What ever private thoughts were running through his head , Lavadee gave no indication of giving him the pleasure he so wanted ! She fought back with resistance even though her strength was overpower by his huge body, now pinning her to the carpet .The superb control he possessed was a male domination of his species , an act of taking advantage of defenseless woman ! He shove the gown up to her waist and torn at his front zipper. She manage to bend her knee and mount his groin . Like a wounded dog he moan in pain . She push him aside and scramble to her feet .
“y-you ’re an animal !” she shouted , hair disarrange , dress wrinkle up , lip swollen and there was red mark on her shoulder from his grip .

! you act as if you never done it before !!” he snapped , rolling to and fore while cupping his tool .
“this is not consequent sex! It --- force! If you ever try that again , I’ll tell Rome you try to rape me !”
Jame manage to get up and stood there with leg tightly close together , “ then stop the wedding !”
“Why you little ---”
“Lavadee ! Are you ok in there ? I heard voices ?” said Rome from the other side of the door .
Lavadee was about to say something when Jame rush toward her and cover her mouth . He whisper in her ear , “ tell him it nothing! Unless you want me to rape you !” he slowly release his hand .
She frown at him and then reply back to Rome , “it’s nothing , I be down in a minute”
“ok then” Rome shrugs the thoughts away and went downstairs
Lavadee snap her teeth to bit Jame’s hand but he was quick and move it away in time, “you want me to kiss that lip again?!” he pointed at her mouth and she slap his hand away .
“get out ! she screamed
He went to open the door and turn around , “this is not the ending!” he shut the door and went down stair . He meet his father and cousin down below
“Jame ! We were just discussing , should the reception be held at a hotel or the casino ?” said Max Atichart and then his eye trail downward , he pointed out “Jame your pant is unbutton , good grief ! Stop drinking !”
Rome take notice and frown . Had Jame been up stair the whole time ? Lavadee was upstairs as well? Then that loud crashing noise was..? Rome immediately shook the thoughts away , his cousin will never do that -- especially to the woman he love , even though his cousin disapprove of this marriage but there no way his cousin will hurt a woman . Rome remain silent and watch his cousin fix his clothes
“I don’t care dad” said Jame while adjusting his collar and shirt , “I’ll going out of town for a few weeks , don’t try to get in touch with me”
“Why ? Rome ‘s wedding is next week !” Max Atichart exclaimed
Jame turn to stare at Rome and said , “ one congratulation card from me , is enough”
“keep the card , I’m sure it’s nothing good inside” Rome said coldly and walk away.
Max was confuse . Usually , these two boy are very supportive of each other but today both seen distance and intense . Jame didn’t both to reply back to his cousin comment and went outside into the front lawn . He jump into his red convertible and drove off . Lavadee heard the screeching and turn to look down the window . She caught Jame’s car zoom out of the drive way .
The next couple days Jame did not show up at work and he made no contact with anyone in the office . Soap constantly question everyone at the casino , of where about is her boyfriend , nobody know the answer and she became furious with the lack of information ! Everyone at the casino file complaint about her ill treatment toward the co-worker , even though she from a rich family and high status but in the casino she is just a regular employee and shouldn’t treat other as if they were her servant at home . She began to throw trauma every morning by screaming or destroying thing when Jame doesn‘t show up . Max Atichart have to come out and warn her about her conduct . The girl refuse to listen and demand Max to tell her of Jame ‘s hiding place . She thought , the reason why Jame is missing work , was due to the fact , he want to avoid her !
“I quit !” she screamed and throw the folder to the floor .
Max cross his arm and nodded toward the door . She swing her chin in the air and walk gracefully out . She decided to take action in her own hand and went back to China . Soap is the youngest daughter of the Boss , who operate the biggest underground gambling in China . Shampoo was actually her half sister, Boss use to have two wife but Shampoo’s mom left him many years back because of his corrupted life style . Soap went to her father and ask him to send men to Thailand to find her bastard boyfriend. After hearing his daughter cries of injustices , he was driven with anger and send 10 men on a mission to capture Jame Atichart --- alive !
Meanwhile , Jame was enjoying the topical climate of Thailand ‘s beach in Hua Hin . He lay under the shaded umbrella and sipping on coconut juice while enjoying the scene of beautiful girls swimming in the ocean . The stunning blue sea and sky make him feel as if he been transported to another world . For seven days his mind was away from the stressful city life in which he use to love , which Lavadee and Soap had ruin. At work , there a pest whinnying at his feet while at home there a dumb ass cousin , who constantly praise a woman , whom in his eye is an angel ! Angel -- his foot! Con artist ..whore!
“last night episode , the P’k kidnap the woman he love on her wedding day!” said a teenage girl talking with her friend as they stroll pass Jame .
“how exciting!! we all know what going happen next !!” the other girl giggle and sheik .
“rape scene !!” the teenage girl cries out .
Jame sit up from his lay back chair and listen to the two girls that walk pass him. He place the coconut on the sand and thought for several moment . Suddenly , he smile mischievously and rose .
Later that evening he arrive at Bangkok and drove to Casino Palaces . He park his car in the parking lots and got out . He was dress in black from head to toe and wore a black cap . The wedding is held inside and guest should be arriving soon , he should act quick if he want to get away without anyone seeing him. He manage undetected as he make his way up the elevator and down the hall , tugging his cap downward when he saw people coming his way and over heard two employee talking.
“she is so beautiful! Like a movie star !” said one employee
“the groom is one lucky man!” said the second employee
Jame smirk at the comment and continue down the hallway . He stop and hide behind a wall , he poke his head out to scan the area . He saw a girl , holding a wedding gown and disppear into a room . He waited till the girl come out and when she did , he make a move and went to knock on the door.
“come in! that was fast” said a female voice from behind the door .
Jame open the door and slip inside . He walk around the room and search for the voice .
“the dress is a little tight” said a female voice in the bathroom
Jame walk pass the room and step backward once he heard the voices again. He smile at the target and approach her .
“what time is it ?” she turn around and immediately went into shock as she stare at the man in front of her.
“you look surprise to see me ?” he chuckle and reach over to cover her mouth from screaming with a cloth . Within second the medicine work it’s charm and she blackout . He waste no time and quickly change her into the outfit he had prepare . When he was done he carry her out the room and into the hallway , to avoid being suspicious he pretend as if she was drunk and loudly said “Honey! Why you drink to much!! It just a couple thousand we lost !”. People that walk pass them shook their head and pay no attention of the lifeless woman in his arm . He make it to the parking lot and put her body into the passenger seat . He went around and got in from the other side , start the car and zoom out .
He drove for nearly 4hrs and when he reach the destination , he step out the car and carry her with him . It was about a 30 minute walk from the car toward the sea and by the time he reach the boat , he was exhausted and have to put her down on the sand and drop down beside her .
“shit , you weight like a cow !” he was out of breath
Lavadee felt a cold breeze and her arm came up to rub against her shoulder . She slowly open her eye and notice the star up above . There was a slight headaches as she try to recollect where she is and then she remember ! She turn her head to the side and saw a man panting beside her .
“you!!!” she screamed and scramble to her feet , she was still a little shaky from the medicine but she manage to recover after realizing who her kidnapper is !
“I have a name you know” said Jame and rose to his feet
“where am I ? Tonight is my wedding! You have to take me back !”
“In your dream ! You coming with me !”
“I rather get eaten by the shark than to go with you!” she turn around and ran the opposite direction
“Hey!! It dark ! Where the hell you going !!” he shouted while chasing after her .
She stop . He bump into her . He grab her arm and was about to shout at her until he notice the alarm on her face . He turn to look toward the direction she was looking at . There was 10 men with guns in their hand and pointing at them .
“is those men your helper ?” she asked with a shaky tone
“I work alone” he reply back and felt his sweat streaming down his forehead
“You two are coming with us!” said the black man .
Half an hours later Lavadee and Jame was sitting next to each other , in a boat with their hand ties behind their back , there was also 12 other frighten female that met the same fate as them and hold hostage below the deck . Those girls was young , ages from 14 - 18 , in tear and some even cry .
“I think those men kidnap woman and sell them over sea” said Jame
“Sell them ? Y-you mean ..” she stare at him in horror
“Don’t you watch the news ?”
She blink at him. “it all your fault !! I was suppose to be married!”
“hey , at least you still have your wedding night!”
She cries , “ shutup! This is not funny ! I want to go home!”
“I want to go home too! I’m scar as much as you!”
“you’re a man ! They would care less!”
“woman they can do business with but men -- they will feed me to the shark!”
“shut up !! Or else I'll go down there and shut you two up for good !” shouted a man from up the dock .