huajaikaungtur said:College is a lot of hard work but I do have some time on my hands to breathe, too. Thank goodness! That's why I can still live on this thread, yaaay! YES, you're beautiful, Maiko!!
And I'm not young looking anymore. I used to be :/ Can't wait to see those photos of yours! I'll be expecting them
And sadly you can't be my partner, Maiko. You already have Aiyaja as your coincidence partner hahaha.
Do your best in college, Marina! :spin: :strong: YES! I'm happy there's room for you to breathe, whew. hew: Aw, thank you, dearie! :blush:
Wha? Well, I'm out, then. :teary: How about MissSunny? :bhehe:
huajaikaungtur said:MissSunny, you're too funny, haha. But please don't just creep. You can creep and post your thoughts as well hehehe!
Agree! :lol2:
MissSunny said:Just finished watching episode 9!!!! OH I'M FEELING SO HAPPY!!! :dance3: :dance3: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :weee: :weee: :weee: :weee: Episode 9 was much funnier than I expected it to be. It's a good thing I didn't watch it at work and waited until I got home.
YAY!!!!!!!!! See?! We knew you'll like it!