
Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Woot! Finally...the other photos are here! Sheesh...I never want to fall behind again. :sweat: What a workout! :phew: :yawn: Took me a long time to re-upload the photos and find the credits... :teary: Now for the awesome people who uploaded and shared these pictures with us. :heart: Gah, there are quite a few credits I've forgotten...I'm so bad at keeping track of them. :cry1: My apologies! But thanks to all the sources! :worthy: :thanks: I'm listing out the credits by type. Some new/old photos from the opening ceremony as well. Also, Minny and Marina have shared some of the photos already, but I have my reasons for sharing them again...especially when the photos are bigger-sized. :D Some credits listed contain photos that haven't been re-uploaded or shared yet in this post. :) Er, the photos will have to be shared in several separate posts. :teary:
(ATTENTION: This post and the next ones contain a LOT of photos...I'm putting all the photos after the first one under a spoiler tag. Just click on the spoiler tag for more of NJ's beautiful photos...ESPECIALLY the ToomVill photos. :drool: I'll also comment on certain photos hehe. Hmm, what else...? Don't miss out on the ToomVill photos! :woot:)
IGs: aomphiyada, cherreen_family, dowdow7, enjoy_gun, gamthestar_fc, gamwichayanee, izecube, katesonthichai, lakornexact, maimatoom, mellowmew6188, nat_foryou, navintar, nine_noi, onnaoa, onneji, p_ratchada, patoomtam, princetamgroup, sarisa_pis, sasiya_ss23, sdewda, sujiralamor, toomtamfc_maeew, ttyuttana, villwannarot, villwannarotimage, yadapiaklin.
Facebooks: Maimatoom Tta, Moccana Homes, Toomtam's channel, Vill Wannarot Sonthichai FC Fanpage, Vill Wannarot (VVC), ตูมตาม เดอะสตาร์7.
Twitters: maymind, katesontichai, ToomtamFC_maeew, วิว วรรณรท สนธิไชย
Other credits: As tagged and to their original owners.


Note: I just love how they (ToomVill) take similar photos...the three photos above are just beautiful! :spin: And since they're so similar, I just got to have Toomtam's photo next to Vill's, even though Minny has already shared Toomtam's photo. :blush:

Note: Anybody notice Roothon, the creep? :ghehe:

Note: Gah, I find this photo so hot...their cute, little behinds... :loool: And they're wearing the same color pants! :wub: Hehe, all their photos are amazing! :woot:



Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Same credits! :) (ATTENTION: Again, this post contains a LOT of photos...all the photos after the first two are under a spoiler tag. Just click on the spoiler tag for more of NJ's beautiful photos...ESPECIALLY the ToomVill photos. :drool: I'll also comment on certain photos hehe. Hmm, what else...? Don't miss out on the ToomVill photos! :woot:)
IGs: aomphiyada, cherreen_family, dowdow7, enjoy_gun, gamthestar_fc, gamwichayanee, izecube, katesonthichai, lakornexact, maimatoom, mellowmew6188, nat_foryou, navintar, nine_noi, onnaoa, onneji, p_ratchada, patoomtam, princetamgroup, sarisa_pis, sasiya_ss23, sdewda, sujiralamor, toomtamfc_maeew, ttyuttana, villwannarot, villwannarotimage, yadapiaklin.
Facebooks: Maimatoom Tta, Moccana Homes, Toomtam's channel, Vill Wannarot Sonthichai FC Fanpage, Vill Wannarot (VVC), ตูมตาม เดอะสตาร์7.
Twitters: maymind, katesontichai, ToomtamFC_maeew, วิว วรรณรท สนธิไชย
Other credits: As tagged and to their original owners.


Note: Gah, those funny ToomVill photos crack me up! Especially with Vill pretending to hit Toomtam. :spin: Both their pouting expressions are adorable. :wub: "Metinee's Flora?" :eek: Looks like Villl's Metinee will be a florist. I guess this ice skating for ToomVill... :no: :cry1: I'm disappointed. :teary:

Note: Vill looks so gorgeous in this shot. :drools: Toomtam looks so handsome in the hospital patient attire! :spicy:

Note: Eek, Toomtam is just so handsome and charming in glasses! Gosh dang, he looks so good in this particular photo (all his photos, actually hehe). He and Due look nice together, but dang it! Why isn't Vill in this picture?! :cry1: K, selfish thought is gone...for the moment. :D Er, I haven't been noticing a lot of photos of Oom, Due, and Jane... :scratchchin: I hope this means...plenty of ToomVill scenes in NJ!!!!! :woot: :dance1:

Note: Hmm...Toomtam and Navin fighting? :eek: Or Toomtam and another guy? And will A Passin still be in here? :shrug:

Note: Gosh dang! Toomtam is smokin' HOT on a motorcycle! :faint: :drool: Woot, the photos of him in a simple, white tank-top.... Masculinity at its best. :spicy: :blush: He looks so delicious! :yummy: Wonder if both Root and Vathid/Wathit will be riding a motorcycle? Or will it be only one of the twins? I hope Metinee will get a motorcycle ride! :spin:

Note: I :heart: Roothon the most without his beanie, just like I love Metinee without her hat. :wub: No hats all the time for them, please! :worthy: Without his beanie, Root is an infinity times more handsome and hotter! That wild and unruly hair! Umm-hmm! :yummy: And his facial hair is just perfect. :spin:

Note: Aw, such a sweet photo of them! I wish these two photos were clearer. They look beautiful like always! :wub:

Note: Some of poor Vill's expressions...even I don't find them so attractive. :p But I still :heart: her. She looks so adorbs with this hairstyle! Definitely loving her hairstyle in here! :thumbup: And Vill and her mother are just so stunning and cute together! :spin:



Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Yay! Last set of photos! Woot woot! :party: Same credits. :D (ATTENTION [for the last time hehe]: Again, this post contains a LOT of photos...all the photos after the first one are under a spoiler tag. Just click on the spoiler tag for more photos...ESPECIALLY the ToomVill photos. :drool:)
IGs: aomphiyada, cherreen_family, dowdow7, enjoy_gun, gamthestar_fc, gamwichayanee, izecube, katesonthichai, lakornexact, maimatoom, mellowmew6188, nat_foryou, navintar, nine_noi, onnaoa, onneji, p_ratchada, patoomtam, princetamgroup, sarisa_pis, sasiya_ss23, sdewda, sujiralamor, toomtamfc_maeew, ttyuttana, villwannarot, villwannarotimage, yadapiaklin.
Facebooks: Maimatoom Tta, Moccana Homes, Toomtam's channel, Vill Wannarot Sonthichai FC Fanpage, Vill Wannarot (VVC), ตูมตาม เดอะสตาร์7.
Twitters: maymind, katesontichai, ToomtamFC_maeew, วิว วรรณรท สนธิไชย
Other credits: As tagged and to their original owners.

Note: Marina girl, I know you already shared the above photos, but I just love the one of ToomVill and Kate (Vill's lovely mother) so much that it's worth sharing again. :wub: Plus, the ones of ToomVill on the bike are bigger-sized photos, so those definitely need to be shared again. :spin: Gah, I just love the ones of them riding that bike! Even though it's just a bike and not a motorcycle, Toomtam still look so hot riding a simple bike. :drools: And Vill on the backseat of his bike? Just PERFECTION. :thumbsup: Eek, their solo shots are breath-taking during the filming of this scene! (But of course, all their pictures are always so beautiful and handsome! :lol:)

Note: Hmm, NJ was captioned for this scene, and that's definitely Navin Tar, and I'm positive the girl is Vill. :D Vill wears the same sandals in one of her NJ pictures. :lol: Plus, that looks like Vill's nose hehe. Dang, I'm so jealous that's not Toomtam with her. :annoyed: :lolyup: But the scene looks exciting! :clap: Metinee looks hurt. Hope to see a jealous Root/Vathid/Wathit! :woot: Ooh, the location is breath-taking like usual!

