Yay, I'm back!
hew: Now I've put my replies in this post under a spoiler tag to save space.
To the bolded part: :whahuh: :rofl: :lmao3: That's me, too! :coverlaf: Too funny! Haha, N'Nava was hecka shy, but she was loving it, too! Did you see her happy face after she initially covered her eyes?! Futureperv fangirl like us right there! 
I'm not the only one having trouble though...Aiyaja is, too. :teary: I can still leave comments on other IG posts, but not the ones on Aom, Exact, OneHD, and others' IGs...weird! :huh: It gives me and Aiyaja a message that says we have to wait until Monday in order to comment on the posts. O...kay. :shrug: I have doubts, too, that they will extend NJ, but I'm still praying and hoping!
Even when sad, they're beautiful! :wub:
I think it's too early for May to become one of my favorite n'ek characters, but I do adore her. :lol2: Hehe, I can't get over any of their scenes!
Hey, morning to you, Ceda! :grouphug: Hope you get your work done! And I also hope you won't be too disappointed with the neck biting scene.
Yes, that scene as well, and also the one of May picking fruits or something. Oh, my gosh! Now, I'm getting angry and annoyed again! :angry: Urgh! Oh, hehe, you're welcome for "bringing it over." :kiss3:
And whahaha! Nope, they cannot handle me. :coverlaf: :ninja:
We're all happy you're back and helping moving this thread along! :heart: Yes, I hope we get to see BTS clips of those ToomVill scenes. :spin:
No, you're not late at all, Choua! :woot: Haha, episode 9 was just yesterday! I'm still spazzing over it! :weee: :woot: I agree that it offers us so many comic relief; same goes for episode 10. :coverlaf:
Yes, Oom (that's how she spells her name on her IG :scratchchin
and Freud are supposedly a pair in here. Same here! I was rootng for Tippy/Thippy and Wat, too! Oh, my breaking heart! Tippy and Wat are way more compatible. I agree with you whole-heartily on Oom's character; she is a talented actress to me, too, but I somehow feel that her acting is lacking in here. I think her character isn't needed at all. They should have just paired up Tippy and Wat!
Aw, enjoy episode 10! :spin:
I'm anxious for all of their talk show segments, too! I know the one for the Aom and Jeab show is airing this Saturday, February 28... Gah, I can't wait! :woot2:
arty: Hehe, it's so much fun gushing over ToomVill and everything else! :shutup:
Haha, you make perfect sense! :bravo: I'm glad that May has so many sides to her, which shows that she is perfectly imperfect. :wub: I love it when she's playful with Rut, but I love it even more when she's caring and loving towards him. :blush:
I guess if we're comparing episodes 9 and 10, 10 does have a lot more ToomVill scenes.
I love the comedy, drama, romance, and everything else in here!
But yes, it would have been perfect if they didn't cut out all those wonderful scenes! -_-
:lmao2: I guess I'll be using that replay button myself.
YES! Tippy and Wat got chemistry...way more than Wat and Bood. <_<
Oh, they do! They do make the world go round and round! :weee:
As much as I love the gentle Gan, hehe, it was frustrating when she didn't fight harder against Nee and the others. NJ was never really meant to be a slap/kiss lakorn anyway, sadly. ToomVill need a true slap/kiss storyline next time! I love May's dirty thoughts, too. :loool:
Aw, ok. :goodnite: to you, then, ImmaSingaholic dear! Sweet dreams now!
ervie: We'll miss you! :cry:
He's too precious! How can May refused him? :nono1:
ImmaSingaholic said:Me too!! We're all gonna prepare to battle with the person who cuts and edits all these footage :dude: :arrg: :gungirl: :gungirl:
OMG N'Nava is sooooo cute and she looks so much like Aom!!AWWW and she's so shy with Navin and Toomtam with their shirts off! I would be blushing too!! And turned on... OKAY LETS NOT GO THERE HAHAHAHA
WHAT THEY BLOCKED U!!?! That's so not cool!! I seriously don't understand whats the problem with them, I mean all of their other lakorns probably have much more episodes and they're gonna shorten NJ?? I call it BS LOL. I don't think they would extend it though, BUT HOPEFULLY A MIRACLE HAPPENS and we get more than 15!! PRAYING :worthy: :worthy:
To the bolded part: :whahuh: :rofl: :lmao3: That's me, too! :coverlaf: Too funny! Haha, N'Nava was hecka shy, but she was loving it, too! Did you see her happy face after she initially covered her eyes?! Future
I'm not the only one having trouble though...Aiyaja is, too. :teary: I can still leave comments on other IG posts, but not the ones on Aom, Exact, OneHD, and others' IGs...weird! :huh: It gives me and Aiyaja a message that says we have to wait until Monday in order to comment on the posts. O...kay. :shrug: I have doubts, too, that they will extend NJ, but I'm still praying and hoping!
VILLNAN said::no:
Even when sad, they're beautiful! :wub:
ImmaSingaholic said:oH. MY. GOD. that scene was AWESOME. I've never seen any Nang ek who would do this to Pra ek! Maytinee has definitely became one of my fav Nang ek characters! She's fiesty and she doesn't take your shit lol, always she's dumb at times but she's pretty smart and witty, LOVE IT
I still can't get over that morning kiss, and that scissors scene hahahaha
I think it's too early for May to become one of my favorite n'ek characters, but I do adore her. :lol2: Hehe, I can't get over any of their scenes!
ceda_lee said:Good Morning ladies! I'm super excited :woot: but I am at work. Hopefully today's episode will be available by my lunch hour. I will be checking in often. Gotta get some work done.
