
Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Yeah, I'm preparing for work but I still want to hang out here. Hahaha. I'll probably be posting throughout the day at work. :dance1:
Vill looks so gorgeous in some scenes and then others, she's so tired. I can see eye bags under her eyes. Perhaps it was filming out of town, so everyone got very little sleep as they filmed continuously.
Aw, I know how that is like! Haha, hard to stay away! :grouphug: Hooray, we'll still hear from you throughout the day, then! :clap: Both she and Toomtam look so worn out in some scenes. I honestly think they should have taken their sweet time with filming; it was months after filming that we finally got to watch Ngao Jai. :facepalm:


sarNie OldFart
In the next preview, right before Rut goes down to kiss May when he was on top of her, he says, "From now on, we're going to check each other's history." May screams out, "You, crazy! You, pervert!" Dang, May slapped Naree pretty good. Naree was like, "Why does a woman like me have to sit here and envy a woman like you, a woman who can be bought with money, a woman who is a prostitute."
Haha, replaying that small scene of when Rut grabs May on the bed in the previews. :pervie: :woot: Wow, Toomtam grabs and yanks Vill pretty hard. :drools:
In the previews, Por Liang is just saying, "In this issue, if Noo May doesn't play with Angkoon, Angkoon would have to give up." Rut is like, "Maytinee won't play along? I will take care of this woman myself, so Watit won't hurt because of this woman later on."
Hahah, perhaps they only rented the places for a certain amount of time, so they had to rush it. Plus, they couldn't travel back and forth, too costly.


sarNie OldFart
:cry:  :cry:  :cry: My internet at home has not been fixed yet so I have to wait to get to work to catch up.  It's time consuming to reply on my iphone.  


sarNie OldFart
Maiko^_^ said:
Rut is sooooooo, er, orny-hay for May! :loool: :blush: During the piano scene, my goodness! He looked like he desperately wanted her, the way he kept staring at May. :shock2: And while she was sleeping on their bed, haha, he was tossing and turning uncomfortably. :ghehe: Aw, so sad how he didn't get to kiss her. That scene of him jumping up and dancing and singing was hilarious! :lmao3: Again, even while goofing off deliberately, Toomtam's singing voice still sounds so beautiful! Um, I couldn't help but check out Toomtam's ENTIRE frame during his dancing. Boy, his sweatpants are so inappropriate, giving me such thoughts! :smack: Haha, I just love Toomtam and Vill in today's episode! :wub: So refreshing to see them in funny situations before things get dramatic and serious! :cry:
:whahuh:  :lmao3: Was going to wait to read all the comment & then reply, but I just had to reply to this one.  You are too cute & funny Maiko.  It's can say "horny."  Go ahead...spell it out.  H-O-R-N-Y!  Don't be shy.    


