i know. I can't believe that it's coming to an end.hey.cant wait for the last episodes !
but still sad ..
Love them!!!!!I LOVE WIN AND WEIR!!!
Bye Sherrie.Sorry that I forgot to spam with you. I was re-watching the sweet scenes of Tor Fun and Tawan Chai and I forgot to spam.Bye Miss Anynomous. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight
that one looks pretty good...i like those kinda movies in the periods...i just dont like pinky...i havent seen any of dramas thoWin has some lakorns coming out... but i don't really like the na'ek that's going to be pair with him.. but I might watch the one with Win and Pinky... This one it's going to be a period lakorn.. so maybe Win is going to be a PRINCE...hehe.. OMG!! But it's not confirm yet. If it is then I might watch it cause I kinda of like the pairing so far.