
- Marina ♥
Maiko: My facebook is working now so I added you two :) No, that never happened to me before where someone else tried to log onto my account but that happened to my sister. It's so weird. I'm glad your facebook is working now ^__^
I need to get an IG soon, I feel like I'll like it a lot, haha :D Ah, I gotcha. I downloaded Bluestack but never tried to install it yet so I shall try to do it later today or sometime soon :) Yes, I'd love to stalk you, Minny, and other especially ToomVill.
Haha, I'm always so perverted. You two are such pretty girls, gahh :D Too pretty for me to handle, haha.
Minny: I hope to join IG soon, too. :) That's so awesome that Vill liked your post. Wowww :D I'm so happy for you, yippee!!


sarNie Adult
Marina: your beautiful accepted your request!! I am glad your Facebook is back working!!! Lol I told my grandma that Vill like my artwork and she was even more happy than me, she was like OH REALLY MY GAN LIKED YOUR PIC!!! How about Toomtam!!!


- Marina ♥
Chalidaluvprin said:
Marina: your beautiful accepted your request!! I am glad your Facebook is back working!!! Lol I told my grandma that Vill like my artwork and she was even more happy than me, she was like OH REALLY MY GAN LIKED YOUR PIC!!! How about Toomtam!!!
Girl, you're the beautiful one here. I can't compare XD Yes, I'm glad it's working, too.
LOL, of course you had to tell you grandma! Love how she said that, too cute :D


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: My facebook is working now so I added you two :) No, that never happened to me before where someone else tried to log onto my account but that happened to my sister. It's so weird. I'm glad your facebook is working now ^__^
I need to get an IG soon, I feel like I'll like it a lot, haha :D Ah, I gotcha. I downloaded Bluestack but never tried to install it yet so I shall try to do it later today or sometime soon :) Yes, I'd love to stalk you, Minny, and other especially ToomVill.
Haha, I'm always so perverted. You two are such pretty girls, gahh :D Too pretty for me to handle, haha.
Minny: I hope to join IG soon, too. :) That's so awesome that Vill liked your post. Wowww :D I'm so happy for you, yippee!!
Whew, I'm relieved in return that your Facebook account is working again, Marina girl. :phew: :console: And thanks for your lovely concern in return. :kiss: Oh, you'll love IG hehe. :coverlaf: Gah, let us know when you get an IG account, ok? :spin: Wha? You? Always perverted? :whahuh: :pervie: Hehe, yep, Minny's beautiful. As for me, I'll take your word for it. :worthy: :p :loool:
I love what Minny's grandma said to her as well! :rofl: :highfive: It's such a beautiful surprise to us all that Vill liked Minny's photo. :blush: :grouphug:
Chalidaluvprin said:
Marina: your beautiful accepted your request!! I am glad your Facebook is back working!!! Lol I told my grandma that Vill like my artwork and she was even more happy than me, she was like OH REALLY MY GAN LIKED YOUR PIC!!! How about Toomtam!!!
:lmao2: :lmao3: Like Marina had said, aw, so cute and funnie how your grandma said that, Minny. :coverlaf: Yeah, now we're just waiting on Toomtam. :lolyup:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I thought I was going to re-upload and share some new versions of "old" NJ pictures we've seen before, but too tired... :yawn: Perhaps tomorrow... I'll try. :strong: Have a :goodnite:, everyone! :grouphug: :kiss:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
K, finally found the determination to sort through the pictures. Whew. ToomVill's photos...are so eek! :wub: :spicy: I love the close-up scan of Vill on Toomtam's back...too sweet. :blush: And the one of them sitting on the log! Man, what a beautiful and perfect log. :bhehe: And the view is breathtaking! I love the way how they're both sitting, especially Toomtam's position. :ghehe: Hmm, what's with the bike? I wonder who'll be the one riding it there? Maytinee or Roothon/Wathit? :scratchchin:
As for the other "new" pictures of the old pictures we've seen before, we barely get any NJ pictures, so why not share them again? Plus, they're worth it to be shared again and again. :lol: And the quality's better. :D I tried to catch the program covering NJ's fitting live, but I missed it. :cry1: But good thing it's already uploaded onto YouTube! :yahoo: Sad thing? T'ch (scoff), it doesn't focus on ToomVill at all. :rant: Well, it doesn't focus on their fitting, but we do get to see several of their scenes. :loool: Another bad thing? Video's too short. :thumbdown: Gah, I waited all weekend, and look what happened! Just a 3-minute video on the other characters' fitting. :rolleyes: :lmao: :rofl: But ToomVill's scenes are still worth it hehe. And it was nice to see the cast of characters. :yes:
Ooh, so many familiar stars I see! Dilok Thongwattana, Due Arisara (wow! Her first Exact lakorn, I think), Freudonidas Chartpong, and others whose names I don't know. Due...hmm, I'm guessing she'll play the doctor's daughter. :eek: I'm not too familiar with her, but I heard of her name before. :)
Gah, have to get ready for work now. :teary: Have a good day, guys! :tearybye: Here are the pictures and fitting video. NJ's fitting starts at the 9:40 mark. Oh, I also took snapshots of my favorite ToomVill moments. Well, I love all of them, but the video's quality isn't that good, so the other pictures would have been too blurry. I thought it was a magical moment when Vill/Maytinee stares into Toomtam/Root/Wathit's eyes near the end of the video (snapshots included). So sweet and mesmerizing. :spin: :drool: :blush: K, bye! :lmao:
Credits: CanAtirut's Youtube; Kate's (katesontichai katesontichai) Twitter; momtoomtam, nine_noi, & toomtamfc_maeew s IGs.