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
In the next preview, right before Rut goes down to kiss May when he was on top of her, he says, "From now on, we're going to check each other's history." May screams out, "You, crazy! You, pervert!" Dang, May slapped Naree pretty good. Naree was like, "Why does a woman like me have to sit here and envy a woman like you, a woman who can be bought with money, a woman who is a prostitute."
Haha, replaying that small scene of when Rut grabs May on the bed in the previews. :pervie: :woot: Wow, Toomtam grabs and yanks Vill pretty hard. :drools:
In the previews, Por Liang is just saying, "In this issue, if Noo May doesn't play with Angkoon, Angkoon would have to give up." Rut is like, "Maytinee won't play along? I will take care of this woman myself, so Watit won't hurt because of this woman later on."
Hahah, perhaps they only rented the places for a certain amount of time, so they had to rush it. Plus, they couldn't travel back and forth, too costly.
Aah, I so want to see the preview for tomorrow's episode again. :cry1: Really, Toomtam grabbed and yanked Vill pretty hard? :woot: I miss them together already! Hehe, I'm excited all over again.
That was such a great slap scene between Naree and May! :eek:uch:
Oh, right. It is costly to travel back and forth. Youch. -_-
ceda_lee said:
:cry:  :cry:  :cry: My internet at home has not been fixed yet so I have to wait to get to work to catch up.  It's time consuming to reply on my iphone.  
Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Aw, I'm so sorry, Ceda_lee! I feel your pain and frustration. :spin: :console: I hate it, too, when that happens to me. I pray that it will get fixed quickly for your! So that you can your entertainment back! :worthy: :kiss:
aiyaja said:
Haha! Yeah, I'm on my phone right now...the struggle is real. I'm always sneaking at work. Lol
Don't get caught. :secret:
ceda_lee said:
:whahuh:  :lmao3: Was going to wait to read all the comment & then reply, but I just had to reply to this one.  You are too cute & funny Maiko.  It's can say "horny."  Go ahead...spell it out.  H-O-R-N-Y!  Don't be shy.    
:lmao2: :rofl: Oh, boy. :blush: Um, we may have children checking out this thread! But then again, all those photos that have been shared in here aren't exactly PG... :nailbiter: Haha, you're too funny, Ceda_lee! Heehee. :coverlaf: :kiss:
aiyaja said:
Hahah! Yeah, the way he tosses and turns in bed and then tries to steal a kiss. Lol
I wasn't the only one who felt that he was really restless and wanted to do things to her, right? :bhehe:


sarNie OldFart
MissSunny said:
I hope there will be a lot of special appearances in Ngao Jai! I always enjoy seeing special appearances by other actors and actresses like in that wedding episode of Koo Gum with Bie and Noona where almost every channel 5 actors/actresses made a special appearance.
Me too.  It's so cool that Exact does that.  It's like cameos in k dramas.  
Maiko^_^ said:
GAHHHHHHHHHH! Rut and May's first meeting! :woot: :weee: :cloud9: Haha, Rut looked like he wanted to tackle her. And then eat her up. :pervie: Hehe, he was feeling her all over. :loool:
I couldn't stop grinning and smiling the whole time they were interacting with each other. Dang it, their first meeting went by too quickly. :cry1: And that scene of May turning around to Rut when he dropped his towel, he was wearing his underwear! I was cheated! :lmao: She only saw him in his underwear. :teary:
Aw, ToomVill. :wub:
You feel cheated?!  OMG you make me laugh.  


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
ceda_lee said:
Me too.  It's so cool that Exact does that.  It's like cameos in k dramas.  
You feel cheated?!  OMG you make me laugh.  
It is indeed cool when we get to see other daras in cameo roles or special appearances.
Oh, haha, I definitely feel cheated, since the preview made it seem like May would get to see the whole deal. It was TOO good to be true. :facepalm: But hey, Toomtam in his boxers work, too. :spicy: Still leaves a lot to the imagination. :pervie:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hahah! I hope the attempted r scene is racy and hot! Please don't disappoint me P'Aom. Lol
Hmm, you're talking about the one in tomorrow's episode, Aiyaja? Or a future one? It's not just Aom, but also Ah'Piak... :nailbiter: Well, he doesn't really disappoint when it comes to the racy scenes. Haha. Wait...I kind of want to take that back...this is the same guy who directed Boy and Vicky's Fai Ruk Arsoon. -_-


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hahah! I hope the attempted r scene is racy and hot! Please don't disappoint me P'Aom. Lol
Haha, just saw your post in NJ's thread on Spicy. :lol: So it's the attempted R scene for tomorrow's episode that you were talking about. All righty, I just hope we're treated to a show. :popcorn: I hope it won't be over too quicky.


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, tomorrow's scene! Please prolong it. Sounds so funny coming out from a woman but i can't resist Rut and May. Hahah.


sarNie OldFart
How was the scene between Vicky and Boy? It was such a long time ago, all I remember slightly was how Boy beat Vicky up and then raped her.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Yeah, tomorrow's scene! Please prolong it. Sounds so funny coming out from a woman but i can't resist Rut and May. Hahah.
Haha, it sounds better coming out of us than from men. No offense, guys! :D I don't know; I get the bad feeling that we're going to get cheated once again. I mean, obviously, it's going to be a tease, but just make it a worthy one. :lol:
aiyaja said:
How was the scene between Vicky and Boy? It was such a long time ago, all I remember slightly was how Boy beat Vicky up and then raped her.
Um, it wasn't quite as bad as I thought, but it was still pretty disturbing. :yuck: It wasn't an extreme rape, but he did beat her up, and then the camera zoomed away from them. I think I remember him forcing her to take off her wedding ring. :scratchhead2:


sarNie OldFart
Well, Aom has the ultimate say and she seems pretty romantic too so let's just hope the scenes between Rut and May are as delicious as the meals she cooks for Nava. Hahah.

Was it Anne who counted the amount of kisses Thit and Gan shared? I think it's on her YouTube, it was like 33 times?! Wow! I hope Rut and May surpasses that. Hahah! 33? Can you imagine, those are just the ones that made it to the screen? We're not even counting the ones that got edited out during post production, the ones that got edited out again once it aired, and the outtakes? Hahah!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Well, Aom has the ultimate say and she seems pretty romantic too so let's just hope the scenes between Rut and May are as delicious as the meals she cooks for Nava. Hahah.

Was it Anne who counted the amount of kisses Thit and Gan shared? I think it's on her YouTube, it was like 33 times?! Wow! I hope Rut and May surpasses that. Hahah! 33? Can you imagine, those are just the ones that made it to the screen? We're not even counting the ones that got edited out during post production, the ones that got edited out again once it aired, and the outtakes? Hahah!
Too funnie, Aiyaja! :lmao2: :loool: :lmao3: Haha, no, I want Rut and May's scenes to be even more delicious than N'Nava's homemade meals! :yummy:
Yes, Anne counted the amount of kisses Thit and Gan shared. That's a mix of real mouth-to-mouth kisses and neck kisses and other types, I believe. :ghehe: And that's not including the ones between Thit and Nee! Hehe, I want Rut and May to surpass that number, too. :drool: Gosh, I wish we had been able to see more of their SSP kiss scenes behind the scenes.


sarNie OldFart
Hahah, you're right! That wasn't even including the ones with Nee. Omg. I think Toomtam may have surpassed everyone in Vill's life. (Joking) Lol

Dang, Toomtam just looks so good as Rut. During the Ngao Jai market event, I was like, aish, Toomtam you should look like Rut more often in real life. Hahah.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hahah, you're right! That wasn't even including the ones with Nee. Omg. I think Toomtam may have surpassed everyone in Vill's life. (Joking) Lol

Dang, Toomtam just looks so good as Rut. During the Ngao Jai market event, I was like, aish, Toomtam you should look like Rut more often in real life. Hahah.
Hehe, they have done quite a lot of smooching. :kiss3: :lolyup:
I take it you meant the real Rut with the facial hair? I love clean-shaven Toomtam, but he looks just as good with Rut's facial hair. It makes him look even manlier. :wub: Toomtam matches facial hair. :blush: :spicy: I'm going to go back and ogle at pictures of him, Vill, and Gam at the NJ market event. Oh, right! I also love his facial hair for their Ngao Nai Hua Jai (เงาในหัวใจ) MV. :drools:


sarNie Adult
Hello all!!! I'm secretly on this forum while I'm at work. Sooooooooo many things that happened on this forum since I was last here!!! So many comments about episode 5!!!! I seriously need to get home and watch it!!! Seems like episode 5 is very juicy and good!!!! I wanna see all the kisses!!!! I wanna see Rut!!!!! Gonna have to wait to pop open my champagne to celebrate until I get home!!!!! keep posting!!! I'll come back to read everyone's posts about episode 5 later!!!!