1TYM hwaiting!
thanks for the new picture, karenyang! Nic looks hot! Shawn Yue looks cute and Donnie Yen...I just realized how old he looks now. But, I'm looking forward to see this movie. I hope it's good! :D


sarNie Adult
nic is so cute. shawn looks so young. and donnie now is losing hair. but damn he is still good at martial art! thanks for sharing.

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
When is the supposed release date for Dragon Tiger Gate?

Seems like we've been waiting forever... <_<

LOL...Jam, I do agree...Donnie is getting old, but his martial arts in those fight scenes are still pretty good.

As for Nic and the other guy...OWWW!!! LOL they can make a guy envious of their looks :w000t:

Pepper, thank you for the updates...I'm trying to get used to seeing you as "Karen" ^_^


sarNie Juvenile
the picture looks great. in the pics, donnie doesn't look so bad. but the other pics, i have to agree, he does look older.


sarNie Adult
Nic Tse has a new series coming up and it's in th process of filming. Here's some pics:

The girl in the pink dress is the main heroine along side of Nic


1TYM hwaiting!
Thanks for the pictures but I heard that his role wasn't a big role and that it mainly revolves around the girl. By the way, I think that's Angelica Lee. She was in the movies Sunshine Cops (with Stephen Fung) and Princess D (with Daniel Wu and Edison Chen). Anyways, Nic in costume is HOT! :wub:

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
LOL...Jam... YEP! Nic looks good with those supposedly "ancient" long hair and the costume is a plus.

Seems like I've only seen him in those "clean cut" roles as opposed to the begger/pauper look'n ones... :unsure:
Nic is always so fine looking...started watching Proud Twins last the quiet, serious, mysterious look on him..ahah..can't really imagine him otherwise


check out the trailer for dragon tiger gate....looks really kool...can't wait till it release....this is the first modern movie i see nic can really fight! 'cause his others like new police story and his first movie (forgot the title) he can't really fight....except his ancient movies, he can fight in those....but this modern one, i think he can really fight now.... :D


1TYM hwaiting!
^I think the only modern movies that I've actually seen him fight in were Gen-X Cops and 2002. He sort of fought in Time and Tide but his character wasn't suppose to know how to fight so it was more like him throwing blind punches and kicks. But if you watch the making of Gen-X Cops, a lot of people praised Nic for doing his own stunts ^_^

I just watched the teaser and gosh, Shawn Yue's wig just bugs me so much. You can so tell that's not real. Why didn't he just dyed his hair? That would've looked more natural...


i don't think they'll leave the wig on throughout the whole movie...will they? :lmao:

news from today

Nicholas Tse does not have limit when playing with fire and ice

Nicholas Tse with his naked upper body spent two hours putting on makeup for "Ice Fire modelling" and put out private collection silver guitar for his brand new series "Hundred Matters Extremely" (百事極)'s advertisement filming. Nicholas is in most everyone's mind someone really extreme, doesn't have a pessimistic view in life, and the new series holds the same view. It is a unlimited pursue. The ad's unique modeling, Nicholas challenges the limit, had makeup done all over his upper body on his sensitive skin, but he did not complain at all.

He expressed: "Actually, I've never tried this kind of modelling, using so much time to compare ice and fire, and putting so much chemical on my body. Using a special glue water to have the ice feeling, and later added the fire on the guitar with special effects for this ice-fire modelling." According to Nicholas, this type of guitar, there's only 200 in the whole world, named after Japanese group Luna Sea's guitarist Sugizo. To display a "extreme" individuality, Nicholas posed at least 100 times for this advertisement.

Credit: stephanieshieh []
& azn download


1TYM hwaiting!
^I think it's suppose to be ^_^ But yeah the concept of fire and ice is pretty cool. I want to see the finished product :D