Question game


Miss KimBarry ❤
I live in France, so first world. It's a really beautiful country, the weather is nice, we have everything and lack nothing but you know, people here are really individualistic, they think only of themselves and their benefits. I would prefer to live somewhere else...

What is your favorite color and why?


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon
Orange - just makes me happy and it’s a pretty color to me :)

Eyeliner or mascara ?


Both. They bring out the full eyes!

Have you had major surgery in your life?


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon

As of now, where would you like the setting of your wedding to be?


.: Lady Huo :.
In a beautiful garden with a castle looking over the ocean :D.

What month do you like the most?


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon
In a beautiful garden with a castle looking over the ocean :D.

What month do you like the most?
^^ that sounds lovely !

I think I like December because of Christmas and I’m always reminded of the fun trip I had in New York!

To tell a person they have lipstick on their teeth or to not tell??


.: Lady Huo :.
I will tell lol or maybe they will figure out if they could taste the lipstick :D.

What lipstick color do you like the most?


Yes many times! It’s like a drug. You get addicted to them and you have to find it in yourself to stop or find your “limit”. We all have lives. Plus beauty sleep is important!

Have you ever put yourself in those celebs’ shoes and feel what they are going through?


sarNie Oldmaid
Yes. Being a celebrity has a hefty price to pay. You are subject to public scrutiny and society expects you to act like a saint.

Your dream destination?


.: Lady Huo :.
Drama land to Yu Wen Yue's chamber (specifically his bed chamber):risas3:.

Which type of p'ek do you prefer?

Example: the sadist, forced kiss p'ek or the stone cold face but warm heart p'ek or other types of p' list it out :D.


The silent treatment p’ek because I know he has deep feelings for me! But he’s just playing hard to get! Lol.

Are you a Taew or a Yaya fan? You cannot choose BOTH!


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon
I like the p’ek that’s like Kan in Kularb Rai Kong Naai Tawan. He’s extremely humble and strong and faithful, and knows how to stand up for himself when treated wrong. He also doesn’t come from a rich background moneywise, but has a good heart. :icon12: Makes me fall in love :love:

The silent treatment p’ek because I know he has deep feelings for me! But he’s just playing hard to get! Lol.

Are you a Taew or a Yaya fan? You cannot choose BOTH!
I choose Taew

Finish the sentence? Love is when ________.


I love the Beast! When he transformed into the human form he was super hot!

Who’s your favorite Disney princess?