sarNie Hatchling
Princess Lies [Episode 13]
Episode 13:
Tomorrow morning.
“ Mom, I don’t feel good, so I’m going to stay home and you two will take Taman.” Tamoon said. “ Why, son?” Lord Namart ask Tamoon, then he answer, “ Because I fell a little dizzy and if I go looking sick, Princess Ana will not like it.”
“ Honey, let him stay and let us just take Taman.” Lady Namart tell her husband. “ Taman! Wake up! Let’s go!” Lady Namart yell at Taman’s ear. “ Mom!, I’m sleeping!” Taman yell back. “ Taman! Wake up, we’re going to go at Queen Yanlla’s palace to go see Princess Ana!” Lady Namart shouted to her Taman. Then he quickly wake up and ask his mom, “ Mom, really, we’re going to Queen Yanlla palace to go see Princess Ana?” “ Yes, and if you don’t want to come, don’t come.” Lord Namart answer Taman. “ Let me go dress first, but wait for me, okay mom and dad.” Taman said, then his mom answer, “ Hurry, we’re down stair.” Lady Namart reply back.
At Queen Yanlla’s palace, front porch.
“ Taman, here we are, Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Lady Namart said and come out from the car.
In Queen Yanlla living room.
“ Queen Yanlla, Lady and Lord Namart, with their son, they came.” a servant say to Queen Yanlla. “ Oh, okay, then go prepare some tea.” Queen Yanlla tell the servant. The servant went to go make tea. “ Please go this way.” a servant take Lady and Lord Namart them to the living room with Queen Yanlla.
“ Hello.” Queen Yanlla welcome Lady and Lord Namart.
“ Hello, Queen Yanlla, and where’s Princess Ana?” Lady Namart reply back. “ Oh, she’s at the back yard, and who’s this handsome, cute looking son?” Queen Yanlla ask Lady Namart, then she answer, “ It’s my younger son, and he just came back from America, and he wanted to come see Princess Ana.” “ Oh, ho, you could go see her at the back yard, and please feel free, and feel like it’s your home.” Queen Yanlla say to Taman and smile to him and Lady and Lord Namart.
At the garden.
“ Is that Ana?” Taman ask himself and look at the girl, that is picking flower, then he said to himself again, “ Humh, let me try yelling Kaew, if she turn back.” , then Taman yell,
“ Kaew!” Then Ana turn back and look back and it was Taman, she was shock and Samee was shock. Ana turn back to Samee and say, “ Samee, lets go.” Samee answer,
“ Oh, okay.” Then they both walk very fast, but Taman still catch up, then they run and he catch up to them, then he was about to pull Ana’s hand, but he accidentally pull Samee’s hand and she fall back and lay on top of him, and their lip touch it each others lip. Then Ana look at them and smile away. Samee stand up quickly and yell at Taman, “ Taman!, why do you kiss me?!” , then he answer,
“ Uh, I was trying to pull Ana’s hand, but I just accidentally pull yours, and, and [he remember the kiss, then he smile at Samee and come closer] you want me to kiss again, that’s why you’re still here.” Samee look at him and don’t know what to say, then she just turn back and walk away. “ Huh, this Samee also have some sweet lip too.” Taman said to himself, then went back.
In Queen Yanlla’s living room.
“ Noi, go tell Ana to come to the living room.” Queen Yanlla tell a servant. Then the servant went to get Ana.
Ana running to the back yard door. “ Princess Ana, Queen Yanlla want you to go to the living room.” a servant say to Ana. “ Oh, okay.” Ana reply back.
In Queen Yanlla living room.
“ There Princess Ana come.” Queen Yanlla said and smile at Lady and Lord Namart. “ Kaew is Princess Ana?” Lady Namart said with a shock. Ana wait for a moment until the calm down from their shock. “ Sorry for lying to Lady and Lord Namart and your family because this is my only choice of testing my fiancée.” Ana said to them. Lord Namart answer, “ It’s okay, we know that you’re just trying to find out if Tamoon really love you.” Lady Namart was looking mad, then she said with a smile, “ Yes, Princess Ana, I will do just like you do if that time I was smart enough, to do that to Lord Namart.” she smile at Ana.
That night. At Lady and Lord Namart house living room.
Lady Namart said to Lord Namart, “ Huh, if that time I were smart, then maybe today, I’ll get a better husband.” Lord Namart look at her and say, “ OMG!, stop saying like you’re hella young, and let’s go sleep, go.”
Next morning. In Tamoon’s bedroom.
“ I do love Kaew, right, I do, right?” Tamoon ask himself. Then he think for a bit about when he with Kaew. “ I do love her, I do, I should go tell her at Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Tamoon said to himself, then he rush down stair.
Tamoon their living room.
