Request : Khmer Song/Karaoke/Movies


sarNie Egg
Hi, i would like to request the theme song to the movie " Kong cha pka chuk" with the guy ice saranyu singing, thank you so much! :)


sarNie Egg
Hi I was wondering if anyone had the song to the lakorn Songkream Snaeh with Bee Nampthip in that airplane series. The song was song by a girl about "tirk pnaek oun hos kmean tngai bonchop na bross tlai..." something like that. It was played in the opening credits. Thanks!


sarNie Egg
Hi, i've been trying to find old JLR 1989 version with Likit and Savatree! dubbed in khmer that is. I'm dying to see this lakorn but no one seems to have a hold of it b/c it's so old, if anyone can help me with this one, i'd appreciate it soooo much!! thank you!!!


sarNie Adult
hey guys does chorn sovanreach has his own album or anything? i'm looking for his songs "awng vor preah" and "tee krong kmien mek." if it is already uploaded can u tell me which one cuz some of it don't have the title and singers so i can't tell which one.
Go to, his album vol 337 "Sovannareach collection".

I found all my favorite songs from him there.


sarNie Adult
hi can someone be soooo amazingly nice and upload a song call

klin jorb nesa

or klin - scent

jorb- stuck

nesa(ney sa)- thought

klin jorb nesa by hum sivon

im so sorry for the spelling errors

i heard it on the ray meas album if that helps

thanks you :]


Sorry...I don't think I posted in the right section but I just didn't want to make a new thread.
Anyway, I am looking for an English song but I completely forgot the name of the artists and the title of the song. But I remember there is also a Khmer version for that too but I also forgot that. The English song was sung by a 3 or 4 members group and it a female song. I think in the song the guy die cuz he got hit by a car. He didn't know he die and went to find his lover. He didn't know he was dead until he saw a newspaper report of his accident and he also saw the photo album that his lover make. Sorry that all I remember. Thanks :D


sarNie Adult
Does anyone have this song? I've been looking for it since forever..


sarNie Egg
Does anyone has the song by Meas sokphear called: Sour Tam Bong" "from BP vol. 105? thanks! im very appreciated muchoo!(;


sarNie Juvenile
does anyone know who sang the theme that was put into this movie


sarNie OldFart
suezie, I think it's by Nico from Mproduction or by someone else form Town Production. New Khmer singers all sounded the same, it's hard to tell.