I think it's kind of obvious that Vill is at the bottom of the importance list at One HD. Sure, she gets lakorns but what's the point when they're not being aired? Vill only mentioned the one with Nike and ALTK as the ones that may air this year so we know that NLSH and TPK, when it happens, will air in 2017. Ugh, so nerve wrecking. It's not like One HD has too many lakorns and can't air them. They just choose not to. I swear, it takes forever for a Vill lakorn to have an open ceremony and air.
Even the media is asking Vill that it seems like her lakorns are being stocked or skipped over in terms of airing and of course, being the nice and politically nice person that Vill is, she denies that. She says One HD probably wants to air all of the spicy lakorns first and then hers. My heart hurts.