"Sapai Jao" was a good lakorn of his but i forgot the n'eks name. Him and her was the supporting casthow cute is he??? lol..... I haven't watched him in a lakorn in a long time........ I need to start..... any good ones that he has??? The last one I saw of him was of him and kwan
I never finish watching Sapai Jao ehheheheh I should start again.... so lazy to dL it...... I had it on my comp before, but I lost the files...........i miss aont dearly!!..cant wait til his new lakorn airs this month..
hes such a hottie..hehe
"Sapai Jao" was a good lakorn of his but i forgot the n'eks name. Him and her was the supporting cast
the main couple was Kong and Vicky
I hope they will finally air his stocked lakorn with Noon S.
no, its actually not a comedy. Its a boran type. Aon died and reborn so theres 2 generation. The title is "Wian Gum Gam" something like thatI never finish watching Sapai Jao ehheheheh I should start again.... so lazy to dL it...... I had it on my comp before, but I lost the files...........
I didn't know he did a stock with Noon S..... is it a comedy (based on Noon's acting career)????