[ONEHD] Ngao Asoke 2016 (EXACT) Sean Jindachot/ Esther Supreelela


sarNie OldFart
Almost all productions at Ch.7 suck but Pordeecom and Mummai are some of the best there. PA should've ended at 15 episodes like it was originally written. However, I enjoyed it until the end. Weir and Min didn't become a koo jin  yet during PA because it was their first time pairing up. Its popularity was proof that the plot was good along with its main pairing. People jin them after it ended because the lakorn was that good. I found it to be the best lakorn of 2012 simply because the plot was exciting and the cliff hangers kept drawing us in for more. It's a matter of preference, but I have been enjoying the productions I listed. So meh. As long I like them, I don't mind and will recommend them to those who are interested in checking out Ch.7 lakorns since they aren't very popular at AF.  


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
Yes. Tubtim and Thanwa. It was a twisted plot with an open ending. I hate open endings but with the way the twist was played out, I was actually satisfied with it. It kept me guessing and no draggy scenes. I didn't really care for the romance between the pranangs because I was so hooked to the plot and figuring out who the murderer was. 
Oh ok, I'm not too fond of tubtim so that was why I skipped it. She's a great actress , just not nangek material for me.


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh ok, I'm not too fond of tubtim so that was why I skipped it. She's a great actress , just not nangek material for me.
I don't like her as n'ek either. I tuned in for Thanwa but the plot kept me going. Lol. Tubtim is a good actress but I can't get into her as n'ek. She doesn't have that special aura to lead a lakorn.


Mahalo said:
But I don't get it Phatman. Many lakorns have real forced kisses that we tend to enjoy, yet Ek's angled fake kisses makes him come off like that? I found them necessary. Lol. 
Because he did them like every chance he got. Haha. Let the girl relax for a moment geez. Haha. I actually don't like too many forced kisses. I can only enjoy one or two necessary kisses in a single lakorn. For example PA, LRSKF and LM:Suer. Weir and Min had sooo many kisses that I got so upset. Haha. Same goes with Ananda and Kim. Too many.


sarNie OldFart
phatman said:
Because he did them like every chance he got. Haha. Let the girl relax for a moment geez. Haha. I actually don't like too many forced kisses. I can only enjoy one or two necessary kisses in a single lakorn. For example PA, LRSKF and LM:Suer. Weir and Min had sooo many kisses that I got so upset. Haha. Same goes with Ananda and Kim. Too many.
That's because he really liked her and it's only in her room where he gets to spend quality time with her and sneak some kisses. Lol. They made us wait 7 episodes before they met. Hell, I was happy to have him kissing her for the last 6 episodes. LOL.


sarNie OldFart
aiyaja said:
Almost all of the productions suck at Ch. 7 even Pordeecom, Mummai, and Ployplus. Both of Weir and Min's lakorn dragged to no end and didn't have much substance. They were loved by fans because of the koojin pair.

I skimmed through Lilawadee but I'll go back and watch it since I grew fond of Thanwa from the one with Pancake. Lol
Ch7 are known for dragging their lakorns. I agreed, Weir and Min's lakorn was draggy. I couldn't finish it. I was surprised I finished Lilawadee. That lakorn was pretty good compare to most ch7 lakorns.


sarNie Adult
I enjoyed the original one!
And like some of you have said, I enjoyed some parts of the Pong and Peung one too. 
It's really a pity about Peung though, I felt like back then among the newbies her and Vill would've shined the most if it wasn't for her boyfriend and her news coming to light. But she's happy, and I remember awhile back Pong followed her on her instagram. :) 
Peung had big shoes to fill considering the first one was great, and although she was still lacking she did very well imo at some parts that required a lot of emotions. 
I feel like like this version will probably soften Sean's version a bit more too. He'll probably be more sweet and teasing. He did well at being a jerk, but I still don't think he matches the "evil/a**hole" p'ek roles completely yet. Hahaha. I think Esther will fair well as the n'ek. I hope they'll make the n'ek but with a bit more backbone. Peung's was always a bit too soft and too gentle for my liking even though that is the character. Peung's character also wore super cute clothes imo. Hahaha


sarNie Egg
Doe you guys know whether this version will be modern or period?
I honestly enjoyed both time periods so it's hard for me to choose.....
WeirFany said:
I feel like like this version will probably soften Sean's version a bit more too. He'll probably be more sweet and teasing. He did well at being a jerk, but I still don't think he matches the "evil/a**hole" p'ek roles completely yet. Hahaha. I think Esther will fair well as the n'ek. I hope they'll make the n'ek but with a bit more backbone. Peung's was always a bit too soft and too gentle for my liking even though that is the character. Peung's character also wore super cute clothes imo. Hahaha
I also feel like they are going to soften Sean's Monthai. I honestly can't see him being evil, it's not in his nature.... lmao


sarNie Egg
I don't remember Mon being evil in either version, he was just dumb...really really dumb. I will admit he has moments of cruelness, more in Pong's version than in Ek's. Just...so dumb.
I never turn down kisses though...


In love with Phet Thakrit <3
Ah yes. I never really turn down kisses also, haha. But I love Seanest so I'm obviously gonna tune in to this one. XD I really can't wait till they start filming.


sarNie Granny
I like the kisses in the old version I just wish she will relax though loll , the days n'ek return kisses w/ passion is the day lakorn no longer have beach ending .


Staff member
Still hoping this version will be remadee instead
And as for the nang'ek being stupid.. I found that Pueng's version was much more weak and stupid than Ae's version. My favorite was when Mon in Ae's version finally told Bpeeyachat he loved her. 


sarNie Oldmaid
My prediction is that they're going to go by the 2008 version. The original was by Ch.7 and if Exact remakes the lakorn, they're probably gonna remake the one they remade. Lol. If that makes any sense. Also, Esther has the baby face and doll look that Pueng had. Grand also looks more similar to Pei. I know looks aren't always a factor that qualifies someone as being suitable for a character in a remake, but I've seen that in many cases, looks do play a factor. The actor and actresses tend to have similarities to the original actors (i.e. KimJa to Pol and Joy in Samee Ngern Phon, Push and Lily to Tik and Aom in RLSR, etc.). That doesn't mean they look identical, but it means they possess some similar physical traits. Ae was more of an exotic Thai beauty.
For this remake, I think Yingying should be cast as Lakana, March, Ak, or Gun as Anucha, and Gypsy, Lily, Panpan, or maybe even Pimjira as Viyada's sister.


sarNie OldFart
I don't think Esther and Sean looking similar to the original characters had a play in why they were casted. Remakes almost never follow the original casting. If they were identical or similar, what's the point right? Esther and Sean got the part because they made LR a hit. I honestly don't see a resemblance of Pol and Joy in KimJa. I doubt Anne casted them because they looked similar. If anything, fans' requests made it happen with the availability of their queues. If looks played a factor in remakes, Mo would've already been casted in RLSR remake. I honestly think that producers now and days look for the most popular stars to be in their lakorns. It's no longer about who fits the character description. But some producers actually strike gold when they take risks and discover talented actors who make their lakorns a hit. Example, Ka Badin and Bang Rajan.


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
I think Sean and Esther are gonna be oozing out hot/erotic chemistry in here. Didn't they rock Leh Ratee? haha


sarNie Oldmaid
@Mahalo I disagree. I still believe looks play a factor in casting for remakes. Not all remakes cast actors who look similar to the original actors, but a lot do. Like I said, Kim and James don't look identical to Pol and Joy, but they do share similar features and similar overall looks. Pol and James both have that southeast Asian look with their light complexion and monolid eyes, while Joy and Kim both have that middle eastern look with their tan skin, big eyes and thick eyebrows.

Likewise, Push and Lily also possess similar traits to Tik and Aom.

I believe KimJa looking similar to Pol and Joy did have a play in why Anne cast them in the remake of SNP. Even Eye was cast partially due to her resemblance to Tookta. They both have round eyes, soft features and a southeast Asian look.

Heck, even the actress Anne originally cast for Tookta's role looks similar to Tookta. But for whatever reason, she was just switched to Eye.

This all can't just be coincidental.
A lot of people dislike that Anne keeps reusing Kim and therefore, says that she's only being biased, but honestly Anne could've cast Kim in anything. Why did she specifically choose a remake of SNP? A part of it does have to do with Kim's resemblance to Joy.