“ Mom, dad, I’ll go to Queen Yanlla’s palace, bye.” Tamoon said, then he rush to his car. “ Mom, dad, where is Tamoon going?” Taman ask his parent. “ Oh, he’s going to Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Lady Namart answer. Then Tamoon rush to up stair and go dress and come down and said, “ Mom, dad, I’m going to Queen Yanlla’s palace, bye.”, then Taman rush outside to his car.
At Queen Yanlla palace.
In the living room.
“ Hello Queen Yanlla.” Tamoon said and ask Queen Yanlla,
“ Uh, is Kaew here?” , then Queen Yanlla answer and smile to him, “ Yes, she is at the garden.” Then Tamoon went to the garden.
At the garden.
“ Kaew!” Tamoon yell to the girl, and run to her and hug her back. Then he smile with happiness, then the girl turn around and say, “ Uh, Tamoon, I’m not Kaew, I’m Samee.” Tamoon drop his hand and say, “ Oh, sorry Samee, I thought that you’re Kaew.” “ It’s okay.” Samee reply,
“ Kaew, is over there.” The Tamoon run to hug Kaew tightly and close his eye with happiness and smile, “ Kaew, I miss you, I love you, and now I know who I really love, I love you, Kaew.” Ana turn around and smile to him, then say,
“ You love me, Tamoon, I -I .” That time Taman finally pop up there and just stand there, freeze, because he saw Tamoon hug Ana and Ana was smiling to him. Ana continue, “ I, I also know my feelings that I also love you too.” Then Tamoon look at her closely and he kiss her on the lip. Then he say, “ I love you, and I know I do love you for real.” he smile to her. Taman was sad, so he went back, and Samee was at the back of him and say, “ You shouldn’t come this time to see this, and don’t upset, there still someone waiting for you, right here.” Samee smile to him, then Taman took Samee’s hand and pull her to his car. “ Uh, uh, where are you taking me?” Samee ask him, then a servant come pass them, then she ask Samee,
“ Where are you going?” then Samee answer, “ Tell Ana, that I went with Taman.” Taman tell Samee to go into the car and she did.
Back to Tamoon and Ana.
They’re still hugging each other, then a servant ask Ana,
“ Princess Ana, do you need me to prepare some foods for your guest.?” Tamoon was shock, “ Why do you lie to me?!” Tamoon said to Ana. “ Tamoon, I’m sorry that I lie to you, but that’s my only choice.” Ana said to Tamoon.
“ I lie and disguise myself, because of you!” Ana cried and turn back. Tamoon was still shock, so he went to his car and drive away.
Still at Queen Yanlla’s palace. In the living room.
“ Grandma, Tamoon know that truth and he was mad.” Ana cried to Queen Yanlla, “ Darling, it’s okay, one day he’ll know about forgiveness and I’m sure that he’ll forgive, if he really love you.” Queen Yanlla hug Ana.
At the bar.
“ Tamoon, why do you call me for, huh, you miss me?” Veeli ask Tamoon, then he answer, “ Veeli, stay here with me, I need you.” Tamoon was drunk. Veeli smile and said,
“ I will.” Boom!
The next day morning.
At a hotel.
“ Tamoon! Wake up! You do this to me and you just sleep.” Veeli cry to Tamoon and she was cover up with a blanket with Tamoon. Tamoon open his eye and see Veeli by his side and she was cover up with a blanket and ask her,
“ Veeli, what happen?” Veeli look at him, then say, “ You still could ask me like this, look at me, if you don’t know, and you better marry me, because now I’m yours!” Tamoon was shock by her words and don’t know what to do, and last night he was drunk so he don’t know, did he do something bad to Veeli. “ Then let me go talk to my parent first, and I’ll be the one responsible you.” Tamoon say to Veeli, then he get up to dress. Veeli smile and get up to get her clothes from the floor.
Queen Yanlla’s palace. In the guest room.
“ Princess, there’s someone want to meet you, and he’s in the guest room right now.” a servant said to Ana. Then she go to the guest room [living room]. “ Huh.” Ana was shock.
But Ana was happy, smile to him with tears and say,
“ Tamoon, you came back, you forgive me, right?” Ana run to hug Tamoon, then he answer, “ I’m sorry.” Ana look up to him.
Episode 14 Preview:
> “ I’m sorry, but I need to responsible someone.” Tamoon say to Ana and tears were full in her eye.
> “ Yes, Tamoon and I sleep together, and I’ll marry him so, I meant he’s not going to marry you, and he’s going to marry me.” Veeli tell Ana and smile in a conceited way to Ana.
> “ But still have me, Princess Ana.” Poowin said to Ana and kiss her hand.
> “ Taman stop it! Stop it! I’ll stay here with you.” Samee shouted to Taman, then he smile and went to hug her and say, “ Really, then let me kiss you.”