Note: EEK!!!!! :woot2: I wonder what's up with the situation of ToomVill and Gam in the school uniforms? Hehe, I think their characters are too old to be wearing those uniforms. :coverlaf: I'm excited for this scene/situation as well! ToomVill and Gam are so freakin' adorable in the uniforms! :spin: (Oh, Mouse and Cherreen are cute in their uniforms as well! :cloud9:) My take on the scenario is that Metinee, Root/Vathid/Wathit (hmm, I'm thinking it's going to be Root), and Gam's character (oh, I did find out her character's name, but will have to look for it again) are going to sneak into Mouse and Cherreen's univeristy/school. Perhaps to spy on Cherreen and Mouse? :scratchchin: Or maybe it will be a flashback of them in school together? (Gah, I rather they sneak into the school hehe.) Either way, I'm so hyped for the scene! :yahoo:
I'm especially happy seeing ToomVill in school uniforms...they look so adorable together. :wub: Totally reminds me of Rodmay and Phet in their movie, First Kiss. :coverlaf: I :heart: that movie! Hehe, Toomtam looks like he has lost some weight. :cry: His hairy legs... :whaha: Vill looks so beautiful with the braids! Gam's hair looks kind of wild; I love it! Gam and Vill look so innocent while Toomtam looks naughty. :D All their photos got me gushing in excitement! :clap:

Whew, finally, that's the last of the photos! For now. I am done with these set of photos! So proud of myself! :bravo: Now for the IG videos! :dance3:
Gam and Vill boarding a plane.
Gam and Vill's airplane ride.
Gam and Vill's airplane ride #2.
Lovely Metinee (Vill) with the flowers.
Vill and Navin.
Aw, Toomtam uploaded two IG videos him while he was shooting the bike scene, but those two videos are no longer available. :cry: K, I'm off to a well-deserved sleep! :goodnite: :grouphug:


sarNie Juvenile
OMG Maiko how do you even find all these photos, your a MIRACLE! gotta give you a huge thanks for always keeping this forum running! And OMG the photos of toom and vill *faint* Don't worry I'm selfish too lol I only want toom and vill together in the photos haha!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
himyim said:
OMG Maiko how do you even find all these photos, your a MIRACLE! gotta give you a huge thanks for always keeping this forum running! And OMG the photos of toom and vill *faint* Don't worry I'm selfish too lol I only want toom and vill together in the photos haha!
Eek, hi there, Himyim! :hiya: Why, thank you! :blush: :spin: :grouphug: It wasn't easy, but it was easier to find the photos and save them than re-uploading them and listing credits. :lol: If I'm lucky, some sources tagged/captioned NJ for their photos, so that's how I can tell a photo is for NJ or not. But other photos...seem like it, but I'm not positive about them. :mellow: It took me half a day just to re-upload these photos and find the credits...I don't want to go through the pain again, only if I want to for my obsessions. :whaha: Oh, I see I'm not the only selfish one, then. :lmao2: Thanks again! :heart: :kiss:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
There's also a bicycle in one of ToomVill's photos from their very first days of filming NJ in Maehongsorn province. Here's the old photo again (I shared it before :lol:). Credit to Kate's (katesontichai) Twitter. So, I hope that this means the bicycle has a significant meaning for our leads! I love it when everything connects very well in a lakorn. :clap: Oh, but the two bikes are different though. :scratchchin:

Anyway, more pictures! Not a whole lot, thank goodness! :phew: Aw, the little girl posing with Aom, Toomtam, and Vill is beautiful! Such cute pictures of them! :wub: NJ's scenery is simply breath-taking!
Credits: ตุลย์กะตัง จอมซน's Facebook; sasiya_ss23's IG.

Note: Not sure if this lady will be in the lakorn, but she's part of the NJ team.
Thanks to her for all the gorgeous shots!


sarNie Adult
Toomtam makes posing next to baskets of cabbages so sexxy *drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolsssssssssssssssssssss #Toomtam #SexxyCabbage


- Marina ♥
Maiko: I'm always tiring during school days no matter how much sleep I get :yawn: 
Yes, just one month left & thank you so much. You're the sweetest.
And yes, my sisters are liking Gam. Usually they're not fans of any Thai idols so them liking Gam is pretty strange. Oh, has she sang Let it Go in English? :O If so, I'll have to find it.
I know right, them driving to a filming location alone would be too perfect.
Hahaha, I'm glad I made you laugh but seriously, I am a major creep. I just can't stop it. I'm naturally a creep, hehe. You're not a creep :p
Oh Maiko. Thank you so much for the photos.
I know it must have took a ton of time reuploading them and sorting them out. Thank you so much.
Loving all the photos especially the one with the little girl, awwww. ToomVill :heart: 

beamsgirl said:
Toomtam makes posing next to baskets of cabbages so sexxy *drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolsssssssssssssssssssss #Toomtam #SexxyCabbage

