*feel free to take the picture .. i don't mind*
after the beating Pra suton washes her wound . i love dis scene ...remind me of LNJ ...

he left her up and hugs her :wub: they embrace and he promise he will not let thing like dat happen to her again ... :wub: the look on Pra Suton face :wavecry:
This scene here Pra Suton was mad thinking Manora dont love him cuz she is letting him marry another girl and he think she love Rotasang..sad scene but it only cuz Pra Suton was jealous and den Manora say she love him and only him and Pra suton say to love him and he only love Manora forever :wub: ...wish they kiss darn it .. a fake kiss or something lol .. boran don't kiss though they only embrace