he sort of have a point about the bread part.o__O i told my friend about this and he said,
"oh it doesn't really matter only the mid class and poor asians will be affected because the other race's eat bread <_< and the high class asians live the american lifestyle."
I wanted to smack his arse upside the head; =/ what a beeeeeeeeep`
ahhh... crazyyy. well.. i eat japanese sticky rice.. so is that gonna be affected in any way??accordding to the storees in my area they are still selling asian rice, but from thailand,cambodian, and etc. I saw them taking downt he rice from china and replacing it with thai rice, and our prices went from 14 to 45 >.O
ahhh... we asians... are officially doomed! <_<the cost of rice jumped about 50% from last month!! holy moly. they said its due to the rising cost of fuel and climate changes. its gotten so bad that people are stealing, which is unusual. the rising cost of rice isn't helping farmers either because fertilizer & rice seeds costs are also rising. i believe cambodia has banned "all private sector rice export", but thailand (which is the largest export of rice) has yet done that, but has cut back their rice export. on a side note, all grains in general are inflated.
i know! my neighbor came home with like 10 (50 lbs) bags of rice. i was like daaang, talk about preparing for food shortage. he said he got it for $37/bag and its expected to continue to climb. i wouldn't be surprised.also the fact that people buy rice by the BULK now.... and store it at home, it was on thai tv =)
i don't think its just sticky rice..its steam rice and all other grains. but you might be in good hands if your parents have a rice farm. hopefully they're not struggling with thieves like the farmers in thailand and such.That will be bad!!! Especially for my hubby cause he loves sticky rice. But maybe we are in luck cause his parents in Tenn. have a rice farm and they actually do get the rice and eat it, i've had some. Maybe we're in luck. That's all they eat, their rice that they grow there, they haven't bought rice in 2 or 3 years!
That would suck if they won't sell rice......I like steam rice so it's alright for me but it still sucks. Say it's not true