LOLOLOL, sexycabbage? You're so funny  :lmao3: 


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
beamsgirl said:
Toomtam makes posing next to baskets of cabbages so sexxy *drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolsssssssssssssssssssss #Toomtam #SexxyCabbage
:whahuh: :rofl: At first I was confused about the cabbages; had to look at the photos again to see what you were talking about. :coverlaf: I was thinking about older pictures of them in the cabbage (?) field. :lol: SexxyCabbage indeed. :clap: :lolyup:
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: I'm always tiring during school days no matter how much sleep I get :yawn: 
Yes, just one month left & thank you so much. You're the sweetest.
And yes, my sisters are liking Gam. Usually they're not fans of any Thai idols so them liking Gam is pretty strange. Oh, has she sang Let It Go in English? :eek: If so, I'll have to find it.
I know right, them driving to a filming location alone would be too perfect.
Hahaha, I'm glad I made you laugh but seriously, I am a major creep. I just can't stop it. I'm naturally a creep, hehe. You're not a creep :p
Oh Maiko. Thank you so much for the photos.
I know it must have took a ton of time reuploading them and sorting them out. Thank you so much.
Loving all the photos especially the one with the little girl, awwww. ToomVill :heart: 


LOLOLOL, sexycabbage? You're so funny  :lmao3: 
Aw, I know exactly how you feel, Marina girl... I feel the same way everyday, ESPECIALLY when I'm at work! -_- Su su, Marina! :flowers: Hehe, perhaps they like Gam for that very reason: since she sings her own version of Let It Go and since she's also a part of their favorite movie, Frozen. :D Are your sisters obsessed with Let It Go? Yes, I saw an IG video of Gam singing it in English, but I haven't looked into that yet. :) Too lazy and uninspired at the moment to search for it. :smack: I'm totally over-thinking as to what ToomVill are doing in the car and why...and if they were really alone together or not. :woot: Gah, wishful thinking. :p I don't notice any cameraman or you? :ghehe: Hah, you, a natural and major creep? :loool: Marina, you should know my dirty mind by now. :whaha: It's not always dirty, but it is most of the time! :lol: You make me laugh and smile. :kiss: You and everybody else hehe. :grouphug:
Aw, you're so welcome for the photos. :blush: Never will I fall behind again...hopefully! So excited to see what kind of changes they're adding to NJ! Oh, you did see all the photos under all the spoiler tags, right? :eek: The photos of them with the little girl are precious indeed... I'm still waiting for ToomVill to take a photo with N'Nava! Just the three of them. :spin:
K, going to sleep now. :goodnite: to you, Marina, Beamsgirl, and everyone! :kiss: :grouphug:


- Marina ♥
Maiko: Yep, I'm always tired at school no matter what.
Yeah, they like Gam mainly because she sings their favorite song :) Yess, my sisters are super obsessed with Let It Go.
Overthinking about what ToomVill did in the car? hehe, I can't stop wondering about it either. If only they gave us more info .... Yeah, I don't remember any cameraman, no other people either ... just the two of them so I conclude they were alone, LOLOL.
Hehe, fine. I guess you and I are both creeps then. I should stop letting my dirty mind take over, haha.
It's completely fine, all that matters is you posting pictures for us. We're really thankful & yes, I saw all the photos under the spoilers -- I was gonna comment on all of them but that'd be too crazy, eh?
Oh yes, ToomVill w/ Nava = cuteness overload!! :)
Goodnight, sweet dreams~


