I am so proud of Son because when he entered the ET industry, getting to work with Vill and crushing on her seemed more important. Like sure, he wanted to be a model and actor, too, but he was steadfast and straightforward with his crush on Vill and told the whole world about it. He wasn't here to play politics like some koojins around here. He had no filter. He was honest and simple. He wasn't corrupted. Liking Vill was something that made him happy and he was happy to tell everyone. That's what I like about Son. He's honest and has remained honest for the past decade. Every girl he's said that he's just siblings with like Patricia, Yam, Pango, and so forth, have all ended up dating other people. He has remained true to his words. Being this honest this early into his ET career when he professed to liking Vill in 2008 COULD have killed it. He risked it for her. Hahah.
When they asked if Vill was his type, he said yes, even years after they entered the industry.
I wish they would ask Son again if Vill is still his type or if there are any chances of them progressing, but no, can't, Vill already has a boyfriend. Hahah.
But anyway, he's very much like Tan Chai Yai. Whoever he likes, he'll be honest about it.
Judging from those old photos, don't SonVill look so comfortable as if they're a couple? I've never seen Vill this comfortable with anyone. So how can Son not think or be hurt when Vill came out with Mark? Hahah.
But I wish Son all the best, though. He's an actor that has CONSTANTLY been attacked for his bad acting when it's really not that bad. He improved tremendously ever since Sao Noi. He's had some bad rumors, but he's still as sweet as ever. After Sao Noi, his departure from Vill, I feel as though acting FINALLY clicked for him. Like he just kept improving and taking his acting career a lot more seriously and has improved even beyond Vill now too specially in Tae Pang Korn. I'm soooo proud.