teedee said:no, it's not the same producers of A ya rak. but the plot is alikeabout jealousy between wives & daughters of the same man. but different would be i guess this one is about slaves involved because Joy's mom is a slave. i'm happy for Joy that she has continuous la korns to play and her roles are changing, not boring like some actress that keep playing the same roles. the audience get to see her in different type of la korns. refreshing. i can't wait to see this la korn. they should start filming soon because Sapai part time is done filming already i hope this la korn will air this year. i don't mind if Chakrit is pra aek now. he can act & he's still a young actor. they are the same age. which she doesn't really get to co-star with young famous actor that much. i haven't seen Joy play a period time la korn for awhile as well as Chakrit either. it would be a good change for them.
Thanks for the update...so Joy's mom is a slave right? Hmm...so I guess if I'm correct...her dad is gonna be like the owner or rich or something and Joy's gonna get mistreated and Chakrit is gonna play a part...also is it a generation lakorn...? Where are u going to read about this...I wanna know I'm a period lakorn freak...