^Kim was even originally cast as Rasika in Samee, another Joy lakorn. But in the end, Preem was cast because Kim was too busy with school. Even Preem was cast partially due to the fact that she has that same middle eastern look that Joy has. She doesn't look like Joy as much as Kim does, but she shares similarities to Joy, which is that they both look middle eastern. If not Preem, Ice probably would've been casted because she also looks middle eastern. Aside from the features I already mentioned, Joy and Kim look similar because they both have wide jaws and prominent noses. But like I said, Kim doesn't look identical to Joy, she shares similar features and a similar overall look.
Also, just like how some justify other producers favoring other actors and actresses, the same can be said about Anne favoring Kim. Anne's reasons for reusing Kim are permissible because while Ch.3 may have a lot of leading actresses, only very, very few are actually talented. For Anne to continually cast Kim in her production means that she has faith in Kim's abilities.
Broadcast Thai and TV Scene struck gold by casting Toey and Phet, two underrated and talented actors, in Bang Rajan, and Matt, an underrated and talented actress, in Ka Badin...but again, the same can be said about Anne casting Kim in her production. Kim is Anne's favorite now, but people seem to forget or simply ignore the fact that Anne's first choice for her very first lakorn ever was Yaya, not Kim. Since Yaya was unavailable, Anne DID take a risk by casting Kim, who at that time was also an underrated actress (like Toey, Phet, and Matt). Many people didn't believe in Kim, or simply just didn't care for her. That was UNTIL Anne took a risk in 2011/2012 for her production and discovered Kim, a talented and underrated actress, which made her first produced lakorn (PCKK) a hit. People just don't like that Kim is Anne's favorite now, so they say that Anne only casts Kim because of her popularity and looks. But people need to realize and remember that Kim started at the bottom too, and that it's only been recently (2012/2013) that she's gained popularity and recognition for her skills. Kim was also a talented yet underrated actress like Matt. Matt is also working her way up now too so I think people should just be happy for both actresses, who are clearly the top actresses of their generation.
As for the other reasons why Kim and James were casted in PCKNMCP, I said it before but I'll say it again. I still highly doubt fans had anything to do with it. Lol. Because again, only those who've been following closely from the start would know that we (AF members and I) already had speculations that Kim and James were going to pair up in Anne's production, THUS we created the fanpage to let Anne know that we were cheering her on and anticipating their pairing. We didn't create the fanpage to REQUEST for Anne to pair them up. We tagged Anne's IG with pictures of KimJa AFTER we saw that Kim and James were already promoted together at Ch.3's calendar event, and then shortly after that Kim was also rumored to be in a lakorn by Anne. It was only then that we connected two and two together (KimJa's pairing at Ch.3's calendar event and Kim's rumored casting in Anne's fourth lakorn-while James had already been confirmed long before to be in Anne's fourth production), and decided to create a fanpage in support and anticipation of KimJa in Anne's fourth lakorn.
I mean, I, for one, was one of the many people who didn't even think it'd be possible for Kim to be in another Anne lakorn so soon. The girls and I didn't create the IG account until after the numerous signs we got that KimJa were going to pair up in Anne's production. Before that, I know for a fact that there were absolutely no other fans pressuring Anne to pair Kim and James up either. And that's because no one had even THOUGHT about their pairing until after they were paired up at Ch.3's calendar event. The KimJa wave didn't happen until after that event. I brought this point up many times on the thread: if KimJa were promoted at Ch.3's calendar event, Anne had to have had plans to pair them up way before fans even got involved. Because everything happens for a reason. There's no way KimJa were paired up at Ch.3's calendar event (taking pictures together, singing a song together and even being interviewed together) for absolutely no reason at all. Kim's koo jin is Mark, so if anything, Ch.3 would've promoted them together...IF it weren't for the fact that Anne had already casted KimJa in PCKNMCPW and Ch.3 was promoting them for that. Just like how Mario and Mint were paired up for an event and shortly after that, they were confirmed to be in a lakorn.
As for RLSR, yes, I agree with you. Mo should've been cast as Namneung. Mo was perfect for it because she shares the closest resemblance to Aom, not just in looks but also in acting. But see, even Mo doesn't look identical to Aom either, but she shares similarities to Aom in that she has that same natural and girl next door type of beauty. (Just like how Kim doesn't look identical to Joy, but she has that same middle eastern look with her big eyes, thick brows, wide jaw, prominent nose and tan skin.) Mo may have more defined features in comparison to Aom's, but she has a baby face which makes her look youthful and innocent like Aom. Plus, they're both petite, natural and emotional criers, and great at playing feisty, indifferent and stubborn characters. That being said though, I can see why Lily was casted also because she also has similar features to Aom. (Just like how Pream was cast for Samee in replacement of Kim, because Pream also has that same middle eastern look that Joy has.) Lily and Aom both have full lips and big eyes. If not Lily, I wouldn't have been surprised if Vill was casted either because she also looks like Aom. I mean, they did play mother and daughter in Malai Sam Chai. However, the thing with Vill is that she did audition for the role but she didn't get it.
I'm not saying casting in general doesn't have anything to do with one's popularity at all. Because if it were solely based on one's talent, Matt and Mo would've already been cast in more and better projects. However, that doesn't mean that some popular actors and actresses aren't talented either. There are exceptions to everything (i.e. Kim).
I'm aware that Sean and Esther were reunited because of LR's success, but my point was that I believe ONE of the main reasons they were reunited specifically in Ngao Asoke was because Esther has the same doll look that Pueng in the 2008 version has, and Sean has the same authoritative look that Pong in the 2008 version had. And then the other, probably bigger reason, they were reunited in this is because Exact wants to make use of their popularity right now by casting them in a remake of a hit lakorn. Luckily for Exact, Sean and Esther were somewhat fitting for the roles in here because like I said, they somewhat resemble Pong and Pueng in the 2008 version.
If this remake were to go to Ch.3, I can see Patricia and Great fitting the roles perfectly. Patricia has that same doll look and innocent baby face that Pueng had, and Great has that same authoritative and Khun Chai aura that Pong had. He can also turn into an aggressive and flirtatious player when he needs to be. Now, if there were to be a remake of the 1999 version, I can see Rome as Mon, but I'm not sure who else as Bpee. Because I'm basing it off of who looks similar to Ae, but is also young enough for the role. Yaya wouldn't be fitting for neither version because while she has a baby face like Pueng in the 2008 version, she's already in her twenties. Patricia would be the best fit for the 2008 version because she's still in her late teens and she also has the doll look and innocent baby face. Plus, I think Patricia possesses a pure and innocent aura naturally, whereas Yaya forces it. For the 1999 version, Yaya wouldn't be fitting because of her age and the fact that she has a baby face rather than an exotic Thai beauty like Ae. As for Patricia, while she's fitting for Bpee in the 2008 version, she wouldn't be fitting for Bpee in the 1999 version because she doesn't possess exotic Thai features like Ae either. The one who looks the most Thai from Ch.3's younger generation, is young enough for the role, and always get cast in remakes of good lakorns, therefore would have the best chance of being casted, is Pream. And she'd be paired up with yet another actor who is two times her age. Lol. But disregarding age, Now from Ch.7 would probably be the best fit for the 1999 version. She looks Chinese rather than Thai, but her features are defined, exotic and harsh like Ae's. Plus, Now is tall, slim, has naturally long and straight hair, and has a long, oval shaped face like Ae. Panpan would be the best choice from ONE HD for the 1999 version in terms of looks, aura and age, but her acting is terrible. And I don't think she's all that pretty.


