
sarNie OldFart
Hey, guys please head over to Vill's IG and tell her what a fabulous job she's doing with Ngao Jai. That's what her most recent post asked, the photo of her looking out into the beach! She wants our feedback! I've already left mine! Please show your support directly to Vill. She says to post up photos if you have any or like any scenes. Anyway, Vill hasn't posted on IG that much anymore, so let's show her our love for Ngao Jai.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hey, guys please head over to Vill's IG and tell her what a fabulous job she's doing with Ngao Jai. That's what her most recent post asked, the photo of her looking out into the beach! She wants our feedback! I've already left mine! Please show your support directly to Vill. She says to post up photos if you have any or like any scenes. Anyway, Vill hasn't posted on IG that much anymore, so let's show her our love for Ngao Jai.
Aah, so that's what that photo is about! :woot: Ooh, I'm having trouble posting photos up on IG. :teary: But haha, will definitely head over onto her IG to tell how I, both the good and the bad. :sweat: Aw, :thanks: for the heads up, Aiyaja! :kiss:


sarNie OldFart
So I couldn’t wait til my lunch hour.  Just finished episode 7. 
Well of course Rut will think like any stupid p’ek would.  May always gives the “pity” vibe towards Koon when Rut is taking advantage of her.  She is sooooooo concern about Koon’s feelings & it’s obvious to Rut.  For God’s sake, Rut can’t even put his arms around her!!! May gives Koon the “I don’t want to, but I’m forced to” expression :shrug: .  Of course that is leading Koon on thinking she cares about him.  Oh I’m sure she’s just being nice :scratchchin: , but can she stop being so naïve.  When the two men are exchanging words in front of her, it’s so obvious (as clear as water from the Maldives) that they are totally taunting each other.  And May is just standing there with a blank face :mellow:  !  Although I do give a weeeee-a-bit credit when she said she agreed with Rut for not using harmful chemicals on their plants. 
Enough ranting about May.  Now onto the cuter, not so frustrated scenes.  Starting with their bickering.  Those two are so cute when upset with each other.  May Judo-Chopping the oversized carrot!  :ph34r:  Can’t take it out on Rut physically so she takes it out on the carrot. 
Oh my, Naree is one obsessed she-beast :crazy: .  Now Koon has her in his hands & he is going to use her to hurt Rut :annoyed: .  I love her hair, but she looks plastic (can’t find a better word) to me. 
Some WTF moments.  When Rut sucked the snake poison off May, the two red dots (fang puncture marks) disappeared :rofl: .   And May didn’t even feel like fainting or anything.  And then Rut’s canon ball at the pool.  


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Aiyaja: ....That's it, Aiyaja? That's your feedback? "Ngao Jai is awesome?" And here I was expecting a whole essay from you or something. :loool: Hehe, but I :heart: it! :kiss:


sarNie OldFart
ImmaSingaholic said:
I'm sorry but from the moment Koon trying to R her in his room (that scene where the real Watit walks in and misunderstands everything) May should never trust him anymore, and in fact she already knows that Koon loves her (not like a sister but he actually told her he wants to marry her) I feel that May is too soft hearted when it comes to Koon and she should be more cautious towards him even though he promises to be her 'brother', and moreover she should stay away from him because it will upset Rut and cause Rut to do all those crazy things to her LOL. just my opinion, anyway I cannot believe its already episode 8 and another 7 episodes this lakorn will end gahhhhhhhhh
Right?!  Why can't she just keep her distant like Rut wants her too.  She just needs to be a good wife and listen to her husband!  :yes: I haven't seen episode 8 yet, but I ALREADY know she's going to get soooooo pissed off when Rut tries to R her.  Like  <_< She is is forgiving & understanding when her brother-in-law tries to R her, but Rut (her fake husband) can't even touch her  :thumbdown:
sarN said:
Haha , the guys in ' bang rajun ' are pack w/ muscle & walk around half naked while the girls wear towel , to me it does feel like it but I'm not complaining, they all look sexy.
Of course I had wishful thinking.  It's yet, just another Thai lakorn.  Fake kisses, bad zooming into the wall/ceiling.  


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
ceda_lee said:
So I couldn’t wait til my lunch hour.  Just finished episode 7. 
Well of course Rut will think like any stupid p’ek would.  May always gives the “pity” vibe towards Koon when Rut is taking advantage of her.  She is sooooooo concern about Koon’s feelings & it’s obvious to Rut.  For God’s sake, Rut can’t even put his arms around her!!! May gives Koon the “I don’t want to, but I’m forced to” expression :shrug: .  Of course that is leading Koon on thinking she cares about him.  Oh I’m sure she’s just being nice :scratchchin: , but can she stop being so naïve.  When the two men are exchanging words in front of her, it’s so obvious (as clear as water from the Maldives) that they are totally taunting each other.  And May is just standing there with a blank face :mellow:  !  Although I do give a weeeee-a-bit credit when she said she agreed with Rut for not using harmful chemicals on their plants. 
Enough ranting about May.  Now onto the cuter, not so frustrated scenes.  Starting with their bickering.  Those two are so cute when upset with each other.  May Judo-Chopping the oversized carrot!  :ph34r:  Can’t take it out on Rut physically so she takes it out on the carrot. 
Oh my, Naree is one obsessed she-beast :crazy: .  Now Koon has her in his hands & he is going to use her to hurt Rut :annoyed: .  I love her hair, but she looks plastic (can’t find a better word) to me. 
Some WTF moments.  When Rut sucked the snake poison off May, the two red dots (fang puncture marks) disappeared :rofl: .   And May didn’t even feel like fainting or anything.  And then Rut’s canon ball at the pool.  
:lmao2: :lmao3: :bravo: Aw, so she was agreeing with her husband about the harmful chemicals. Sweet! They are indeed cute when they banter with each other. :wub: That poor carrot! :nailbiter:
Due's eyes are so striking... :blink: :eyetwitch: They're kind of scary in some scenes. She does have very gorgeous hair. And, :coverlaf: at the part about Naree as an obsessed she-beast.
Oh, did the fang puncture marks on May's leg really disappear? Haha, I'll go back and check it out. Good thing she had her strong husband there to carry her. :bhehe: How was Rut able to perfectly execute a cannonball at the pool? :eek: The man is so talented!
ceda_lee said:
Right?!  Why can't she just keep her distant like Rut wants her too.  She just needs to be a good wife and listen to her husband!  :yes: I haven't seen episode 8 yet, but I ALREADY know she's going to get soooooo pissed off when Rut tries to R her.  Like  <_< She is is forgiving & understanding when her brother-in-law tries to R her, but Rut (her fake husband) can't even touch her  :thumbdown:
Of course I had wishful thinking.  It's yet, just another Thai lakorn.  Fake kisses, bad zooming into the wall/ceiling.  
The bolded part is so true. :rofl:


sarNie OldFart
Hahah! Yeah, I wanted to make it short on Vill's IG. I should have pasted the url of our Ngao Jai Thread here and be like, read these almost 200 something pages of our feedback. Lol


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hahah! Yeah, I wanted to make it short on Vill's IG. I should have pasted the url of our Ngao Jai Thread here and be like, read these almost 200 something pages of our feedback. Lol
Whahaha, how exciting if she truly does check it out. :woot2: That's such a funny and cute thought. :lmao2: :bhehe:


sarNie OldFart
Hahah, I think we should. The International fans love it. There are a lot of likes at Viki and so many guests that come through here. Hehe.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Hahah, I think we should. The International fans love it. There are a lot of likes at Viki and so many guests that come through here. Hehe.
Yeah, International fans love ToomVill and Ngao Jai. :clap: And we do have many guests reading this topic at times. :bhehe: Hehe, I guess I'll be the loud mouth for all of us, putting you lambs out there. :sweat:


sarNie OldFart
Maiko^_^ said:
Yeah, International fans love ToomVill and Ngao Jai. :clap: And we do have many guests reading this topic at times. :bhehe: Hehe, I guess I'll be the loud mouth for all of us, putting you lambs out there. :sweat:
We need one. ToomVill needs one. I mean, without us going in and out of the threads, Facebook, IG accounts, and such...would we have ToomVill in Ngao Jai today? I mean, Vill keeps thanking us SSP fans and keeps saying that this union is something that fans have been wanting to see for a long time, so if Vill acknowledges it and they did get a second collaboration, then our mission was not in vain. It was actually a huge success! :clap: :coverlaf:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
We need one. ToomVill needs one. I mean, without us going in and out of the threads, Facebook, IG accounts, and such...would we have ToomVill in Ngao Jai today? I mean, Vill keeps thanking us SSP fans and keeps saying that this union is something that fans have been wanting to see for a long time, so if Vill acknowledges it and they did get a second collaboration, then our mission was not in vain. It was actually a huge success! :clap: :coverlaf:
There was a little bit of luck, too, but we're all fated in this together! :highfive: :grouphug: :heart: Mission successful! :bravo: :thumbsup: Now, if only there will be a third collaboration... :bhehe:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Yeah, luck has a lot to do with it too but that luck could have been from all of our prayers? :dance3:
Ooh, we better pray even harder then. :worthy: *Skyhigh ratings* *ToomVill photo shoots* *ToomVill collaborations* *Ngao Jai specials* *Extended episodes* Etc., etc. :lol:


sarNie OldFart
HAHAHA! :dance1: :woot:
Yeah, we need to send a LOOOOOTTTTT more prayers. Seems like the ratings aren't picking up though. :cry:


sarNie OldFart
Here ja, Vill's post today during the airing of Ngao Jai. Please show your support and leave Vill a nice warm comment! :dance3:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
For those who want to watch episode 8, HERE you go!
aiyaja said:
HAHAHA! :dance1: :woot:

Yeah, we need to send a LOOOOOTTTTT more prayers. Seems like the ratings aren't picking up though. :cry:
At least the overall response is mostly positive. :thumbsup: And like Ceda_lee said, we don't need ratings to tell us when a lakorn's good or not. Still, praying for NJ's ratings to skyrocket high! Whoosh! :cheer:
aiyaja said:
Here ja, Vill's post today during the airing of Ngao Jai. Please show your support and leave Vill a nice warm comment! :dance3:

Aah, I'm trying, I'm trying! :cry1: Wait for me, Vill, Toomtam, Aom, and NJ team! :woot2: :numchuck:


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, ratings aren't everything especially when ONE HD isn't widely known yet.
Anyway, heading to work now! Go Ngao Jai!!! :cheer:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Yeah, ratings aren't everything especially when ONE HD isn't widely known yet.
Anyway, heading to work now! Go Ngao Jai!!! :cheer:
Aw, you have work? :teary: Have a great day at work, Aiyaja! I hope it goes by quickly for you! :console: :kiss:
You know, it's nighttime in Thailand right now...I'll save my comments for when "morning" comes. My slow laptop is killing me ever so painfully. :annoyed:
Aiyaja, thanks again for everything, buddy! :grouphug: :flowers: :kiss3: I finished watching the BTS for the pool scene already, and hehe, I'm still spazzing over it. There's always the greed for MOAR of them and NJ.


sarNie OldFart
Hahah! Yeah, I have work today but I'll probably still pop in and out. You know I can't leave this thread. Haha.

That was a really cute BTS. When Toomtam said she was Tony Jaa! Hahah. And how he knows her well enough, knows her capabilities. Hahah. The kisses, the slaps, and the throws are real. Lol