sarNie Egg
Hi, i would like to request the theme song to the movie " Kong cha pka chuk" with the guy ice saranyu singing, thank you so much!
Go to, his album vol 337 "Sovannareach collection".hey guys does chorn sovanreach has his own album or anything? i'm looking for his songs "awng vor preah" and "tee krong kmien mek." if it is already uploaded can u tell me which one cuz some of it don't have the title and singers so i can't tell which one.
i like the melody too!hi everyone, anybody know where i can get an mp3 version of this song?
i don't care who sings it, i just like the melody
please help me!!
thank you
Wow... I'm late on this.. But My sister has it.. And it's the same singer too..hi everyone, anybody know where i can get an mp3 version of this song?
i don't care who sings it, i just like the melody
please help me!!
thank you