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
what, no way! I dont see any resemblance between any of those. Tik J was def HOT! Push was just cute and pretty!Kim is beautiful, her acting is far than most newbies. Joy S, meh...I was more neutral with her. Esther is no where near pretty, but she and Sean do have compatible chemistry. I dont think these people were cast in remakes bc they "look" similar. Pong was in the last version right? Before that there was Ekgerat. Sean is small frame, nothing similar to Pong. Im not trying to prove anything ahah but I don't agree anything in their similar looks. lol
I think the reason Jma was cast in PCKNMCPV was because he suited the "Chinese" look not because he was resembled to Pol.


sarNie Oldmaid
PCKNMCPW (Samee Ngern Phon remake) doesn't require an actor who looks Chinese. That's Samee, with the pra'ek being of Chinese background. And Great was casted when he looks full Thai. Lol. That's why I said not ALL remakes cast actors who look similar to the original actors and/or who fit the description of the character physically. Even Sean doesn't resemble Pong physically, but Esther does share similarities to Pueng because of her doll like features and baby face. So while remakes do cast actors who resemble the original actors, that doesn't mean every remake does it, and that doesn't mean every actor in that remake is going to share similarities to every actor from the original. Great didn't resemble Pol, but Preem shared a similarity to Joy because of her middle eastern look. Kim didn't share similarities to Pok physically in 3NNT, but she was cast when Mint would've been more fitting.
But you know, everyone sees things differently. So I agree to disagree. :)