sarNie Adult
Lovely pictures of them even if its the old one still happy thanks maiko for upding these pics


- Marina ♥
I was just gonna share that video, Maiko :) But of course, I knew you'd share it first, hehe :D
Seeing Ngao Jai at the end made me so happy. If only it was longer T__T But yes, that moment near the ending of them looking at each other is so awesome. Love Vill's smiling expression in the video, too :D
Ah, this vid just made me so much more excited for NJ. Somehow, I feel like they're running away from something XD Maybe it's just me, hehe.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Rough ending to an almost-pleasant workday. :mellow: Glad I'm finally home. :yawn: :teary:
Chalidaluvprin said:
Lovely pictures of them even if its the old one still happy thanks maiko for upding these pics
Eek, I'm glad you think so, Minny girl! :highfive: :clap: And you're welcome! :D
huajaikaungtur said:
I was just gonna share that video, Maiko :) But of course, I knew you'd share it first, hehe :D
Seeing Ngao Jai at the end made me so happy. If only it was longer T__T But yes, that moment near the ending of them looking at each other is so awesome. Love Vill's smiling expression in the video, too :D
Ah, this vid just made me so much more excited for NJ. Somehow, I feel like they're running away from something XD Maybe it's just me, hehe.
I've been waiting a long time for it, Marina girl, hehe. Sorry I beat you to it. :console: :spin: I know, I wish it was longer! Filming has only started, but gah, we're so impatient to see it! :loool: Eek, right! That moment when they stare into each other's eyes, such a beautiful and heart-racing moment. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking it, Marina girl. :kiss: Vill looks so smitten during that scene; Toomtam must be working his magic on her. :pervie: :ghehe: But Marina, Minny, and everybody! :woot: There's an HD (high definition) quality of the same video, and oh, golly! Everybody, all the scenes, and (especially) ToomVill are even more breathtaking in HD! :eyetwitch: :faint: :drools: :drool: Gah! They're so beautiful in HD!!! :spin: I'll share the video in a couple minutes, ok? I want to take snapshots first. :wink: Be rite back with the video and HD ToomVill photos. :woot2:
Ooh la la, I know what you mean about them running away from something, Marina. I love that idea! :thumbsup: I bet they're running from everybody just so they can have their privacy. :pervie: :bhehe: Haha, just kidding. :p Besides running away, they look like they're lost...lost in love and lost in a beautiful, wild place. :wub: The scene of Toomtam (Roothon/Wathit) carrying injured Vill (Maytinee) on his back, looks like they emerge from the flower field, and they're trying to find the way out. Ooh, Maytinee really gets herself injured when she trips over that stick, rock, or something. :whahuh: She's even struggling to walk by herself near the end of the video (the scene right before she stares into Root/Wathit's eyes).
And lookie here! They also spend the night...alone together. :pervie: :drool: Gah! This totally would explain Maytinee running after Root/Wathit with a stick. :lmao3: More thoughts about those scenes later! :lol:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Gah, my eyes are falling asleep...I have a major headache tonight as well... :yawn: -_- Taking snapshots and resizing them...takes even longer than I expected! :annoyed: Will share the pictures and video tomorrow. :spin: Well, have a :goodnite:, everyone! Sweet dreams! :lol: :kiss: :grouphug:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
*Sniff* K, I'm finally done with the HD snapshots...darn, what a workout! :cry1: No more! :lmao: I was feeling kind and decided to take snapshots of the other cast of characters in NJ, but from now on...I'm going to be very selective...I'll only take snapshots of the interesting things and of ToomVill. :lol2: Oh, to save some space, I'm going to copy Spicy forum's Admin Mai's ( :kiss:) method of putting pictures under a spoiler tag. Click on it to see the pictures. :) But for ToomVill's snapshots, no spoiler tags for them. :wub: :lolyup:
Well, here's the HD video! Everything looks an infinity times better in HD! :D
Credit: tvthaichannel's YouTube Channel.