Episode 13:
Tomorrow morning.
“ Mom, I don’t feel good, so I’m going to stay home and you two will take Taman.” Tamoon said. “ Why, son?” Lord Namart ask Tamoon, then he answer, “ Because I fell a little dizzy and if I go looking sick, Princess Ana will not like it.”
“ Honey, let him stay and let us just take Taman.” Lady Namart tell her husband. “ Taman! Wake up! Let’s go!” Lady Namart yell at Taman’s ear. “ Mom!, I’m sleeping!” Taman yell back. “ Taman! Wake up, we’re going to go at Queen Yanlla’s palace to go see Princess Ana!” Lady Namart shouted to her Taman. Then he quickly wake up and ask his mom, “ Mom, really, we’re going to Queen Yanlla palace to go see Princess Ana?” “ Yes, and if you don’t want to come, don’t come.” Lord Namart answer Taman. “ Let me go dress first, but wait for me, okay mom and dad.” Taman said, then his mom answer, “ Hurry, we’re down stair.” Lady Namart reply back.
At Queen Yanlla’s palace, front porch.
“ Taman, here we are, Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Lady Namart said and come out from the car.
In Queen Yanlla living room.
“ Queen Yanlla, Lady and Lord Namart, with their son, they came.” a servant say to Queen Yanlla. “ Oh, okay, then go prepare some tea.” Queen Yanlla tell the servant. The servant went to go make tea. “ Please go this way.” a servant take Lady and Lord Namart them to the living room with Queen Yanlla.
“ Hello.” Queen Yanlla welcome Lady and Lord Namart.
“ Hello, Queen Yanlla, and where’s Princess Ana?” Lady Namart reply back. “ Oh, she’s at the back yard, and who’s this handsome, cute looking son?” Queen Yanlla ask Lady Namart, then she answer, “ It’s my younger son, and he just came back from America, and he wanted to come see Princess Ana.” “ Oh, ho, you could go see her at the back yard, and please feel free, and feel like it’s your home.” Queen Yanlla say to Taman and smile to him and Lady and Lord Namart.
At the garden.
“ Is that Ana?” Taman ask himself and look at the girl, that is picking flower, then he said to himself again, “ Humh, let me try yelling Kaew, if she turn back.” , then Taman yell,
“ Kaew!” Then Ana turn back and look back and it was Taman, she was shock and Samee was shock. Ana turn back to Samee and say, “ Samee, lets go.” Samee answer,
“ Oh, okay.” Then they both walk very fast, but Taman still catch up, then they run and he catch up to them, then he was about to pull Ana’s hand, but he accidentally pull Samee’s hand and she fall back and lay on top of him, and their lip touch it each others lip. Then Ana look at them and smile away. Samee stand up quickly and yell at Taman, “ Taman!, why do you kiss me?!” , then he answer,
“ Uh, I was trying to pull Ana’s hand, but I just accidentally pull yours, and, and [he remember the kiss, then he smile at Samee and come closer] you want me to kiss again, that’s why you’re still here.” Samee look at him and don’t know what to say, then she just turn back and walk away. “ Huh, this Samee also have some sweet lip too.” Taman said to himself, then went back.
In Queen Yanlla’s living room.
“ Noi, go tell Ana to come to the living room.” Queen Yanlla tell a servant. Then the servant went to get Ana.
Ana running to the back yard door. “ Princess Ana, Queen Yanlla want you to go to the living room.” a servant say to Ana. “ Oh, okay.” Ana reply back.
In Queen Yanlla living room.
“ There Princess Ana come.” Queen Yanlla said and smile at Lady and Lord Namart. “ Kaew is Princess Ana?” Lady Namart said with a shock. Ana wait for a moment until the calm down from their shock. “ Sorry for lying to Lady and Lord Namart and your family because this is my only choice of testing my fiancée.” Ana said to them. Lord Namart answer, “ It’s okay, we know that you’re just trying to find out if Tamoon really love you.” Lady Namart was looking mad, then she said with a smile, “ Yes, Princess Ana, I will do just like you do if that time I was smart enough, to do that to Lord Namart.” she smile at Ana.
That night. At Lady and Lord Namart house living room.
Lady Namart said to Lord Namart, “ Huh, if that time I were smart, then maybe today, I’ll get a better husband.” Lord Namart look at her and say, “ OMG!, stop saying like you’re hella young, and let’s go sleep, go.”
Next morning. In Tamoon’s bedroom.
“ I do love Kaew, right, I do, right?” Tamoon ask himself. Then he think for a bit about when he with Kaew. “ I do love her, I do, I should go tell her at Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Tamoon said to himself, then he rush down stair.
Tamoon their living room.
