Nic obeys "the strict request"
Date: 31st Oct 2005
Translated by: Yuri (Nic Tse Forum)
Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yu, Donnie Yen, and Yuan Hua as well as Dong Jie and so on the multitudinous star, "Dragon Tiger gate" reorganizes the of the same name movie according to the Hong Kong human spirit cartoon at present the Zhejiang Hengdian intensely to photograph, reporter recently specially went to Hengdian to carry on searches the class. Nicthe center straight shouts regarding oneself in "Dragon Tiger gate" satisfies a craving, but "high instructs Donnie Yenregarding the martial arts to be standard, the strict request" actually has a lingering fear. But in movie certainly not Dong Jiezhei time develops is not relaxed, several similarly let her suffer many crimes.
Two big masters really hit really fight
Photographs the scene in "Dragon Tiger gate", Hong Kong actor Yuan Hua tells reporter, he center hit Nic, Shawn Yu as well as Donnie Yen as master worker in "Dragon Tiger gate", similarly is a master. Yuan Hua also smiles stated that, "Believed this audience had the fine sights, this movie had to be the extremely attractive time movie." Nicluckily sighs with emotion regarding the Yuan China's alliance: "Yuan Hua and Donnie Yencollaborated to have to be one of this movie fiercest places, I thought nobody could do well in the movement aspect compared to them. Because of computer stunt reason, Hong Kong already very long not solid time piece. But those two really fight both and are splendid."
Nic obeys "the strict request"
Donnie Yen's request to actor's is really strict it may be said "is relentless". Nicsmiles "is complaining" said that, "Some time shoots a movie, my movement has not simply made a mistake, but was several Donnie Yenall not to approve. At that time I a little annoyed, flushes to Donnie Yenin front of asked he is wrong in where. Finally Donnie Yenexpresses my movement, the posture, the station position indeed all not not wrong, but the strength is insufficient. If wants to obtain the approval to have to exhaust the whole body the strength to do again time. At that time I asked his this is not the order, he nodded. Thereupon I said according to him do, a play got down the feeling entire people all tiredly to break down, always did not have the useful that big vigor, but also was has the achievement feeling very much."
Donnie Yen darkly uses "the method of goading somebody into action"
Acts the leading role the concurrently martial arts instruction as the movie, Donnie Yenexpressed this time makes a movie satisfies a craving very much, lets him have the opportunity to transmit own martial arts idea through the movie for the audience. Donnie Yensaid that, "This piece movement design is very careful, because we do not use the stunt, the movement all is the honorable person makes. These movements although are attractive, but cannot appear very the violence." Donnie Yenhad also disclosed other shoots a movie the secret: "Some period of time Nic and Shawn Yu are staggers enters the arena the photography. Thereupon every day their two respectively to square time, I on look at the opposite party day before photography to them the movement play. The result two people both are suppressing the stock vigor, wants to do is better than opposite party, therefore the time has every day progresses."
Dong Jie trailer dew skill
In the movie only has Dong Jieye is not relaxed, even also must suffer the crime. She tells reporter: "In the piece, I not only want the trailer, but also must climb a mountain, the heavy rain, is the coolie. I develop the role although ate many painstakingly, but actually continuously displayed very much open and bright, this regarding mine disposition also was one kind supplementary." Although does not have the plot which officially gets rid of, Dong was clean or found as soon as has revealed the skill the opportunity, she happily said: "Some play, the direct requests me to tow to carry Nicand Shawn Yucar, at that time everybody thought I tow the motionless that vehicle, even considered helps me to look for the substitute person. I said with the direct or let me try, the result has actually driven the car, wins the scene an applause.
The cartoon wrestle play "Dragon Tiger gate" Xie Tingfeng yu Wenle rehearses a play acts seriously
Recently, according to the Hong Kong cartoon reorganization wrestle style soap opera "Dragon Tiger gate" the Zhejiang Hengdian film and television base intense photography, on October 29, reporter was going to photographs when the scene searched the class, discovered this play two young actorsXie Tingfeng,Yu Wenleafter passed through for 1 month-long "the acrobatic fighting wrestle", the mental condition certainly was still good, although each person all had the high difficulty acrobatic fighting movement in the play, when mentioned the photography news brief, they loudly shouted laborious at the same time also loudly to shout hit satisfy a craving! And expressed because hasZhen Zi Danto make the martial arts instruction, therefore each field rehearses a play all pats quite attractively.
Xie Tingfeng in scene extremely active, talks about whips the play, unexpectedly played the Zhen Zi Dan's joke, Xie Tingfeng said a week of photography all rehearsed a play primarily, own in photography process always dynamics insufficient, sometimes met NG several, "because dynamics was just insufficient, therefore Mr./Mrs. Zhen Zi Dan requested me to cause the completely whole body strength to hit, afterwards I was treating and me develop the match play •??s fiercely to kick a foot, nearly kicked him the corona! Afterwards time passed. This is the biggest strength which I throughout history uses! I now extremely anticipated and Mr./Mrs. Zhen Zi Dan develops the match play, he hits quickly, makes a movie I with him to be able to think oneself tiny also is happy!" Xie Tingfeng said because the acrobatic fighting movement has the certain risk, therefore had two •??s already to be injured is hospitalized to treat, but own unconsciously frightened, "square security measure very good, I very was also careful. This play is first true rehearsing a play which I photographs, hoped carries forward through "Dragon Tiger gate" the Chinese broad and profound martial arts culture."
Yu Wenle must use "the pair of truncation stick" in the play, frequently practices the pair of truncation stick in the midnight. Yu Wenle said oneself photographs the manner which rehearses a play it may be said is scrupulous about every detail, frequently finished with Xie Tingfeng after the photography, mutually looks at one another opposite party to return puts the lens, and imitates opposite party ˆê?µˆêŽ® the acrobatic fighting movement, mutually stimulates opposite party performance desire. "After" Dragon Tiger gate "is I continuesthe second dramatic team atmospherebest play which " Initial D "photographs, the direct requests with the pair of truncation stick really to hit, after therefore I really hit always alarm the entire audience! Satisfies a craving very much!" Yu Wenle likes own modelling, "our modelling very is actually difficult to do, makes can not well very the earth, but our modelling is very successful.
Credits to: Yuri, Nic Tse forum and and lovingnicolas forum