Prasart Mued (Bangkok Drama)


Staff member
yay meaning it'll prob be airing soon ...
cant wait ^_^...

but wow.. the stache looks so fake now lmao..


sarNie Hatchling
Aw, our poor Nat and that funny mustache lol.

Okay, so no offense to Nat Morris, but I don't think they should have chosen him for this role. And if so, it should have been with a younger n'ek. According to the story, the p'ek is supposed to be considerably older than the n'ek. Nat just doesn't have that older, mature look, simply because he's not! Lol. I'm gonna watch this anyway :p but I had to put my 2 cents in, hehe.


I heard there's an even older version, way before Willy & Mew's, but it's made by Ch.7 instead - really want to see that one.


sarNie Coma
omg im sooo excited! miss rita. it looks confusing since i never saw the old version. hey, nat looks really cute hehe

thanks jakjaan