sarNie Adult
Your last sentence is what I'm afraid of, and what I'm not liking about this storyline. I don't like the idea of Pat taken over Lan's body for eternity. I get the second chance opportunity for Pat to know the truth about her husband, so she can leave this world or go to her next life in peace and harmony. However, I'm not liking the idea of inhabiting Lan's body forever. If life is that easy, how great would that be. I would love for those who left me early in life, come back to me in a form of another person's body, but no it can't be done, and I wouldn't like it as well. Lan's has a life before Pat enters her body and I think it's a little unfair and selfish for the story to completely erased her life's story for the benefit of Pat's story. I know Pat in Lan's body will learn about Lan's life, but it's still feel wrong to me. Lan's life was already so sad, I don't like the idea of her being use for Pat's own selfish acts and revenge.Pat will stay in Lan's body and end up with Win. Lol
If we can't get two souls sharing the same body, then I would prefer a sad ending. An ending where Pat exists Lan's body and transcends to heaven, or to her next life instead of the happy ever after of her still in Lan's body.