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: Yep, I'm always tired at school no matter what.
Yeah, they like Gam mainly because she sings their favorite song :) Yess, my sisters are super obsessed with Let It Go.
Overthinking about what ToomVill did in the car? hehe, I can't stop wondering about it either. If only they gave us more info .... Yeah, I don't remember any cameraman, no other people either ... just the two of them so I conclude they were alone, LOLOL.
Hehe, fine. I guess you and I are both creeps then. I should stop letting my dirty mind take over, haha.
It's completely fine, all that matters is you posting pictures for us. We're really thankful & yes, I saw all the photos under the spoilers -- I was gonna comment on all of them but that'd be too crazy, eh?
Oh yes, ToomVill w/ Nava = cuteness overload!! :)
Goodnight, sweet dreams~
Su su, Marina girl! :grouphug: Ah, hehe, so your sisters are obsessed with Let It Go, too, huh? :coverlaf: Best song in Frozen! :thumbsup: Such a deep and touching song... Speaking of Frozen, did you get a chance to finally watch it, Marina? :)
Hehe, I automatically assumed that they were filming in the car, but your thoughts definitely open up more possibilities! :woot: :clap: Yes, if only we are given more info on their photos; if only. :phew: If the cameraman and the NJ crew were there, too, well, they're doing a good job of staying hidden. :lolyup: Hehe, I :heart: your conclusion VERY much. :ghehe:
Oh, I would have loved to read ALL your comments on "all" of the photos. :thumbsup: But you're very busy these days, girl. :console: And even I couldn't comment on every photo...well, I could, but I would want to do so only for my favorite photos. :p Ah! Almost forgot to note this; Pim Pimmada is in some of the photos...I doubt her role is prominent, though; probably she'll guest star in here. Perhaps as a random girl or friend who Root/Wathit/Vathid will be eating lunch with. :lol: We'll just have to wait and see if ToomVill will ever take a real photo with Nong Nava. :spin:
Hope you had a good night's rest, Marina! Have a great day! :kiss: Same goes for everybody! :grouphug:


sarNie OldFart
Goodness Maiko! You're the heart of this thread. Without you, it's very lifeless. Lol. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! Those are a bunch of pictures to be  uploading. It must be very time consuming, but I'm sure you enjoy doing it or else you wouldn't do it. Haha. Thank you once again for giving us all these yummy updates. I know I rarely come to this thread, but I'm giving you and ToomVill my support in spirit. I'm a little hung up on Yah Leum Chan right now with Tik and Anne. Lol.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Last photos for tonight...then I'm off to bed. Hopefully, we'll get new photos tomorrow (er, well, it will be "tomorrow" for me :lol:). :dance1: These photos are actually "old new" photos. :lol: But I'm so happy to have found them! They're still exciting! :woot:
Credit: tao_kantana's IG.

Hmm, for the very last photo, I can see a shirtless man...could it be Toomtam?! :woot2: Gah, too far away to tell! :cry: Dang it, I badly want to know if it's dirty mind is thinking ahead again, Marina. :pervie: I think it's pretty obvious who I want shirtless Toomtam to be with in that scene. :whaha: K, :goodnite:, everyone! Sweet dreams. :wink: :grouphug: :kiss:
Mahalo said:
Goodness Maiko! You're the heart of this thread. Without you, it's very lifeless. Lol. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! Those are a bunch of pictures to be  uploading. It must be very time consuming, but I'm sure you enjoy doing it or else you wouldn't do it. Haha. Thank you once again for giving us all these yummy updates. I know I rarely come to this thread, but I'm giving you and ToomVill my support in spirit. I'm a little hung up on Yah Leum Chan right now with Tik and Anne. Lol.
Mahalo! Almost didn't see your post! Thank goodness I was too slow in getting off AF. :lol: Glad I was able to catch it before hitting the hay. :) Aw, thankies! So sweet of you! :spin: :cry: Yes, it was very time consuming. :teary: And with me being so slow and easily distracted, it took EVEN LONGER than necessary. :whaha: But I'm not behind...for the moment hehe. Oh, I love seeing the photos and love sharing them even more, but I sure dislike re-uploading them. :p But it's well worth the pain just to gush it over with you guys! :grouphug: :blush:
Aw, thanks for the support! :kiss3: You're welcome for the photos. ^_^ Ooh...I've fallen behind on Yah Leum Chan... :nailbiter: Will need to catch aren't too positive, but Tik and Anne look so perfect together. :wub: So evil of me not to share their yummy pictures in YLC's thread... :cry1: :smack: K, I'm off for realz. :D Have a wonderful day, Mahalo! :kiss:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Morning, guys! :hiya: Dang it! I had such a wonderful dream! I dreamed that there were a few new ToomVill photos, and it was Daisy who shared them with us and gushed over them... :whahuh: There wasn't any shot of them together, but they both took really similar photos with almost the same pose and expression... Felt so real that I expected to see those photos when I wake up, but photos of them. :lmao: Gah, wishful thinking. :lolyup: Hah, at least it was a good dream. :wub: Anyway, just three photos for now. Hmm, really quiet on Vill's end; perhaps she'll join them later...? :huh: Off to prepare for work. Have an awesome day, everyone! :grouphug: :heart:
Credits: Aom (aomphiyada) & Toomtam's (ttyuttana) IGs.



Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I'm back home, home sweet home! :phew: Boy, no NJ updates! Feels like it's been forever. :whahuh: Hmm, I suppose we'll get more NJ updates this weekend, but I'm just so anxious and greedy for MOAR! :rant: :rofl: K, I'll just use this sweet time to finish some unfinished business. :D At least Toomtam is updating his IG, but dang, barely a peep from Vill, Gam, and the others! :eek: Seriously, nothing much on Due, Jane, Oom, and A Passin at all. :cry1: Sheesh, maybe Jane's character isn't that significant? :scratchchin: As for poor A Passin...will he even be in NJ...? :teary: I need to check his IG as well. :strong:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
I guess it's morning again in Thailand. :D Boy, Toomtam's really busy filming NJ. :wub: Now, where is that girl (Vill)? :scratchhead2: One new photo from Toomtam and some new photos of old photos. :lol2:
Credits: nine_noi & Toomtam's (ttyuttana) IGs.

Note: Our boy man getting ready. :drool:

Note: This one looks almost exactly like one of the old photos I posted before (in fact, it may just the same one). :lol: But this one...has Vill in the background. :woot: This photo proves that her solo photo of herself wearing that gorgeous blue/white dress (which, I shared way back and wrote that I wasn't sure if that photo was for NJ's fitting or not) was indeed related to NJ. :clap: It would be nice to see her wear the beautiful dress in NJ. :wub: So sweet to see her behind Toomtam. :blush:

Note: Close-up shot of them (same photo that I've shared before, at the very top of this page hehe). :D

Note: First time seeing this photo. :lol:

Note: Aw, nine_noi uploaded this "old new" photo of Tithit... :drools: Still looking mighty handsome! Aw, I sure miss them (Thit, Gan, ToomVill hehe). :D


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Eek! More Toomtam photos. Gosh dang! :spicy: He's looking so fine and hot! :drools: :spicy: Love his clothes! *Squeal* The first photo is my favorite; it's from P'Aom's IG. Hehe, the second one, which is from Toomtam's IG, isn't that good... I still love it, but the gray-scale colors make his facial hair look...unappealing. :whaha: But the first photo! Mmm! So delicious! :yummy: He looks so masculine and sexy! :wub:
Credits: Aom (aomphiyada) & Toomtam's (ttyuttana) IGs.



- Marina ♥
Maiko: Thank you for cheering me on. And yes, my sisters are super obsessed. I finally saw Frozen just a few weeks ago and it was good -- better than I expected. I watched it with my sisters and they kept giving me spoilers, :weee:  but I did enjoy it a lot. I'm a sucker for kid movies.
Hehe, awww, I'm glad you like my conclusion. I always jump to conclusions :thumbdown: 
I've been quite busy, I always like to keep myself busy since I don't like being bored. Oh yes, I noticed some pics with Pim. She probably has a minor role. I haven't seen her in a while though, I don't even remember her last lakorn o_O
Thank you, Maiko for the photos again & just being yourself :) You're the sweetest.
Ahh, it's so nice to come on this thread after a tiring day and see updates.
As for the shirtless man photo, I hope it's Toomtam. Fingers crossed. The cameraman should have moved up a few steps xDD Looks like shirtless man isn't alone, too. mwahaha >;D Maiko, my dirty mind is jumping to conclusions again, too. hahaha.
You had another dream concerning ToomVill? Gah, how do you do it? Anyways, I enjoyed reading about your dream, hehe. You must have been so upset when you didn't see those photos. Maybe your dream's foreshadowing pictures in the future? :eyetwitch:  :woot: 
Toomtam's always looking so handsome, gwash. I didn't even notice Vill in the background of Toomtam's photo there until I read your comment. She is very pretty even at a distance. Hope she wears something like that in NJ, too. It would be awesome  :dance1: 
And that photo of Thitit ... *sigh* missing SSP. He is so handsome. Love his amused expression and his pretty eyes. So handsome T__T Toomtam's such a great poser. He's so manly in those last two photos you posted. Oh gee, hotness overload. Is it getting hot in here or what? :drools:  :drool:  :pervie: LOL. Thank you Maiko for all the posts, love your thoughts!! :heart: 