this year. Especially she is so successful with her lakorn.


sarNie Adult
I chose none becuz:

1) The reason why u think Pat is it's becuz rite now her lakorn "Mafia Tee Ruk" is airing and is receive good ratings, and u guys or gurls is addicted to the lakorn. If the other girls have a lakorn that is airing rite now and is receiving good ratings, u guys would have chosen them too..'

2)Pat and Yard had two lakorns this year, so they are like equal. Both of their lakorns are great...

3) This year, Pancake had 3 lakorns out..."Apimmamahseti", "WanPhetKarat", and "Tukatalabaum". I wouldn't say she is the Nake ma raeng becuz, first of all, it's true that she did have 3 projects this year, but it didn't receive much ratings. So most of her lakorns is not the most talkable..


The Realist guy here period
Quantity does not always equal quality remember that people.

Kwan: Off year this year. She did a good job with Arnas even though the script was not that good.
Yardthip: Did a good job on Leb Kularb
Pancake: There is something that is missing for me in her lakorns. Some wow factors.
Pinky: Really made a fan and believer in me especially with NMKP.
Numfon: I don't have to much info on her to make a good evaluation yet.
Pat: Love her a lot in Mafia Tee Ruk. She is funny and goofy.

I would have to say Pinky because of how she blew up this year. For a while, it seems like she was on every magazines and TV shows. Pat comes a close second because she is so talented and the potential is there. I just saw her on a new magazine posted by Kristy I think and she looks awesome to say the least.