“ Mom, dad, I’ll go to Queen Yanlla’s palace, bye.” Tamoon said, then he rush to his car. “ Mom, dad, where is Tamoon going?” Taman ask his parent. “ Oh, he’s going to Queen Yanlla’s palace.” Lady Namart answer. Then Tamoon rush to up stair and go dress and come down and said, “ Mom, dad, I’m going to Queen Yanlla’s palace, bye.”, then Taman rush outside to his car.
At Queen Yanlla palace.
In the living room.
“ Hello Queen Yanlla.” Tamoon said and ask Queen Yanlla,
“ Uh, is Kaew here?” , then Queen Yanlla answer and smile to him, “ Yes, she is at the garden.” Then Tamoon went to the garden.
At the garden.
“ Kaew!” Tamoon yell to the girl, and run to her and hug her back. Then he smile with happiness, then the girl turn around and say, “ Uh, Tamoon, I’m not Kaew, I’m Samee.” Tamoon drop his hand and say, “ Oh, sorry Samee, I thought that you’re Kaew.” “ It’s okay.” Samee reply,
“ Kaew, is over there.” The Tamoon run to hug Kaew tightly and close his eye with happiness and smile, “ Kaew, I miss you, I love you, and now I know who I really love, I love you, Kaew.” Ana turn around and smile to him, then say,
“ You love me, Tamoon, I -I .” That time Taman finally pop up there and just stand there, freeze, because he saw Tamoon hug Ana and Ana was smiling to him. Ana continue, “ I, I also know my feelings that I also love you too.” Then Tamoon look at her closely and he kiss her on the lip. Then he say, “ I love you, and I know I do love you for real.” he smile to her. Taman was sad, so he went back, and Samee was at the back of him and say, “ You shouldn’t come this time to see this, and don’t upset, there still someone waiting for you, right here.” Samee smile to him, then Taman took Samee’s hand and pull her to his car. “ Uh, uh, where are you taking me?” Samee ask him, then a servant come pass them, then she ask Samee,
“ Where are you going?” then Samee answer, “ Tell Ana, that I went with Taman.” Taman tell Samee to go into the car and she did.
Back to Tamoon and Ana.
They’re still hugging each other, then a servant ask Ana,
“ Princess Ana, do you need me to prepare some foods for your guest.?” Tamoon was shock, “ Why do you lie to me?!” Tamoon said to Ana. “ Tamoon, I’m sorry that I lie to you, but that’s my only choice.” Ana said to Tamoon.
“ I lie and disguise myself, because of you!” Ana cried and turn back. Tamoon was still shock, so he went to his car and drive away.
Still at Queen Yanlla’s palace. In the living room.
“ Grandma, Tamoon know that truth and he was mad.” Ana cried to Queen Yanlla, “ Darling, it’s okay, one day he’ll know about forgiveness and I’m sure that he’ll forgive, if he really love you.” Queen Yanlla hug Ana.
At the bar.
“ Tamoon, why do you call me for, huh, you miss me?” Veeli ask Tamoon, then he answer, “ Veeli, stay here with me, I need you.” Tamoon was drunk. Veeli smile and said,
“ I will.” Boom!
The next day morning.
At a hotel.
“ Tamoon! Wake up! You do this to me and you just sleep.” Veeli cry to Tamoon and she was cover up with a blanket with Tamoon. Tamoon open his eye and see Veeli by his side and she was cover up with a blanket and ask her,
“ Veeli, what happen?” Veeli look at him, then say, “ You still could ask me like this, look at me, if you don’t know, and you better marry me, because now I’m yours!” Tamoon was shock by her words and don’t know what to do, and last night he was drunk so he don’t know, did he do something bad to Veeli. “ Then let me go talk to my parent first, and I’ll be the one responsible you.” Tamoon say to Veeli, then he get up to dress. Veeli smile and get up to get her clothes from the floor.
Queen Yanlla’s palace. In the guest room.
“ Princess, there’s someone want to meet you, and he’s in the guest room right now.” a servant said to Ana. Then she go to the guest room [living room]. “ Huh.” Ana was shock.
But Ana was happy, smile to him with tears and say,
“ Tamoon, you came back, you forgive me, right?” Ana run to hug Tamoon, then he answer, “ I’m sorry.” Ana look up to him.
Episode 14 Preview:
> “ I’m sorry, but I need to responsible someone.” Tamoon say to Ana and tears were full in her eye.
> “ Yes, Tamoon and I sleep together, and I’ll marry him so, I meant he’s not going to marry you, and he’s going to marry me.” Veeli tell Ana and smile in a conceited way to Ana.
> “ But still have me, Princess Ana.” Poowin said to Ana and kiss her hand.
> “ Taman stop it! Stop it! I’ll stay here with you.” Samee shouted to Taman, then he smile and went to hug her and say, “ Really, then let me kiss you.”