I just saw the most recent episode. The guy, i forgot his name, that likes Bee gets stabbed and was then sent to the hospital. Meanwhile, Kelly had asked his sister to find out what had happened to her puppy or something like that, i wasn't really paying attention. His sister finds out from P'Ging. So she tells kelly the info. Kelly goes and buys her the exact puppy for Bee. It's so sweet that he did that. He goes to her house but she had already left to the hospital. He rings the doorbell and no one answers then he decides to jump the large metal fence but one of the neighbors had saw him and thought he was a robber. Kelly explains that he wasn't and the neighbor reveals to him that she had left. He found out that she was at the hospital because she called. He was in a rush he almost forgot the puppy. He arrives and Ongly is there waiting at the nurses station. Ongly angrily asks why he is here. Kelly heads rite in and listens to Bee and that guy. He misunderstands that they are a couple. Nomah and P'Ging arrive. Nomah wishes to stay the night to take care of him and Bee gives her permission to do so but Kelly finds out the next day. He gets worried about Nomah but Bee misunderstands him thinking that he's jealous. LOL. They head to the hospital together, Kelly try to beat her to the guy's hospital room, but he went to the wrong one. LOL. He meets up with Bee again and they were arguing about Nomah. He asked shouldn't you be jealous of the guy and she was like why would i be? He then asked aren't you two a couple, of course she replied yes they were and Nomah heard. She runs off crying and Kelly follows. Kelly comforts his sister and this is when Ongly finds out that they are actually brother and sister. He ran off to try to tell Bee but Kelly and Nomah stopped him. Nomah wants to tell Bee but Kelly won't let her tell her.
Yah there were lots of misunderstandings. Not paying attention again, Kelly and Bee were at a shop and they were arguing about Nomah. Kelly tells her that Nomah is in love with that guy. Some how Bee questioned who else had liked her besides that one guy. She questioned him until he said that he likes her. They get to the office, i think, Bee says you can't like because your about to marry Phetae yadda yadda...he said that he knows that and wasn't expecting anything. Then he asked her if she liked him back. She didn't reveal that to him of course.
Bee leaves on an assignment. Kelly was about to follow her but then Phetae arrives. They go to a children's school where Bee is at. Bee was about to leave but Kelly says she could stay longer because the kids wanted her to stay. Both Kelly and Bee play with the kids while Phetae was waiting at the car. Kelly goes off to his car and Bee follows but he didn't see Phetae there. So he assumes that she was mad at him for leaving her there for a long time. Bee tells him to go after her but doesn't want to.
Phetae was totally drunk because she believed that Kelly likes Bee which we all know that he does. But anyways, the other guy, i forgot his name, took her to his room and he slept w/ her because she had said she loves Kelly and wants to marry him. He didn't want to lose her so that's why he slept w/ her.
Meanwhile, Nomah had told Bee and P'Ging that Kelly wants to marry Phetae because to move the business elsewhere, well i'm not quite sure what the reason was. but yah, lets just another misunderstanding. Bee goes to Kelly and yells at him in disappointment. Kelly was like what did i do to make you mad. She said that me plans to marry Phetae because of some reason and then he blurts out that he doesn't want to marry her. Bee goes "arai na? Then Kelly's dad walk in and tells him that Phetae's mom had called him that they want to make plans for the wedding and he's here to pick him up and go to their house. And that's where it ended for me. SO ya it's getting good! Kelly just needs the courage to break up with Phetae but something tells me that the other guy will do that for him.
I know long summary and i didn't really give u guys the full details hopefully someone will fill in the missing stuff. LOL.