You're most :welcome1: naaa huajaikaungtur
Dearest Maiko, khup khun maaak naa for your kind comments and I did not feel bad as I did not know the rules and you didn't sound rude/mean to me naa, also please do feel free to correct me everytime whenever I'm wrong naaa Phee :yes:
But I couldn't find "spoiler tag" on this page as you said, so kindly requesting you to direct me to it P'Maiko
Also, Thank you so much for stopping by this thread to update about NJ for us, :thanks:
huajaikaungtur said:Aweee, thank you so much Maiko & RakLakonNYK for the beautiful photos.
Ahhhh, can't get enough of ToomVill.
And Toomtam is just so handsome, gah, love his style! <333
Dearest Maiko, khup khun maaak naa for your kind comments and I did not feel bad as I did not know the rules and you didn't sound rude/mean to me naa, also please do feel free to correct me everytime whenever I'm wrong naaa Phee :yes:
But I couldn't find "spoiler tag" on this page as you said, so kindly requesting you to direct me to it P'Maiko
Also, Thank you so much for stopping by this thread to update about NJ for us, :thanks:
Maiko^_^ said:Aw, you're...welcome for the warm welcoming, dear RakLakornNYK! :grouphug:
Again, :thanks: so much for sharing, darling RakLakornNYK! Some of their photos from NJ, I already shared them in previous pages, but I'm so happy to come across them again; plus, it allows members (or guests) to see those photos, if they didn't see them in the first place. :bhehe: Oh, but will you do me a favor, dear RakLakornNYK? If you're sharing more than three photos, will you put the remaining photos under a spoiler tag, to save some space and spare people the trouble of scrolling down long photo posts, please? :spin: We moderators here on AF (Asianfuse) are going to be enforcing that rule, and we will ask Darvil (our Admin) to send a mass message to all the members so that everyone will get the memo. ^_^
If I sounded mean or rude in my request, I'm so sorry about that, dear RakLakornNYK. :cry1: :worthy: :spin: :flowers: Did not mean to offend or hurt you in any way. :blush:Have a wonderful day! :grouphug: :heart:
RakLakornNYK, Marina, Teedee, and everybody else, have a :goodnite: or wonderful day! :grouphug: :heart:I'm off to sleep.