Note: Just click on this spoiler tag for more pictures hehe. I also have some thoughts regarding certain pictures. :lol:

Note: Due's...not that pretty to me. She's more of a cutie. :) But she's all right.

Note: Ah! P'Aom looks so hardworking behind the scenes! :spin: Hope she doesn't disappoint us. Come on, Aom! :cheer: She looks so cute and beautiful in glasses...I didn't even know she wears them. :whahuh:

Note: Hehe, funny and cute Vill! :wub:

Note: Huh, this looks like Jane Janesuda Parnto... :scratchhead2: :shrug: If it's really Jane, I'm excited to see ToomVill work alongside her... P'Aom is smart in recruiting Due and Jane (who are usually in Channel 3) to be in her lakorn. :bravo: Hmm, I'm predicting that Jane (if it's really her :D) is playing Roothon's ex-girlfriend. :whaha: She's...a little too old for Toomtam, but oh, well. :lol:

And for last! :woot: :wub: :drool:

................This literally took me all morning! And now I've got to prepare for a short shift at work... :cry1: No more unnecessary snapshots from now on! :lmao: But ToomVill...sure are worth my pain and time hehe. :wub: Well, have a great day, everyone! :tearybye: :grouphug:


sarNie Adult
These are all so cute thank you maiko!!! I love all of these the last pic awe!!! Vill's Eyes and her sort of smile!!! Eye contact she made her eyes so cute!!!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Yay, back from work...yikes, I hope I've done good at work today. :nailbiter: :teary:
Chalidaluvprin said:
These are all so cute thank you maiko!!! I love all of these the last pic awe!!! Vill's Eyes and her sort of smile!!! Eye contact she made her eyes so cute!!!
Eek, you're welcome, Minny girl! And I'm happy you love them! :woot: :grouphug: :kiss: I love ToomVill's photos, too. Hehe, actually, Vill's mouth and expression for the last three pictures kind of scared me, but I still love her reaction, like you do. :spin: Ooh, I love how you described her expression. I :heart: your perfect explanation of how smitten and shy she is with Toomtam. We would feel EXACTLY the same way she feels if we were ever in her lucky position. :lolyup: As for Toomtam, dang! He's so handsome and cute!!! He looks positively yummy! :yummy: And you know what? Toomtam looks pretty good with his facial hair in those scenes. :yes: :thumbup: I'm glad he's even better-looking with facial hair in motion. :wub:
Man, ToomVill's lips...are so similar and luscious! :drool: I love looking at their lips. :whahuh: :loool: I also find injured Vill very cute. :blush: Eek, such a heartwarming sight: a vulnerable and hurt Vill and a very protective and masculine Toomtam...gosh! :spicy: :wub: I'm so looking forward to their interaction! :woot2:
Oh, I've been busy with artworks and other things, so that's why I haven't been too active on IG and Twitter lately. :lol: I want to finish an impressive ToomVill artwork and be able to share it before I make my return on IG. :lol2:
preetam said:
Vill and Toomtam are very cute together !!!
