HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYBODY! :grouphug: I hope that you all have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family and loved ones. So many things I'm grateful for. A roof over my head, wonderful and terrible family members lol, and awesome friends like my Asianfuse buddies. :kiss3: :grouphug:
Minny, Marina, Aiyaja, Amelie, Amylovemeng1, Cecilia, Ceda_lee, Cool, D~D, Daisy, Fun, Jinny, Lakornfan8, Maithao., Mjennx, Nanciie, Pangia wink, Phatman, Preetam, Puca lol, Queenyeon, Robber, SokLaHote, Songie, Spanky, Sweet_09, Variety, X0unerthanlater, Xox, and all my AF buddies from new to old (whose usernames I won't be able to spell correctly without double-checking :lol2, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!!! :spin: :grouphug: :yahoo:
Aom seems to be afraid of intimacy with her p'eks (Tik, Captain, Ken, even Pong, etc.). She scrunches up her shoulders and make that face as if she's disgusted or don't want them to kiss her, whenever they peck her on the cheek. At least, that's what I notice about her innocent and sweet characters haha. xD Girl doesn't seem to have a problem with hugs and forehead/hand kisses though. Oh, gosh! Namneung and Kongpope's first cheek kiss in RLSR (after he cuts his finger, when he pecks her on the cheek before leaving her house)...that's hardly a kiss! Oh, yes! ToomVill for RLSR!!!! :woot: Their love scene in SSP strongly reminds me of Neung and Kong's interaction after their R scene. ervie: Especially with Thit/Toomtam kissing Gan's/Vill's cheek, neck, and hair everywhere... :drool: :spicy:
Yep, Son stinks at action scenes. :annoyed:
Minny, Marina, Aiyaja, Amelie, Amylovemeng1, Cecilia, Ceda_lee, Cool, D~D, Daisy, Fun, Jinny, Lakornfan8, Maithao., Mjennx, Nanciie, Pangia wink, Phatman, Preetam, Puca lol, Queenyeon, Robber, SokLaHote, Songie, Spanky, Sweet_09, Variety, X0unerthanlater, Xox, and all my AF buddies from new to old (whose usernames I won't be able to spell correctly without double-checking :lol2, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!!! :spin: :grouphug: :yahoo:
Chalidaluvprin said:Aom looks shy with Tik but they are still a lovely couple. Tik Barley kissed her that's true. I do agree that son does have a good looking cop face but while actions it looks different. Toomtam and Vill should be stuck with RLSR.
Aom seems to be afraid of intimacy with her p'eks (Tik, Captain, Ken, even Pong, etc.). She scrunches up her shoulders and make that face as if she's disgusted or don't want them to kiss her, whenever they peck her on the cheek. At least, that's what I notice about her innocent and sweet characters haha. xD Girl doesn't seem to have a problem with hugs and forehead/hand kisses though. Oh, gosh! Namneung and Kongpope's first cheek kiss in RLSR (after he cuts his finger, when he pecks her on the cheek before leaving her house)...that's hardly a kiss! Oh, yes! ToomVill for RLSR!!!! :woot: Their love scene in SSP strongly reminds me of Neung and Kong's interaction after their R scene. ervie: Especially with Thit/Toomtam kissing Gan's/Vill's cheek, neck, and hair everywhere... :drool: :spicy:
Yep, Son stinks at action scenes. :annoyed: