Yeah. It is all perception. I see similarities between them just like how I see similarities between Michael P. and Toomtam. Some people see it while some others don't. So everyone's perception is just different. Anne may not have specifically said, "Yes, I casted Kim and James because they look similar to Pol and Joy" but just from my own observations from many other cases and then judging from their case, I believe that was one of the reasons. And I mean, it would've been funny if Anne did say flat out, "One of the reasons I chose Kim and James is because they look like Pol and Joy." Lol. It's a conscious, yet silent decision some producers/directors make when casting someone and deciding who is suitable for a role in a remake. They don't have to declare it as one of the reasons why they chose an actor or actress for a role, but they likely discussed it when considering the actor/actress for the role. Because that's the only reason that would explain why some actors look similar to the actors from the originals. It's not a coincidence. The producers have to consciously make that decision to cast someone who somewhat resembles the actor from the original, in order for that person to look so similar to the actor from the original. But again, like you said, everyone's perception is different so I and some people may think certain actors look similar while you and some others might not. I mean, people thought Yaya should've been cast in Prissana because she looks similar to Taya. In the same way, I've always thought Kim should be cast in SNP because she looks similar to Joy.
Also, Anne may not have said, "Kim is my favorite and that's why I keep using her" but her actions alone already prove it. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to say, "Yes, Kim is my favorite", so of course she'll deny it. Just like how Aom doesn't have to declare that Vill is her favorite or that she adores Vill, but we all know it's true because her actions already prove it. How much Anne praises Kim and how close she is to Kim is already enough proof that Anne absolutely adores Kim and sees a lot of potential in her. I mean, Anne literally said that Kim reminds her of herself when she was younger. It can't get much clearer than that. And now she's coaching Kim to become like her, or moreso, to reach her level of success. It's kind of like how people naturally look up to others who they feel are like themselves. Likewise, people naturally feel the need or the desire to mentor and guide those who are younger than them and who they feel are like them when they were younger. It's because they feel they can relate to them. This is the case with Anne-Kim, Aom-Vill and Jeab-Jui.
I saw the interview too. It's not that NO ONE'S queue was available and that Anne was left with Kim. Lol. With so many actresses at Ch.3, I highly doubt not a single one was available that Anne would be willing to work with. Anne said that one of the reasons why she casted Kim was because HER queue was available. Anne didn't mention anyone else's queue or that she had anyone else in mind. And again, like the girls and I were discussing on the PCKNMCPW thread from the very beginning, Anne most likely had to WAIT for Kim's queue to be available because she specifically wanted Kim for her fourth production. Kim's schedule was inconsistent and thus Anne wasn't even sure if Kim would be available to act for her. That's why it took so long for the confirmation of the cast.