Eek, happy to hear from you again, Preetam! :kiss: They are, aren't they? :spin: :wub: Hope that NJ is better than what we're fearing it will be! :lolyup:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I wanted to share two pictures, but Imageshack isn't working properly at the moment. :mellow: Will just have to share them in the morning... :yawn: :goodnite: or good day, everyone! :grouphug: :kiss:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I've been busy the past days with my big projects for ToomVill, so hence, the silence in this thread. :blush: Thank goodness I was able to finish two ToomVill artworks in time for today's special day, Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day, fellow ToomVillers and everyone else! :grouphug: :kiss: :kiss3: Hope that everyone will have an extra special day today and forever hehe. :wink: Love you guys! :wub:
Anyway, one lovely picture of Maytinee (Vill :D) in the flower field and other pictures. The second photo of ToomVill is another one of annelui2013's gorgeous creations. I love it so much. :spicy: The last two ToomVill photos are my own artworks of them hehe. :blush: I got really lazy towards the end haha. :loool: As for the very last ToomVill artwork, I had a whole scenario planned out for the picture, but I had to shorten it for the picture's dimensions and for time constrictions... Oh! But I will share the whole picture/story :)D) once I'm done. :D
Also, NJ's opening ceremony may occur on Friday, March 7 (major thanks to IG member toomtamfc_maeew)! :woot: :yahoo: YAY! I'm so looking forward to new ToomVill photos. :spin: Of course, the date may change. Hehe, but for sure, I think we'll get to see an opening ceremony sometime in March. :D
Credits: Kate's (katesontichai katesontichai) Twitter; annelui2013's IG.



Those are some cute pics! But I'm not really like Vill's orange/red hair guys. I just don't like that hair color, especially when it's not natural. Urgh. Passin looks gorgeous!! Although he appeared very briefly. HEHE. Hope he's not the baddie! 


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
phatman said:
Those are some cute pics! But I'm not really like Vill's orange/red hair guys. I just don't like that hair color, especially when it's not natural. Urgh. Passin looks gorgeous!! Although he appeared very briefly. HEHE. Hope he's not the baddie! 
Happy Valentine's Day, my lovely Phat-girl! :kiss: I'm in total agreement with you about Vill's hair. :highfive: I like it, but like you said, it's too obvious that it's not her natural hair color. :lolyup: Yes, Passin appears too briefly in the video...dude, even Due has more appearances than he did! :whaha:


Maiko^_^ said:
Happy Valentine's Day, my lovely Phat-girl! :kiss: I'm in total agreement with you about Vill's hair. :highfive: I like it, but like you said, it's too obvious that it's not her natural hair color. :lolyup: Yes, Passin appears too briefly in the video...dude, even Due has more appearances than he did! :whaha:
Awe...Happy Valentine's Day to you too, love! Passin, oh my Passin. 


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
phatman said:
Awe...Happy Valentine's Day to you too, love! Passin, oh my Passin. 
:whahuh: :lmao2: to the part about your Passin. :coverlaf: And aw, thank you! :blush: :kiss3: I'm off to prepare for work now, so see you later! :tearybye: