All righty...time to gush! :woot: I'm going to make it quick. (Er, yeah, right.
K, first things first. The bigger-sized photos of ToomVill's fitting photos... Gah! They're even more beautiful up close and clear! :wub: If only Exact will release the official, high-quality photos, too. :spin: I'm glad to see a clearer photo of the one of Toomtam sitting while Vill has her arms wrapped around him. Ooh, Vill. Love how you're the one who seems to be initiating the moves.
Again, I love all their fitting photos. :wub: I love Vill's white blouse with the black cardigan/jacket! She looks so beautiful and cute! Plus, her hairstyle's gorgeous! Those curls! Wow! ToomVill look fantastic in anything to me. Hehe, modern day Thitit and Gandawasee! :bhehe: :cloud9:
Root (Toomtam) looks so handsome and delicious in his solo photos (the photos of him in the flower field)! :drools: Just lose the beanie.
I nearly died when I saw the bigger-sized photo of Metinee (Vill) and Wathit (Toomtam) in the picture frame. :faint: The full photo is even more beautiful! :spin: Actually, I thought the golden frame was photoshopped onto the ToomVill photo...didn't even think that it was a actual photo frame!
:shock2: Man, I badly want that fame and photo. :annoyed: :lmao: So, that photo is probably the finalized shot of the following photo; I'm going to list the two photos "side by side" (depending on your laptop screen) for comparison.
Credits: dowdow7 & patoomtam IGs.
K, my point is that for the first photo, Toomtam isn't wearing Wathit's glasses, but he is for the second photo.
Now, wonder if that means anything significant? Perhaps he just wasn't ready to put the glasses on? Or they were testing out which look they want him to go with for the photo? :shrug: Whichever the case, he looks so darn delicious in both looks!
Vill...pretty much looks the same. :lolyup: She looks beautiful though. They look perfect together. :wub:
Hmm, which photo is better now? :scratchchin: Well, both are hehe! :ghehe: I mean, seriously, they really do look perfect together in both photos. :spin: Ooh la la, so the second photo appears to be the official photo for lakorn scene, meaning it's a photo display for the, if that makes sense. :sweat: Wonder whose desk or office or room the photos are in? :scratchhead2: Perhaps Wathit/Root's desk/room? :woot: Could be Metinee's, too. :yes: Oh, gwarsh! I also :heart: the framed photos of Wathit and Metinee's wedding and of Metinee in the school uniform. Vill looks so adorable and pretty in the uniform! :blush:
Er, the wedding photo, although very cute and exciting for me, is kind of weird...not a typical wedding photo of the pra'nangs. :huh: Plus, there's a visible camera (someone taking photos of the wedded couple), and the whole angle of the photo is off. I wouldn't frame that photo on
MY desk. :whahuh: Unless that particular photo is really meant to be on display in
NJ? And the people taking photos of Wathit and Metinee are meant to be in that scene?
We'll see. :shrug: I love the photo nevertheless! ToomVill, gosh! :heart:
Toomtam looks good in his solo photos! Love his poses, from the neutral ones to the silly ones. :lmao3: He looks so cool on the motorcycle! :spicy: And Vill and Nong Nava are just too darn cute and beautiful together! :spin: I love the photos of them by the pool! N'Nava is such a cutie pie! She's gorgeous like Aom! :wub: Contagious and lovely smile.
That kid's too adorable.
My mind's seriously going crazy, thinking of the possibilities of why Metinee is in the pool. :weee: :crazy: They all involve Wathit/Root, of course.
Aw, I think it's more than obvious by now that we won't get to see ToomVill ice-skate in here, like Kob and Brook got to do so for their version of
NJ. I'm sorely disappointed. :weep: Oh, well, just as long as we get an abundance of ToomVill scenes and a satisfying storyline, that will more than suffice. :worthy:
Anyway, onward to the last ToomVill photo. The one of Toomtam sitting down while Vill is standing (he's wearing a blue shirt, she's wearing a white top/dress/outfit). Not Vill's most attractive expression, but her curls look great! Plus, I didn't notice this the first time; she had her hand on Toomtam's bicep! :faint: Well, that certainly made the photo even far more exciting and squeal-worthy! :lolyup: :loool: Ooh, Metinee, so you seem pretty forward, even desperate, to me. :ghehe: Haha. The admin of
Vill Wannarot Sonthichai FC Fanpage's wrote out an interesting caption for the photo: "Methinee [or Metinee] and Rut [or Root] ah...or Methinee and Wathid [or Wathit]." So, without the brackets, this is what the caption looks like; "Methinee and Rut ah...or Methinee and Wathid."
Hmm, my bets are on Root/Rut.
I say that's Rut/Root in the photo. But we shall see. :nailbiter:
The IG clip of Gam and Vill is funny and cute. They look like they were caught doing something they shouldn't be doing; eating food. :lmao3: Hey, better to eat than not at all...I'm the perfect example of that! :lmao: Hilarious when they both said, "Oi," at the same time. :rofl: Due looks very gorgeous and cute!
Everybody looks great! :woot:
Well, well, well, what a surprise...that was certainly longer than I had planned to write. I knew it! :smack: -_- Some more photos after this, then off to sleep I go.