I think it'll be healthy if we start little at a time.

I'm really all for the actors in their roles, sometimes i even excuse the stupidity of the character if the actor is phenomenal at it and shows some sort of connectivity to their counterpart. I'm slowly branching out
Ariya! Of course, i can't watch other lakorns without thinking about Bor and Kaew, but i'm definitely improving. I'm not so much into the new lakorns, so i watched an older one with
Mart and Ann (gosh, i hated the characters--- but like i said, the actors were great portraying them and there was chemistry there)... I'm slowly moving
Ariya. Don't feel sad because I will never ever be able to forget PNGRT. My heart still pours out for it when i watch the lakorn and i still think about Bor and Kaew during my daily activities.~ xD No pra`ek will ever come close to Bor.
Which reminds me. Last night (actually, early this morning!) when i was going to sleep, i thought about Bor and his personality. I wanted to separate Bor's personality and his looks (in this case, our mighty hot stud, Pong

) to see if one's physical appearance would matter when it came to having his personality. Quite hard to do, right?

But in the end, it really is Bor's personality and character that grabs you. Again, it's hard to separate Pong's sexy, masculine physique from Bor's character. I think me and Ariya have talked about this a lot. Pong brings the nice physical attributes (like extra icing on the cake) to Bor. Of course.. i rather have the whole package with Pong+Bor's personality. HAHA... My point is, there really is a Bor out there. We just have to look beyond his physical appearance.
My sister text me this morning that PNGRT is dubbed in Hmong! I'm nervous to watch it... haha. I've yet to buy my original version, although i told myself a few weeks ago. o_o
I hope you all are doing well! I'm studying for my last midterm and finals and working on final projects, so i'm sorry that i won't be around much this week.. T_T