Hey, morning to you, Ceda! :grouphug: Hope you get your work done! And I also hope you won't be too disappointed with the neck biting scene.
Kimberry<3 said:Yeah, and in the cafeteria as well, the one where she was holding his camera. :cry:
Thank you for bringing it over dear.
Yay , We've got each other's back. :gungirl: :whip: N'Nava :rofl: :woot: :drools:
They can't handle Maiko, that's why.
I'm happy to be back and be here now, with all of you.:grouphug: :yahoo:
I want to see the bts of those scenes..
Yes, that scene as well, and also the one of May picking fruits or something. Oh, my gosh! Now, I'm getting angry and annoyed again! :angry: Urgh! Oh, hehe, you're welcome for "bringing it over." :kiss3:
And whahaha! Nope, they cannot handle me. :coverlaf: :ninja:
We're all happy you're back and helping moving this thread along! :heart: Yes, I hope we get to see BTS clips of those ToomVill scenes. :spin:
ohmaichoua said:I'm totally late on spazzing about epsiode 9 since we're on 10 but I absolutly adored episode 9. It was such a comic relief compared to the other episodes. Some of my favorite scenes include the pool scene with Rut and May, Wat dreaming about Bood and their little dance, and ofcourse, the scene of May threating to cut off Rut's manhood if he didn't tell her what he was up to. I can see May falling in love with Rut and we all know he's been in love with May since he saw her in episode 1.
Is Aom and Freud suppose to be a pair in this lakorn too? I was rooting for him and Thippy but from the looks of it, it seems like maybe it might be him and Aom. And maybe it's just me but I feel that Aom's character was not well cast :no: I adore Aom as an actress because she's so talented but I feel that she's so out of place with her character and the rest of the case... Or it might just be that I know she's a lot older than the rest of the cast so it seems odd to me that she is playing the "wannabe-girlfriend" role...
Anyways, I love reading all the posts about episode 10 so far. Can't wait to see it for myself. I love piggyback scenes!
No, you're not late at all, Choua! :woot: Haha, episode 9 was just yesterday! I'm still spazzing over it! :weee: :woot: I agree that it offers us so many comic relief; same goes for episode 10. :coverlaf:
Yes, Oom (that's how she spells her name on her IG :scratchchin
Aw, enjoy episode 10! :spin:
ImmaSingaholic said:Good morning!!! Hope you have a good day and episode 10 was awesome!! Can't wait for you to see it you will LOVE ITTTT
HIGH 5 GIRL!! :highfive:
So glad you're back to the thread spazzing with us, AHHHH although I'm new here but I seriously feel so happy talking to you guys about ToomVill everyday!!
EEEEEE i can't believe we have to wait another week now!! waiting for the talkshow to airrrr
I'm anxious for all of their talk show segments, too! I know the one for the Aom and Jeab show is airing this Saturday, February 28... Gah, I can't wait! :woot2:
Kimberry<3 said:I agree. I love my female leads to be headstrong as well. She's my fave in lakorns so far (I haven't watch many.) I don't like those type who everybody dumps their shiz on and waits for a prince to rescue her..kinda romantic but it's important to show women are more than just trophies. (going on a tangent here..I'm so sleepy. sorry if that didn't make sense.)
Haha, you make perfect sense! :bravo: I'm glad that May has so many sides to her, which shows that she is perfectly imperfect. :wub: I love it when she's playful with Rut, but I love it even more when she's caring and loving towards him. :blush:
ImmaSingaholic said:Awwwww its never to late to talk about ToomVill!! I love episode 9 too but there aren't many scenes from them! Today's episode has alot of scenes from the supporting characters but the ToomVill scenes were definitely great and there is so much comedy!!
From the start I thought this lakorn will be more dramatic just like how slap/kiss lakorn always is and I did not expect it to have so much comedy in it, and it's going really well! I really really enjoyed it!
I guess if we're comparing episodes 9 and 10, 10 does have a lot more ToomVill scenes.
Kimberry<3 said:Hehehehe love those scenes..will be raping the replay button for a while.
Tippy and Wat got chemistry. I feel that they underutilized Gam's talent.
:lmao2: I guess I'll be using that replay button myself.
Kimberry<3 said:I'm so glad I came back just in time. :yahoo: :kiss3:
I love seeing everyone's post and smile to myself (understatement of the day) :woot: ToomVill makes the world go round.ervie:
Oh, they do! They do make the world go round and round! :weee:
ImmaSingaholic said:It's the same for me! I hate Nang eks who are way too weak (even Gan in SSP annoys me sometimes lol sorry) but damn May is soooo amazing, all the pranks she tried to do to Rut and all the threatening and beating and chasing around!! I don't really feel that NJ is a slap/kiss lakorn anymore LOL cause its seriously too hilarious and I'm just here laughing all the time and screaming and fangirling
and for the first time ever in all the lakorns I watched, a Nang ek dreams about dirty thoughts about pra ek kissing her. I MEAN COME ON. lol I love that
As much as I love the gentle Gan, hehe, it was frustrating when she didn't fight harder against Nee and the others. NJ was never really meant to be a slap/kiss lakorn anyway, sadly. ToomVill need a true slap/kiss storyline next time! I love May's dirty thoughts, too. :loool:
ImmaSingaholic said:Girls I need to go now as it's bed time for me here, it's been real fun spazzing with you guys today, EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME!! :dance3::woot:
GOOD NIGHT AND EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD DAY and enjoy the rest of the episodes of NJ if you haven't seen it yet!!
Aw, ok. :goodnite: to you, then, ImmaSingaholic dear! Sweet dreams now!
VILLNAN said:humm Rut can be like this too :shock2:
He's too precious! How can May refused him? :nono1: